The Relationship between Literacy and Foundational Learning, Essential Skills and Skills for Success

The Relationship between Literacy and Foundational Learning, Essential Skills and Skills for Success

Interestingly, each of the Literacy and Foundational Learning programming areas listed in the CALP Guidelines line up with at least one of the nine Essential Skills. If you have not heard of Essential Skills, not to worry. Employment and Social Development Canada has identified nine basic skills needed in almost any job and in everyday life. The nine Essential Skills are: reading, document use, writing, numeracy, oral communication, digital technology, thinking, working with others and continuous learning.

Canada’s Skills for Success Framework (forthcoming – formerly Essential Skills Framework). Skills for Success are the foundational and social-emotional skills needed to succeed in today’s workplace. Foundational skills are those on which all other skills are built, such as reading, writing, numeracy, digital and problem solving. Social-emotional skills are those that are needed to adapt and succeed in a diverse and technology driven workforce and society, such as adaptability, collaboration, creativity and communication. Although these skills can overlap and interact, together, they influence a wide range of personal, professional and societal outcomes (CALP Guidelines 2020, p.9).

Here's a handy PDF to help you see the relationship between the CALP Guidelines, Essential Skills and Skills for Success:

chart outlining relationship between Literacy and Foundational Learning, Essential Skills and Skills for Successchart outlining relationship between Literacy and Foundational Learning, Essential Skills and Skills for Success
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