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CALP Connections: April 2017
Outstanding Contribution to Community Adult Learning Award, New e-Learning: Assessment for Learning and more...
Happy spring to all of you!
At this time of the year, rejuvenation stirs in us all. For me, enthusiasm for being a CALP coordinator seems to increase with each year that passes. So many possibilities, and not enough time in a year to explore them all!
We are in a new era in terms of our ability to serve with the Portal at our disposal, clarity in the guidelines, and grant managers who work so diligently to improve our system and communicate openly with us. We are better connected now, with the ability to provide a rich environment for inquiry and practice for us all. Incredibly, everything from development to inspiration is provided by each of you, and it is just a click away.
We grow and change throughout the years, but commitment to improving our communities remains the core of our collective effort. This strong backbone of commitment, splendidly demonstrated by all of you, positively impacts, our learners, our communities, our province and in turn, our country.
CALP staff, boards and partners, represent the epitome of inspiration, innovation, and dedication to our learning communities. Each of you are uniquely outstanding. Within the many responsibilities you work tirelessly to fulfill, lies an opportunity for any one of us to shine a bright light on someone we know. With so many pressing duties to be fulfilled, taking the time to recognize others is easily neglected.
Each year, the CLN recognizes people in our system who provide an outstanding contribution. I know that encompasses each of you. Take the time, right now, to nominate an individual or a group who you know deserves this recognition. Click here to review the award guidelines and download the nomination form.
Enjoy the month of April and give thanks to be a part of the most dynamic organization in the province. I am honoured to be among you.
Karen Plourde Vice-Chair, CLN Board
Outstanding Contribution to Community Adult Learning Award
Each year, the CLN Board of Directors recognizes the achievements and dedication to community-based adult learning by presenting the Outstanding Contribution to Community Adult Learning Award at the Literacy and Learning Symposium.
The award is open to CALP organizations, employees and board members. If you know of a CALP who has been exceptional throughout the 2016-17 year, please let us know about them by submitting a nomination.
You can find the Award guidelines and the nomination package by logging into your CALP Portal account and going to the Documents section in the All Member and Partners Group.
Nominations will be accepted until August 29th, 2017.
New e-Learning: Assessment for Learning
Assessment can cause anxiety for some learners (and CALP staff too!) but the truth of the matter is assessment is simply a process of gathering information about a learner. The purpose of gathering the information is to co-create a successful learning experience with and for that learner.
To help CALP staff navigate the variety of assessment tools, techniques and methods that are available, CLN has created a new microlearning workshop called Assessment for Learning.

This workshop includes interviews with experienced CALP staff from a variety of different programs, some plain language tips and tricks to help get you started if you are new to assessment, as well as a detailed list of available assessments with recommendations for when or where you might consider using them.
To access this great new resource, simply log in to your CALP Portal account, and click on the e-Learning tab.

Happy learning!
Pearls of Wisdom from the Field

I think my biggest learning so far as a facilitator is that you need to work to become a member of the community you are working in. As those connections and relationships are fostered, the opportunities that present themselves as a result can be life changing for your students and the community. Get out there and meet the people that make the community work, so you can eventually become one of those people too!
Veronica Doleman Facilitator, Community Adult Learning Program Gregoire Lake Learning Centre Keyano College
Recognition for Read On's Innovative Partnerships
Congratulations to Read On!
The Lethbridge Public Library Read On Literacy Services won first place in the READ awards presented at the Southern Alberta Library Conference in March.
The READ Awards recognize innovation and excellence in library service in the Region that have implemented or participated in programs and services that benefit their community or region, and that are future-focused or innovative.
The award was for the Read On – First Nations, Metis, and Inuit (FNMI) Partnership Programs - “Capturing Our Power by Reading”, partnered with the University of Lethbridge, School District #5 ; “ Akiitsini'koip – We Will Tell Stories” –(Partner: Red Crow Community College Satellite Campus); and Blackfoot Culture & Language Program –(Partner: Kainaiwa Children’s Services).

2017 READ Awards Presenters & Recipients (left to right)
Robin Hepher – CEO, Chinook Arch Regional Library System; Marie Logan – Chair, Marketing/Communications Committee, Chinook Arch Regional Library System Board; Kay Cahoon – Manager, Milk River Municipal Library; Terra Plato – CEO, Lethbridge Public Library; Lil Radley – Coordinator, Literacy Services, Lethbridge Public Library; Heather Martin-Detka – Manager, Taber Public Library; Gloria McGowan – Manager, Nanton Thelma Fanning Library
We love to share your successes! If your CALP has been nominated or received an award or other recognition, and you want to spread the news, just send us an email with the details at
National Volunteer Week - April 23-29
Volunteers are a key part of the Community Adult Learning Program. Each year, volunteers across Alberta contribute more than 110,000 hours to support adult learning and literacy!
National Volunteer Week is a wonderful time to recognize the people in your community who support your CALP.

Volunteer Canada has some great ideas for volunteer recognition that you can find online at
You can also find more information and ideas from Volunteer Alberta, along with a lovely video they launched last year, Vibrant Communities and You. The video shares the story of the transformative power of volunteerism and the value of the nonprofit sector in Alberta.
Council of the Federation Literacy Award - DEADLINE
The Council of the Federation Literacy Award was created in 2004 by Canada's Premiers to recognize literacy achievements in every province and territory. The award recognizes outstanding achievement, innovative practice, and excellence in literacy.
Alberta has celebrated the achievements of learners and educators in the areas of community, family, Indigenous, and workplace literacy. This year Alberta will continue to honour the hard work and commitment of a community organization that is helping adults to acquire and build on the foundational learning skills they need to be future-ready.
Alberta is full of outstanding community literacy organizations. Help us celebrate and recognize the work and leadership of an organization by completing and submitting a nomination package.
Nominations close April 18, 2017.
The award will be presented at the Awards Banquet at the Literacy and Learning Symposium on Thursday, September 28th in Edmonton.
Past winners include Blue Quills Literacy Centre at University nuhelot’įne thaiyots’į nistameyimâkanak Blue Quills, Taber and District Community Adult Learning Association and Calgary Immigrant Women's Association.
You can learn more about the great work these organizations are doing by going to
Quote of the Day
Most great learning happens in groups. Collaboration is the stuff of growth.
- Ken Robinson
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Community Learning Network
c/o University of Alberta - SCSC - South Campus
2-211, 11610 – 65 AVE NW Edmonton, AB T6G 2E1
P: 1-877-485-4926
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