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My beliefs, values, and philosophies are strong, real, and community-driven. I am passionate for lifelong learning, building capacity within groups and individuals and community development in rural Alberta.
As Executive Director of the Hanna Learning Centre, I bring an enthusiasm and commitment to my chosen career pathway and adventure. My team leadership style brings an innovative perspective to the successful multi-program organization offering learning, literacy, career and employment, connecting community, small business and voluntary sector services. I play a regional convening role in citizen engagement, organizational development, and community capacity building. For the last 23 years I have had the opportunity and pleasure to work and volunteer in the government, private and not for profit sectors, as a business owner, board director, municipal councilor, employee and community leader.
My tenure on the CLN Board continues to be beneficial in building and expanding my networks professionally and personally. The experiences and knowledge gained have been of added value to our organization and community. The opportunity to share my passion, skill sets and develop new skills are rewarding. I appreciate learning about and understanding the CALP system through a variety of lenses. One of the greatest benefits to serving on the CLN Board is engaging with amazing people, who empower others.
If you are interested in exploring what you could bring to the CLN Board, and what you could gain from serving, be sure to check out the Nomination Package below. We are currently accepting applications and nominations to the CLN Board of Directors for the 2018-19 term.
Doray Veno, Vice Chair CLN Board of Directors
CLN Board Nominations
The CLN Board is currently recruiting Community Adult Learning Program Staff and/or Board Members to join our team.
We’re looking for individuals who will bring their passion and their skills to the CLN Board, and help advance our vision, where
“Community Adult Learning Programs are the hub for adult learning in every community.”
If you are interested in learning more, please see the CLN Board Recruitment package on the CALP Portal (member login required) or email
The CLN Membership will elect our Board for 2018-19 at our Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, September 25th at the Literacy and Learning Symposium 2018.
New this Year! Poster Presentation at Symposium
Did you know that the Literacy and Learning Symposium Social is one of the premiere networking opportunities at the Symposium?
This year, we are offering a new way for you to make connections and showcase the great things happening at your CALP as part of the Symposium Social on Tuesday, September 25, from 4:30 to 6:30 pm.
Poster Presentation Opportunity
The Symposium planning committee would like to invite CALPs to create poster presentations to be displayed during the social.
Strategically placed where people come to connect and socialize, posters can provide a different kind of learning and networking space that is enjoyed by Symposium delegates.
We think the Literacy and Learning Symposium is a great place to show your skills in aligning excellent programs and projects with vibrant visual presentation! This is a skill worthy of acknowledgement, so the Social will also include the chance for Symposium delegates to view and vote on a "People's Choice Award" for best poster presentation!
Poster Presentation Size & Format
- The hard copy posters will be displayed on easels, provided by the Symposium planning committee
- Based on the display space, the maximum size for posters will be 48” w x 36” h (such as a standard trifold poster board) and the minimum size is 20” w x 30” h (standard poster board)
- Posters must be mounted on sturdy material (such as a poster board or foam core)
- Photocopying and materials to make the poster will be the presenter's responsibility
- CALPs may also choose to bring their organization's stand-up banner to display
If you are interested in showcasing your CALP at the Symposium, watch the Portal poster for the presentation guidelines and application form - coming soon!
Call for Nominations: Outstanding Contribution to Community Adult Learning Award

Each year, the CLN Board of Directors recognizes the achievements and dedication to community-based adult learning by presenting the Outstanding Contribution to Community Adult Learning Award at the Literacy and Learning Symposium.
The award is open to CALP organizations, employees and board members. If you know of a CALP who has been exceptional throughout the 2017-18 year, please submit a nomination.
You can find the Award guidelines and the nomination package by logging into your CALP Portal account and going to the Documents section in the All Member and Partners Group.
Nominations will be accepted until August 27, 2018.
Pictured: Mary Davis (R) receiving the Outstanding Contribution to Community Adult Learning Award with Brenda Barritt (L) at the Literacy and Learning Symposium 2017.
Reminder: 2018 Council of the Federation Literacy Award Nominations are Open!
Just a reminder the 2018 call for nominations is now open!
The Council of the Federation Literacy Award was created in 2004 by Canada's Premiers to recognize literacy achievements in every province and territory. The award recognizes outstanding achievement, innovative practice, and excellence in literacy.
Alberta has celebrated the achievements of learners and educators in the areas of community, family, Indigenous, and workplace literacy. This year Alberta will continue to honour the hard work and commitment of a community organization that is helping adults to acquire and build on the foundational learning skills they need to improve their lives.
Help us celebrate and recognize the work and leadership of a community literacy organization by completing and submitting a nomination package. For more information, see the Frequently Asked Questions or visit the Council of the Federation.
Nominations close May 18, 2018.
Great-West Life, London Life and Canada Life Literacy Innovation Award (LIA)
Submissions are now being accepted for the Great-West Life, London Life and Canada Life Literacy Innovation Award (LIA)!
The LIA recognizes innovative adult literacy programs at community organizations around the country. Each year, one top winner receives $20,000 and four honourable mentions winners are awarded $5,000 each for their programs.
Last year, Calgary Immigrant Women's Association from Calgary won an Honourable Mention, receiving $5,000. Please visit to read about past winners and to find the submission guidelines.
You can also sign up for an upcoming LIA information webinar on April 25, 2018 (1:00 pm - 2:00 pm EDT). You can learn more about how to apply for the award, eligibility and how to prepare a strong application. This is a great opportunity to ask your questions.
National Volunteer Week - April 15-21, 2018
This year’s National Volunteer Week theme, provided by Volunteer Canada, is "Celebrate the value of volunteering". National Volunteer Week (NVW) is a great way to appreciate your volunteers and show them just how invaluable they are to the Community Adult Learning Program.
The NVW 2018 Campaign Kit is full of tips, templates and planning tools to help you plan an awesome NVW event.
You can also find more information and ideas from Volunteer Alberta, along with a lovely video they launched last year, Vibrant Communities and You. The video shares the story of the transformative power of volunteerism and the value of the nonprofit sector in Alberta.
Reminder: Spring Regional Meetings - Save the Dates!
Just a reminder to register for the upcoming Spring Regional Meetings. 
Regional Meetings are an excellent opportunity for CALP staff, Boards, and regional partners to come together to share and learn from one another.
Registration for Regional Meetings will be posted on the CALP Portal "Trainings and Events" calendar. Please keep an eye out on your CALP Portal Summary emails - registration is usually posted about a month before your regional meeting. In the meantime be sure to save the date!
South - April 10, Lethbridge. Registration is now closed.
West Central (Rural) - April 17 &18, Drayton Valley. Click here to register. Deadline to RSVP is April 6, 2018.
North - April 26, Grande Prairie. Click here to register. Deadline to RSVP is April 17, 2018.
Central - May 1, Big Valley. Click here to register. Deadline to RSVP is April 24, 2018.
East Central - May 10, St. Paul. Click here to register. Deadline to register is May 3, 2018.
Quote of the Day
“An obstacle is often a stepping stone.”
– William Prescott
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Community Learning Network
c/o University of Alberta - SCSC - South Campus
2-211, 11610 – 65 AVE NW Edmonton, AB T6G 2E1
P: 1-877-485-4926
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