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Presenting the 2017 - 2018 CLN Board of Directors
Thank you to everyone who joined us for our 30th Annual General Meeting at the DoubleTree by Hilton in Edmonton on September 27th.
This year, there were no new Board members elected, as the current Board were all eligible to either continue their current term, or stand for a new two-year term. Following the AGM, the CLN Board of Directors met to select the Executive positions on the Board. We are pleased to share with you the CLN Board of Directors for the 2017-18 year.

Back (left to right): Doray Veno, Karen Plourde, Jana Thomson, Lil Radley
Front (left to right): Jackie Peterson, Brenda Adams, Lois Polege
CLN Executive and Directors
Karen Plourde, Chair Slave Lake Adult Education Committee
Doray Veno, Vice Chair Hanna Learning Centre
Jackie Peterson, Treasurer Newell Further Education
Lil Radley, Secretary Read On Adult Literacy Program (Lethbridge Public Library)
Brenda Adams, Director Tri-Community Adult Learning Association (Tri-CALA)
Lois Polege, Director Flagstaff Community Adult Learning
Jana Thomson, Director Rocky Learning Centre
If you'd like to get to know any of the Board a little bit better, you can always go to the "About Us" section of the CALP Portal at
Have Your Say! CALP Measurement and Evaluation Framework Review
The CLN is looking for CALP staff from across the province to provide input and feedback on the current CALP Logic Model, indicators and measures. As part of a review we are leading this fall, we will be hosting a focus group in Edmonton on Wednesday, November 8th.
We want to hear from those CALP staff who are directly involved with the collection of measures, and are familiar with the outcomes and indicators in the CALP Logic Model.
Three CALP staff from different programs in each region will be invited to take part in the focus group.
Selected individuals must be willing to participate in person on November 8th from 9:30am to 4:00 pm in Edmonton. You will also be asked to complete an online survey about the CALP Logic Model and Evaluation Framework prior to the session. Attendees will be reimbursed for expenses related to travel, meals and accommodation.
If you are interested and available to participate in the workshop in Edmonton, please submit the Expression of Interest form at
The CLN office will select CALP representatives and confirm attendance by Tuesday, October 10th.
For those who are unable to attend the face-to-face session in Edmonton, an online survey will be distributed provincially, so that any CALP stakeholder who would like to share their perspective can participate in the process. We will also hold an interactive online session in late November, where we will share initial feedback we have received, and provide another opportunity for you to have your say.
Celebrating Outstanding Contributions in Literacy and Learning
In conjunction with last week's Symposium in Edmonton, over 225 people came together to celebrate the accomplishments of literacy and learning practitioners at our annual Awards Banquet.
We were delighted to have the Honourable Marlin Schmidt, Minister of Alberta Advanced Education in attendance to present the prestigious Council of the Federation Literacy Award to Lethbridge Public Library's Read On Adult Literacy Program. Lil Radley, Literacy Services Coordinator (and CLN Board Secretary) accepted the award on behalf of the whole team at Read On.

Lil Radley and Minister Marlin Schmidt
The CLN Board also presented two "Outstanding Contribution to Community Adult Learning" Awards this year.
Mary Davis, from Stettler Adult Learning was recognized for her work supporting learners as a tutor, instructor and even as the developer of a course designed to help learners prepare for their Class 7 Driver's test, using the Clear Language Driver's Guide that was developed by Literacy Alberta.

Brenda Barritt, Executive Director for Stettler Adult Learning presents the award to Mary Davis.
For the first time in our organization's history, the Outstanding Contribution Award was also presented to two organizations for the innovative way they collaborated to increase both organizations' impact and capacity to serve learners. VegMin Learning Society and Smoky Lake County Community Learning Council were able to share instructors, and reach learners served by both organizations through their use of technology to extend their instructor's reach.

Holly Cependa, VegMin Learning Society, and Christine Hominiuk, Smoky Lake County Community Learning Council
The Centre for Family Literacy also presented the Ruth Hayden Memorial Family Literacy Practitioners Award at the Banquet. This year, Sue Stegmeier from the Literacy for Life Foundation received the award in recognition of her long dedication to family literacy and learners.
 Sue Stegmeier, Literacy for Life
In addition to the presentation of the Literacy and Learning Awards, the evening featured an inspiring adult learner speaker, Annette Gaudet, who shared her journey and her learning with Project Adult Literacy Society (P.A.L.S.), based in Edmonton.
It was also wonderful to have Annette's family with us to share the celebration and recognition of her accomplishments.
 Annette Gaudet
We are already looking forward to next year, and hope you are too!
New Initiative from CLN to Support New CALP Staff
We know it may seem overwhelming in the first few months on the job as CALP staff. The CLN's Regional Support Staff have been looking for new ways to help make that first year a little easier, and to help new staff build their own communities of practice and support networks.
That's why this fall we have launched a new group on the CALP Portal. If you are in your first year (or so) with your CALP, your CALP Portal account now includes access to a "New CALP Staff" group that you can find in the "My Groups" section of your personalized CALP Portal Dashboard.
In addition to creating this online space for you to connect through discussions or sharing of documents and resources, the RSS will also be hosting two webinars coming up in November.
These webinars are an opportunity for those who are new in their CALP staff positions to connect with one another, ask questions and share your early experiences on the job. If you are brand new in your role, and still looking to get the lay of the land, please join us to connect with your colleagues from across the province.
On November 14th, Regional Support Staff Val Rathjen and Cheryl Lovstrom will facilitate a live online sharing session for New CALP Staff.
This session is intended for CALP staff who started in their position within the last few months. For those who have been in their positions a little bit longer, please join us at the "Rookie" CALP staff webinar on November 15th at 10:00 am.
On November 15th, CLN Regional Support Staff Tanis Harms and Emily Robinson Leclair will facilitate another session for "Rookie" CALP staff.
This session is for staff who are still in their first year with their organization and have a bit more experience under the belt. For instance - they may have completed a CALP Grant Application or Final Report, or are just feeling more confident and comfortable in their position.
Both these events are now open for registration on the CALP Portal.
Note: You must be part of the "New CALP Staff" group to access and register for these sessions. If you do not have access to the group, but feel you would benefit from being a part of this cohort, please connect with your RSS to learn more about this initiative.
CLN's 2016 - 17 Annual Report
Following our Annual General Meeting last week, CLN hosted a Social to celebrate our 30th Anniversary. Part of the evening's program included the unveiling of our 2016 -17 Annual Report.
Over the summer months, we visited with CALP staff to capture their thoughts on CLN's work to support them, not only over the past year, but also over our 30-year history.
If you were unable to join us, please take a few minutes to watch our first ever video Annual Report. We hope you enjoy! Click the image below to launch our Annual Report.

2017 CALP Wages and Salary Survey
Last spring, as part of our membership renewal process, CLN conducted a survey on wages and pay for CALP staff across the province. The survey was conducted anonymously, through a third party survey platform, and the data has now been rolled up into a summary document.
Approximately 50 CALPs completed the survey. While some regions had far fewer respondents than others, we have created a provincial summary, as well as summaries for each region.
The survey included questions about the following:
- CALP staff pay
- Facilitator / Instructor pay
- Prep Time and Mileage
- Other benefits
You can access the results on the CALP Portal HERE or search the key word "wage" in the resources section of the Portal.
Note: You must log in with a CALP Portal account to access this document.
Symposium Event Evaluation
And so, we have one more Literacy & Learning Symposium wrapped up, but the CLN team is already thinking about next year's event.
We thank everyone who took the time to complete the blue event evaluation form before they headed home from the Symposium, but we'd like to invite any other feedback you may have to inform our planning.
If you did not have the time or opportunity to complete the "overall" evaluation form, please CLICK HERE to download a copy. You can complete the form and return it to the CLN by fax at 1-877-326-8126, or scan and email to
Please return completed evaluation forms to the CLN by Monday, October 16th.
Of course, you are always welcome to contact any CLN staff directly if you would like to provide more detailed thoughts on the event, or suggestions for future events.
We look forward to seeing you all again in Edmonton next September!
ABC Life Literacy Launches UP Skills for Work
Last month, ABC Life Literacy launched their new resource designed to help you help learners develop the "soft skills" that employers are looking for.
UP Skills will support learners to improve in key employability areas, including:
- Motivation - Wanting to do something. It can also mean wanting to do something really well.
- Attitude - How you show your thoughts or feelings through your words and actions.
- Accountability - Owning your actions, both the good and the bad.
- Presentation - How you look and sound to other people.
- Teamwork - Working well with other people. It’s also about treating people kindly.
- Time Management - Making decisions about how you spend your time.
- Adaptability - How you react to change.
- Stress Management - How you let stress affect your work, life and relationships.
- Confidence - Believing in yourself—in what you can do now, and in what you can learn to do tomorrow.
There are currently 3 workbooks available to download from (Motivation, Attitude and Accountability), with plans to introduce 3 additional topics each year.
You can also sign up to host an UP Skills workshop in your own community, and ABC Life Literacy will provide materials and supports to you free of charge. Learn more about hosting a workshop at
To learn more about this project, visit
Quote of the Day
October is the fallen leaf, but it is also a wider horizon more clearly seen. It is the distant hills once more in sight, and the enduring constellations above them once again.
- Harold "Hal" Glen Borland
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Community Learning Network
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P: 1-877-485-4926
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