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CALP Connections: September 2020
Literacy and Learning Symposium 2020 (Virtual) - Chime Live, Attendee Packages, Attendee Survival Guide, Registration Reminder and Symposium Virtual Orientation, Notice of Community Learning Network's Virtual Annual General Meeting and more...
Who would have ever believed time would fly during a pandemic? Well it sure did! Welcome Back!
I’m quite sure that many of you have hit the ground running. (Final Reports submitted, Fall Programming planned…Programs started…Registering for our Virtual Symposium...connecting with colleagues and learners…..) I hope you shared some peaceful time, with family and friends because you deserve it. The opportunity to refuel is a key component to doing the meaningful work in your programs and communities.
While many CALPs are just returning to the office, the CLN Team has been busy over the summer months with several activities including converting our annual Learning and Literacy Symposium from in person to virtual professional development and networking opportunity! Registration deadline is Wednesday, September 16, 2020.
With all the additional time everyone has been and will be spending online, I leave you with these tips borrowed from the below U of A article, How to Handle Digital Overload.
- Take breaks away from the screen
- Keep it short
- Be animated
- Don’t be a distraction
- Avoid multitasking during meetings
See you at our CLN Annual General Meeting and the 2020 Learning and Literacy Symposium (Virtual) September 29th to October 2nd!
Stay well!
Doray Veno Executive Director, Hanna & District Association for Lifelong Learning Chair, Community Learning Network
Literacy and Learning Symposium 2020 (Virtual) - Chime Live, Attendee Packages, Attendee Survival Guide, Registration Reminder and Symposium Virtual Orientation
Can you believe it’s September and our first ever virtual Literacy and Learning Symposium 2020 is coming up so quickly? The CLN Board and Staff are excited to be your hosts for this annual professional development event and we look forward to hosting approximately 300 people virtually from across Alberta.
This year our theme for the Symposium is “Lenses on Learning”. When we selected the theme for this year back in January we couldn’t have even imagined the lenses through which we would be seeing our CALP system shift, pivot and change – isn’t it remarkable what we thought might see and what we are seeing?
Introducing our Customized “Chime Live” Virtual Platform
One of the many new experiences this year at Symposium is the new virtual event platform we will be using called Chime Live.
Each attendee will be given access to our Chime Live virtual event platform, which will provide all the information, activities and entertainment that you will need for a great virtual Symposium experience. Our customized virtual platform will have schedules of daily events, a Main Stage for livestream events, such as the CLN AGM, the Opening, Awards, and Closing Ceremonies, the keynote presentations and more. This is also where you will find links to the Zoom breakout sessions based on your personal agendas.
You will be given access to the virtual platform via your email and a pre-set password, which will be sent to you. Note: Your password to access the event will be automatically generated, and will NOT be the same as your CALP Portal password. There will also be engagement features built into the virtual platform for networking opportunities.
Be on the lookout for more information coming to you soon!
Attendee Packages
All attendees will receive an attendee package in the mail (Canada Post). Please be on the lookout for it after September 18th!
Attendee Survival Guide
Check out our Symposium Attendee Survival Guide for pro tips about attending this year’s virtual Symposium. Click here.
Symposium Virtual Orientation
As the Literacy and Learning Symposium prepares to go virtual for the first time, CLN is excited to provide an optional ‘Symposium Virtual Orientation’. Join CLN staff online to maximize your “virtual” Symposium experience with a brief orientation to the online conference platform, and an overview of the basics of Zoom. Orientation sessions will be approximately 30 minutes in length, and are offered a number of times in the week before we go ‘live online’.
If you would like to join us for this Virtual Orientation, go to the Symposium Virtual Orientation on the CALP Portal Trainings and Events and select the session you plan to attend:
- September 23 - 11:30 a.m.
- September 23 - 2:00 p.m.
- September 24 - 9:30 a.m.
- September 24 - 1:00 p.m.
Registration Reminder
Thank you to everyone that’s already registered for this year’s Symposium! The registration deadline is coming quickly! Please register online here no later than Wednesday, September 16th!
The Literacy & Learning Symposium 2020 (Virtual) will be a great time to explore and discover our “Lenses on Learning” – We look forward to seeing you online!
Notice of Community Learning Network's Virtual Annual General Meeting
The Community Learning Network Board of Directors invite you to attend our 33rd Annual General Meeting virtually, which will be hosted in conjunction with the annual Literacy & Learning Symposium, which will take place from September 29th to October 2nd, 2020.
Tuesday, September 29th, 2020
11:15 am – 12:00 pm
Online via Zoom
Important Information About our AGM
- All organizations funded directly through the Government of Alberta's Community Adult Learning Program Grant are eligible to be member organizations of the Community Learning Network. There are no dues or fees associated with CLN membership.
- For your CALP to be considered a Member in Good Standing, your organization must be funded directly through the Government of Alberta's Community Adult Learning Program Grant as of July 1st, 2020, and must have had a representative complete CLN's membership renewal survey.
- If you are not sure if the membership renewal has been completed, or you have any additional questions, please contact the CLN at 1-877-485-4926 or email
- Each member organization in good standing is entitled to one vote on matters that are put before the membership. Under CLN's bylaws, voting privileges are granted to member organizations, not to individuals.
- If more than one person from your CALP will be in attendance, please delegate one person to act on behalf of the organization for the purposes of voting.
Important Notes About the “Virtual” Format of our AGM:
- When you join the online AGM, voting delegates will be asked to identify themselves through the use of the chat box. Further details will be provided when you log in
- Please ensure only one person from each member organization votes
- Votes will take place using the “polling” feature in Zoom
- An online moderator will monitor the chat box throughout the meeting, to ensure that members still have the opportunity to ask questions “from the floor”
AGM Package
Each CALP should receive the AGM package by direct email sent to the primary contact person we have listed in our membership records. If you did not receive this email on September 3rd, please contact the CLN at
The following documents are also available on the CALP Portal for members to review prior to the Annual General Meeting:
- Meeting Agenda
- AGM Minutes (September 2019)
- Audited Financial Statements (2019-2020)
- Operational Budget (2020-2021)
- Nominees for the CLN 2020-2021 Board of Directors
Connections Cafés are Back!
Whether around a virtual water cooler, break room or Kookum’s kitchen, team CLN is eager to connect with CALP staff in their regions. We call them Connections Cafés and they are opportunities for CALP staff to engage with their peers in conversation. Grab a coffee, bring your lunch, pop by for five minutes to say ‘hi’ or settle in for a full hour.
Connections Café Principles: Whoever comes are the right people… Whenever you arrive is the right time… Whatever happens is the only thing that could have happened… When it’s over – it’s over!
We look forward to having you join us:
Please visit the CALP Portal Training and Events calendar to see more dates and to register for upcoming Connections Cafés in your region.
Update on Psychological First Aid Training
We are excited to announce that registration for Psychological First Aid will be opening soon for Grande Prairie (October 27 & 28), Hanna (November 26 & 27) and currently we are working on finalizing dates for Edmonton (October 20 &21) and Calgary (December). Please keep an eye out on the Portal for when these trainings are available for registration.
Psychological First Aid is a two-day, face-to-face training that touches on the following topics:
- Stress, Distress
- Loss and Grief
- Trauma
- Vulnerable Populations
- Supportive Communication
- Resiliency and Protective Factors
- Self-Care
With trainers from the CALP system delivering this curriculum, we know you will find many connections to the work you do, and to use the skills and knowledge you gain from the training in your role in CALP.
If you would like to host a Psychological First Aid training in your area in the winter or spring please contact Lisa Dickner at
Strengthening Literacy Practices Project Cohort #2
Would you like to be part of a project that will help you develop your own knowledge and skills for delivering adult literacy programming? Would you like to feel more confident as a literacy practitioner? Maybe you do literacy work but feel you need to know more before you’d call yourself a literacy practitioner.
Well you are in luck! CLN is looking for a small cohort of CALP practitioners (staff, literacy instructors and facilitators) with some literacy experience and work directly with literacy learners to participate in this 8-month blended learning program. This is the second year for this training. We learned lots from the first cohort and and are very excited to invite more people to join us on this learning journey.!
As a participant in this project, you will:
- explore existing adult literacy research and resources
- reflect on and share what you learn with the cohort
- apply your learning to the ways you work with adult literacy learners
- provide feedback to the project to help us design and refine literacy practitioner training for CALP
As a participant in this learning program, you can expect:
- to expand your professional knowledge and practice to work with literacy learners
- a collaborative and supportive learning environment
- compensation for your commitment to the learning and to informing the project
- your expenses to attend face-to-face training will be covered (if applicable)
Watch the CALP Portal in the coming weeks for further details on the project. For information on Strengthening Literacy Practices Project contact Corrie Rhyasen Erdman at (780) 968-2868 or
Holding Safer Spaces Update
Due to the cancellation of the in-person Symposium, we will be moving the Fall pilot of the "Holding Safer Spaces" program to be completely delivered through distance learning/online and we only have a few more spots available in this cohort!
Holding Space, as defined by Heather Plett, is “Being willing to walk alongside another person in whatever journey they are on without judging them, making them feel inadequate, trying to fix them, or trying to impact the outcome.” In our field, we do this daily with the adults who come to us to explore and take next steps in their own learning and life journeys. Many of us intuitively know that this is the best approach, however I like to say these are muscles that we need to continuously exercise and work to improve in order to continue to be our best as we hold space for others. Do note, that while the goal and application of these skills is professional for our work with CALP, the process is personal and requires a readiness for self-reflection.
The program consists of:
- Eleven weeks of self-study, practice, and online peer-dialogue and coaching to support exploration, integration, and application.
- Each week we will provide you with a series of readings that may include links to supplementary videos as well as reflection prompts and activities. Depending on your learning style and processing of the content, each week requires somewhere between 2-3 hours of reading/listening/reflecting. The activities are all optional and are meant to provide you with different ways of processing and interacting with the content.
- There is a weekly, online call that is 1.5 hours long. The goal of the call is to provide further context to the week's topics through discussion and dialogue as a group, these are not online lectures from a single teacher. Calls are currently scheduled for Fridays at 1:00 - 2:30 pm via Zoom starting on October 9th and ending on December 18th, 2020.
- There is the opportunity to be matched with a program buddy to connect with and share learning with, if you are interested in this as a learning support.
- The teaching team are also available during the program for 1:1 coaching calls to support your learning.
Find out more here:
And feel free to reach out to Brenda Barritt, project lead, at
Happy International Literacy Day 2020!
The 8th of September was proclaimed International Literacy Day (ILD) by UNESCO in 1966 to remind the international community of the importance of literacy for individuals, communities and societies, and the need for intensified efforts towards more literate societies. Since then ILD celebrations have taken place annually around the world. According to UNESCO despite these events, literacy challenges persist with at least 773 million adults worldwide lacking basic literacy skills today.
International Literacy Day 2020 focuses on “Literacy teaching and learning in the COVID-19 crisis and beyond,” especially on the role of educators and changing pedagogies. The theme highlights literacy learning in a lifelong learning perspective, and therefore, mainly focuses on youth and adults. The recent Covid-19 crisis has been a stark reminder of the existing gap between policy discourse and reality: a gap that already existed in the pre-COVID-19 era and negatively affects the learning of youth and adults, who have no or low literacy skills, and therefore, tend to face multiple disadvantages. During COVID-19, in many countries, adult literacy programs were absent in the initial education response plans, so most adult literacy programs that did exist were suspended, with just a few courses continuing virtually, through TV and radio, or in open air spaces.
To see a list of ILD celebrations around the world and to access more resources visit the UNESCO site.
"Inspiration comes from within yourself. One has to be positive. When you're positive, good things happen."
– Deep Roy
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Community Learning Network
c/o University of Alberta - SCSC - South Campus
2-211, 11610 – 65 AVE NW Edmonton, AB T6G 2E1
P: 1-877-485-4926
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