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Happy Summer from Team CLN!

From the CLN Board and Staff, thank you to all our members and partners for contributing so much to the 2015-16 CALP year!
We hope, whether your program closes over the summer months or not, that you will all have the opportunity for some well-earned rest and relaxation in the weeks ahead.
A Note from Lisa
As many of you know, we’re part way through collecting feedback about the “year that was” and our thanks to everyone who has already had an opportunity to share their thoughts and learnings from the past year. I reach out to everyone else and encourage you to take a few moments to complete our annual member survey so that we can add your voice and ensure that we are meeting needs and supporting you, our members.
As we continue our years of transition – there is more fun to come! Look forward to an expanded support team (our new Training Manager, Terri Peters) and new South Region Support Staff, Emily Robinson Leclair. Later in the fall we will also be hiring another staff member to provide support in the areas of event management and coordination (provincial and regional). More details to come!
We’re also going to be reaching out to the system’s more experienced CALP staff members in the fall, and are currently working on an opportunity to bring them together in Edmonton for a day to explore their professional learning needs. We’re continuing to work diligently on four new microlearning workshops (Financial Management, Learner Support Services, Learner Intake and Assessment and Essential Skills) which will be ready for the start of 2017. By August we’ll also have a complete suite of face-to-face workshops which will be available by region, based on need and interest.
As we usher out this fiscal year, my thanks to all for all you do to support your learners and communities. We look forward to bringing you more professional learning opportunities to meet your needs in the year to come!
Happy Summer!
Lisa & Team CLN
CLN Membership Renewal and Annual Survey: DEADLINE June 30th
2015 – 16 saw some big changes in the way professional development, training and regional supports are designed and delivered to Community Adult Learning Program. The Community Learning Network has worked hard all year to support our members, partners and system stakeholders through these transitions, but now we’d like to hear from you!
CLN Member Services Survey
The Community Learning Network Board and Staff would like to ask you to take 5 to 15 minutes to let us know what you think about how we have done over the past year. We’d also like to invite you to give your suggestions and input to help shape our planning for the year ahead. All CALP staff and board members are invited to participate in this survey. If there are CALP staff within your organization who have not received this message, please feel free to share it and invite them to participate.
CLN Membership Renewal
We are also completing CLN Membership Renewal for 2016 – 17.
All literacy and learning organizations funded through the Community Adult Learning Program are members of our association. There are no fees or dues associated with membership, but there are many benefits. CLN members have access to customized mentoring and support through our Regional Support Staff, subsidized professional development and training opportunities, system communications and access to our online Community of Practice, the CALP Portal ( – your one-stop-shop for all things CALP!
Our membership renewal will enable us to serve you better. The Membership Renewal process includes confirming the details you would like shared publically through the CALP Directory, as well as contact information for CALP staff and/or board members who would like to be included in CLN communications and activities. We are also asking for some information about the programs and services your CALP offers, to inform our planning for professional development, training and supports that will best help you meet the needs of adult learners in your communities.
Please have one staff member complete the CLN Membership Renewal and CALP Staff and Board Contact Information sections of this survey to update your membership information. Over the summer months, the CLN will be doing a comprehensive review and update of all our public and internal contacts and communications based on the information you provide.
The deadline to submit your membership renewal is Thursday, June 30th, 2016. Membership certificates will be mailed out upon receipt of the completed Membership Renewal form.
CLICK HERE to complete the survey
CLN Welcomes Emily Robinson Leclair to the Regional Support Staff
As many of you know, Terri Peters, who has served Southern Alberta as CLN's Regional Support Staff for the last year, will be taking on a new role with the CLN as the provincial Training Manager. As Terri moves into her new role, we are delighted to introduce you to Emily Robinson Leclair, who will be taking on the RSS role starting August 1st.
Meet Emily - Your new Regional Support Staff, Southern Alberta
I have long been an advocate for literacy and learning. In 1999, I strapped on a backpack filled with picture books and finger-puppets and made my way across the city to deliver family storytimes at Calgary Public Library locations. Fast forward seventeen years and my professional portfolio includes a well-rounded understanding of adult literacy and learning, family literacy, tutor training and English language learning. For almost ten years I coordinated the Library’s volunteer adult literacy program. It was this program that ignited my passion for adult foundational learners. I welcome the opportunity to share my knowledge to successfully support learners as they improve their essential skills and literacy.
Raised in the Elk Valley the nearest Alberta municipality to my hometown is the Crowsnest Pass. As a result, I have a fondness and familiarity with many of the communities that belong to the Regional Support South Network. I look forward to building relationships with these Community Adult Learning Programs – have backpack, will travel!
New Financial Literacy Training Partnership with Momentum
We are excited to be entering into a new partnership with Momentum, a Calgary-based non-profit organization that offers Financial Literacy Training. Through this partnership, we will be able to offer the opportunity to our members to participate in Momentum’s Financial Literacy Training at a reduced rate. Momentum’s Financial Literacy curriculum has been developed based on nearly 20 years working with over 25,000 participants.
The CLN is purchasing licenses which will entitle CALPs to access this great resource. CALP staff will be able to take a two-day training, at a cost of $350/person, which includes all materials.
CLN’s licenses will allow your CALP to offer the Momentum curriculum by any staff and/or facilitators who have taken Momentum’s facilitator training. You will not need to purchase individual licenses for your organization.
By partnering with Momentum, we are pleased to help you support learners in your community who may want to expand their money management skills and build new habits that can help them be successful in their lives.
If you want to know more about this partnership, and how it can benefit you and the learners you serve, CLICK HERE for a comprehensive "Frequently Asked Questions" document.
Literacy and Learning Symposium Registration
Registration is now open for the 2016 Literacy and Learning Symposium!
In partnership with the Centre for Family Literacy, the CLN invites you to join us in Edmonton at the Fantasyland Hotel from September 26th - 30th.
This year's lineup features the opportunity to participate in certificate trainings, including Introduction to Family Literacy or Introduction to Adult Foundational Learning, as well as a broad range of high caliber break-out sessions and speakers.
You will also have the opportunity to connect with your colleagues through facilitated regional networking sessions, and through the social events like the Resource Fair Reception and the annual Literacy and Learning Awards Banquet.
Registration is only $150.00 per person. Choose to come for part of the week, or enjoy all 5 days with us for one flat fee.
More information about the program, the fantastic keynote speakers and resource fair exhibitors can be found on the Symposium conference site. Just click the "Symposium 2016" tab on the main navigation bar from the CALP Portal.
See you in September!
Featured Resource: TechSoup Canada
TechSoup Canada is a nonprofit that connects registered charities and non-profits to donated and discounted technologies, and provides valuable learning resources to equip you and your colleagues with technology tips and best practices. Nonprofits who register with TechSoup have access to donated and discounted software from a long list of corporate partners, including:
- Adobe
- Cisco
- Citrix
- Go Daddy
- Intuit
- Microsoft
- Sage Software
TechSoup also provides access to discounted and/or refurbished hardware, like Laptops, MacBooks, ChromeBooks, networking hardware and more.
In addition to the donation programs, they offer a great range of tools and resources to support nonprofit professionals with their learning needs. And did I mention, that if you sign up for their newsletter, you also get a great soup recipie every week!
Learn more about TechSoup Canada, and find out if your CALP is eligible to join at
Quote of the Day
"Collaboration moves at the speed of trust."
- Marsha L. Semmel
Contact Us |
Community Learning Network
c/o University of Alberta - SCSC - South Campus
2-211, 11610 – 65 AVE NW Edmonton, AB T6G 2E1
P: 1-877-485-4926
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