Planning: Clear Information and Communication

Planning: Clear Information and Communication

How you can make it as clear as possible! (Other Stuff that Helps):

ExampleCheck the many examples of Job Descriptions and Templates

Tri-Community Adult and Literacy Learning Association (TriCALA) 

Hinton Employment and Learning Place (HELP) 

Project Adult Literacy Society (PALS) 

Volunteer Alberta (2015). Creating a Job Description

Community Literacy of Ontario (2010).
Developing Job Descriptions in Ontario’s Community Literacy Agencies

Volunteer Pro (2017).
How to Find the Right Volunteers With Your Job Descriptions

Centre for Family Literacy Volunteer job descriptions:

Job Descriptions:

Create a detailed job description for your volunteer roles, just as you would for a paid position. Include:

  • Title and Purpose - connect the role to the organization

  • Location –where the work will happen

  • Roles/Responsibilities – a clear, detailed list of what they are going to do. Include:
    • All activities related to the job
    • Communication expectations
    • Reporting expectations

  • Qualifications – skills, education, experience, personal characteristics

  • Time Commitment – length of role overall, hours per day/week, etc.

  • Orientation and Training Requirements – training provided

  • Support and Supervision – identify key contacts in the organization

  • Other Information – as needed specific to the role (e.g. safety rules)

  • Benefits to the volunteer

  • Testimonials
"Description of the volunteer opportunity includes requirements and expectations [is posted online]. Being able to find out if this is a suitable opportunity for the potential volunteer is a time saver - both for the potential volunteer and staff." - CALP Practitioner

ExampleCheck these Examples and Templates of Volunteer Handbooks

Literacy Nipissing (2015). Volunteer Orientation Handbook

Volunteer Leduc. Volunteer Handbook – A convenient reference tool for community groups! 

How to Create a Volunteer Handbook (June 25, 2019) from “the balance” website

 Volunteer Handbook:

Put all the important information together so it is easy for the volunteer to reference. You can include:

  • Welcome
  • Organization Overview
  • Job Description
  • Policies and Procedures
  • Code of Conduct
  • Confidentiality Agreement
  • Signed Agreement/Contract

Go over the information with the volunteer – some pieces may wait until orientation and training.

Activity: As you think through the logistics of your volunteer program, it is important to clearly understand what pieces of information you need to have in place to provide the best experience for your organization and volunteers. Continue to fill out the planning chart you started in the last module. Start from the Planning Part 2 section.  It looks at risk assessment, policies and procedures, and volunteer job descriptions. As you work through the e-Learning, feel free to return to your chart at any point to add to it! 

Planning Chart image

Click on image of chart to download document.