CALP ConnectionsCALP Connections: 2023 Archive
CALP Connections: December 2023
A Message from Natasha Bozek, Director
Hey everyone, I hope you are enjoying this very balmy winter!
This fall I became one of your newest Directors on the CLN Board. I have sat on several Boards over the years, most often as a Secretary, Treasurer or staff member and these Boards have run the gamut from highly structured to no structure and very productive to barely surviving. Luckily the CLN Board has found a very happy medium between the two where we can have very productive meetings while having fun doing it in a relaxed and supportive environment.
I still consider myself a relatively new CALP staff, I’ll hit my 2-year mark in the new year! In my two years in the system, I have met some fabulous people and learned a lot about the need for foundational literacy support in our communities. Having said that, I still have so much more to learn and what better way to learn than by joining the Board. By doing this I hope to better understand the system, the role of CLN, and hope to contribute to the overall growth of the organization as we continue to support CALP staff across the province.
If you are interested in finding out more about the CLN Board, please contact Colleen Thiessen at 780-352-7257 or send an email to
CALP Connections: November 2023
A Message from Chelsey Friedt, Secretary
Dear Friends,
It’s a joy to be able to share with you as we all embark on another exciting, if not stressful, journey of the CALP application! I’m located in Peace River at the Vision Learning Centre. We're fortunate to be facing a remarkable challenge, one I believe you can relate to - a surge of eager learners seeking knowledge. It's an inspiring situation, but it also poses a puzzle. Our dedicated team is working tirelessly, but we're in need of additional resources to ensure no learner is left behind.
What do you do when you have too many learners and not enough time or big enough team?
Our community is a diverse tapestry of backgrounds and dreams. Many people have come to Peace River seeking work, refuge, or a fresh start. Our English Language Learning program warmly embraces newcomers and our Foundational Literacy Instructors have also had an abundance of learners coming to us with hopeful eyes and nervous smiles.
To keep our community thriving and ensure that we can support the aspirations of our learners effectively, we're reaching out for support. Increased staffing, made possible through additional funds, will enable us to serve more individuals with foundational learning and enhanced support for our English Language Learning program. One of our amazing staff members has worked really hard to create relationships with industries in the region to support our efforts financially.
So what’s on the Horizon?
- Growing our Team: We plan to expand our team, ensuring that everyone in our community can access the education they need.
- Building Partnerships: Collaboration is the key. By partnering with other community organizations, businesses, and individuals, we aim to create a robust support network that empowers people to achieve their educational goals.
- Evaluating what Works FOR US : Our commitment to foundational learning, job readiness and English Language Learning proficiency remains unwavering but knowing our own community plays a vital role in this. We are not Edmonton or Calgary. We must move the way our community moves.
- Promoting Life Long Learning: Learning is for everyone. We’re dedicated to inspiring and supporting individuals to pursue their educational dreams through relationship and goal driven learning!
As you work on your applications, let’s remember that learning should be boundless and every individual deserves the chance to dream and for those dreams to flourish regardless of their start point.
CALP Connections: October 2023
Community Learning Network's 2023 - 2024 Board of Directors
Thank you to everyone who joined us for CLN's 36th Annual General Meeting virtually on September 28th.
We are pleased to share with you the CLN Board of Directors for the 2023 - 2024 year:
Colleen Thiessen, Chair Jana Thomson, Vice Chair
Stephanie Brown, Treasurer Chelsey Friedt, Secretary
Tanya Mercredi, Director Monica Sczyrba-Davis, Director
Natasha Bozek, Director
We also had the pleasure of Advanced Education Deputy Minister, Sherri Wilson, joining us! Watch our conversation here.
To contact the CLN Board of Directors please email
CALP Connections: September 2023
A Message from Colleen Thiessen, CLN Board Chairperson
I recently saw a story on Instagram about eagles and how they deal with one of their biggest pests - crows. A crow will get behind an eagle, sit on their back and peck at the eagle’s neck incessantly. It seems hard to believe this can happen, but it’s true. Here’s where it gets really interesting. In order to get rid of the pesky crow, the eagle takes flight and soars extremely high up into the sky. Eagles can fly higher than any other bird, so what ends of happening is the crow can no longer breathe at such high altitudes, loses consciousness, and falls off the back of the eagle. The eagle is left to soar without the weight of the crow on its shoulders.
September is here and despite having enjoyed some well deserved rest and relaxation time, it sometimes feels like we already have a pesky crow on our back. Getting back into the swing of things can be exhausting as we navigate new routines, schedules, programs, learners and the many “unknowns” that inevitably arise as we settle back in.
Instead of becoming overwhelmed, I encourage us to set our sights higher, rid ourselves of distractions, and learn to fly like an eagle. Not only is the view better, the load gets lighter. The sky is the limit and it’s ours for the taking!
The CLN Board of Directors look forward to seeing you online on September 28, 2023 for our Annual General Meeting. Keep an eye out for the AGM package to arrive in your inbox. See you soon!
Colleen Thiessen
CLN Board Chair
CALP Connections: Summer 2023
A Message from Colleen Thiessen, CLN Board Chair
June is a month to celebrate. Here are just a few reasons people celebrate June: it marks the half way point of the year; long summer nights; warm weather; wedding season; and the longest day in the northern hemisphere kicks off the start of summer. For many of us, a nice summer break awaits.
If you are now in a state of panic thinking you need to start your Christmas shopping, you might want to relax and take time to celebrate the small things. We often get so caught up in our everyday tasks, we think there has to be a “big” reason to celebrate. If you google “things to celebrate in June,” you will find there is a day to celebrate pretty much anything, from silly to serious. It feels good to celebrate and, for the sake of our mental health, the time we spend celebrating ourselves, and others, is a reminder there is more to life than just our daily duties.
CALPs play an important role in learner’s lives. We help our learners with their learning journey, we support them emotionally and we provide connections in our communities, but we also need to celebrate them. Can you think of a time where you took time to celebrate success with a learner who reached a milestone? It may not seem like much to us, but to the learner it’s monumental. A big part of our role with learners is to build relationships, and celebrating their success is a great way to show we care.
I want to celebrate CALPs for the tireless work that is done to help learners succeed every day. I heard many great stories at Symposium about the work CALPs are doing, and the innovative ways you are helping learners succeed. I knew I would be remiss if I didn’t celebrate you, and thank you, for being so awesome. Your hard work does not go unnoticed!
Now I need to figure out how to get “Celebrate your CALP day” added to the google list of June celebrations! Have a great summer, and remember to take time to celebrate YOU!
Colleen Thiessen
CLN Board Chair
CALP Connections: May 2023
A Message from Rochelle Galeski, Director
The CLN Board’s recent April meeting was engaging with time for many thoughtful conversations. One discussion focused on, “What do CALPs need from the Minister of Skilled Trades and Professions or their local MLA to be able to continue their work with foundational learners?” We brainstormed a variety of responses that distinctively represented our diverse board. We discussed family literacy programs and where they “fit” under STP; challenges such as board and volunteer tutor recruitment; and regional differences that are unique to each CALP and, more broadly, how change can be difficult.
We acknowledged the resilience exemplified by CALPs. Running successful programs in CALP requires fluidity, resiliency and flexibility in communities that are complex and diverse. Learner needs and community demographics are distinctive and constantly shifting. CALPs adapt to government changes, funding changes, ever-changing workloads and changes in learner population and needs. As we navigate these shifts and changes the CLN continues to provide professional development opportunities that are relevant to our needs.
As a result of our conversation, we have resolved to give voice to CALPs with some unique and participatory solutions. We invite you to join the CLN Board for a focused conversation in our upcoming Coffee with the Board on May 24, 2023, from 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm. We want to hear your ideas about how Minister Madu can help us and what we need from his ministry to be successful. The CLN Board will ensure the Minister receives the feedback from this meeting
Ultimately, your voice and your stories are meaningful and are an important part of advocating for your CALP. We hope to hear your story so we can learn from one other.
Rochelle Galeski
Medicine Hat College CALP
CALP Connections: April 2023
A Message from Melanie Patenaude, Director & Governance Committee
Who can believe it’s April already? April is such a fun month. We can play practical jokes, see our gardens and yards blooming and eat chocolate eggs! Here are a few silly spring jokes to get us in the April frame of mind:
Q: Can February March?
A: No, but April May.
Q: Why is everyone so tired on April 1st?
A: Because they’ve just finished a long, 31 day March.
For CLN, April means it’s time to start thinking about the Outstanding Contribution Award.
This is an honour that is given to an exceptional organization or individual annually at the Literacy and Learning Awards ceremony. Every year, the Community Learning Network accepts nominations from our learning community so we can acknowledge and recognize the amazing work that is done in the CALP world.
If you would like to nominate a deserving person or organization, please consider the following:
- Do you know someone/an organization that has shown leadership in the adult learning field?
- Do you know someone/an organization that has inspired their CALP or community to advance lifelong learning?
- Do you know someone/an organization that has increased their capacity to better meet the foundational learning needs of adult Albertans?
Please consider taking the time to complete a nomination form with a letter and references. Submissions for the 2023 Outstanding Contribution to Community Adult Learning Award will be accepted until June 30th. Click here for the nomination form.
One more item for April: have you ever considered joining the CLN Board? The Board is currently looking to recruit new members as some are nearing the end of their terms. I can say that my time on the Board has been a learning journey. I was very hesitant at first, thinking that I didn’t have the required skill set. However, I quickly realized that I was being welcomed, trained and made to fit right in.
During my time we had training sessions, professional development opportunities and a chance to sit on other committees and learn even more. If you think this sounds like something you’d like to try, please take a moment to fill out the application. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact myself or any other CLN Board member.
CALP Connections: March 2023
A Message from Tanya Mercredi, Vice Chair & Chair of the Governance Committee![[untitled]](_uploads/63e551b424b87.png)
Welcome, March! March 20th is the official start of spring and I couldn’t be happier!
The days are getting longer at the farm, where I live with my husband. We’re shaking off our semi-hibernation winter routines and are getting ready for brand new seasons of renewal, growth and change. We’re preparing for new babies, new plants, and learning new and better ways of doing things. I always approach these new seasons with curiosity because I know that nature is going to teach me something new – it does every time. I am very much an adult learner in these situations.
My name is Tanya Mercredi and I am the Rimbey Coordinator of Ponoka & Rimbey Adult Learning. Last month marked my sixth year in this role, and much like at home, my curiosity has driven me in this position and I found there’s always something new, exciting, and relevant to learn.
My curiosity sparked when I first read that the CLN Board was recruiting new members. I knew I was going to apply, but then I became curious about other things:
- Do I even know enough about being a board member and have the confidence to make a valuable contribution amongst such esteemed colleagues? Hint: You do!
- Am I going to look like a fool if I have to ask questions because I don’t understand something? Not in the slightest.
- Will my voice (and opinions) be heard – and matter? Absolutely.
- Will the demands of being on the board interfere with my job? It hasn’t yet, and because the time away is minimal and my travel is compensated, my own board is more than willing to support my involvement.
On top of sharing the answers to my own questions, I would like to highlight a few of the benefits I have found serving on the CLN Board of Directors.
- I am working with some wonderful committed and knowledgeable people who are both generous and kind in sharing their expertise.
- The conversations are always insightful, engaging, and forward-thinking.
- I’ve learned so much about being on a provincial board and board governance and always felt supported in learning the role. This, in turn, has helped me work with my own board.
- The networking opportunities are outstanding!
- There is something that makes me feel very “connected” working with a group of people who share a passion for helping adult learners and the adult learning community.
- All of this has contributed to my growth both personally and professionally.
The CLN Board has gone through and will continue to go through renewals, growth, and change and I am very grateful to be part of this ‘season’ on the board.
We are looking for CALP members to join our board! I would encourage anyone interested in becoming a board member to contact our Chair, Colleen Thiessen at Colleen is very gracious in answering any questions you might have. You may also reach out to any of the other board members.(Find out more about the board members on the CALP Portal here:
CLN Board nomination and applications can be found on the CALP Portal:
CLN Board Member Position Description
CLN Board Member Nomination Form
I hope everyone is well and has a wonderful spring!
CALP Connections: February 2023
A Message from Colleen Thiessen, CLN Board Chairperson
Exciting things are about to happen in February that I hope will spark your interest to learn and connect. You might be wondering what could possibly be inspirational about February, other than we survived the long month of January and are one month closer to leaving the dark days of winter behind us. Let me brighten your day by saying…
Symposium 2023 registration is now open! The CLN team has been working hard to provide professional development opportunities that encompass a variety of interesting topics for CALPs, and I know there will be some amazing learning happening at Symposium 2023. CALPs around the province are so good at providing connections and inspiration to learners, while learning, being innovative and curious right with them.
I encourage you to register and plan to attend Symposium 2023 to see your spark ignite!
Colleen Thiessen
CLN Board Chairperson
CALP Connections: January 2023
A Message from Cindy Heidecker, Secretary
Happy New Year, CLN Family!
My name is Cindy Heidecker and I am thrilled to be in the second year of my Board of Director term. This year I am also responsible for the secretarial duties for the Community Learning Network. I am connected to the CALP system through my position as the program manager for Paintearth Adult Learning. Our organization serves County of Paintearth learners in the east central Alberta communities of Brownfield, Castor, Coronation & Halkirk. When I am not supporting community learning opportunities I am a passionate sports fan and enjoy spending time with family, travelling, quilting, reading and being outdoors.
I had the pleasure of completing my Masters in Open, Digital & Distance Education from Athabasca University in October, 2022. During my final presentation my amazing professor asked me to share my thoughts on the following Adam Grant (professor of organizational psychology in the United States) quote; “Beating yourself up doesn't make you stronger. It leaves you bruised. Being kind to yourself isn't about ignoring your weaknesses. It's about giving yourself permission to learn from your mistakes. We grow by embracing shortcomings, not punishing them.”
We see bruised learners walk through our door. The CALP philosophy of providing warm and welcoming space assists learners through the process of being kind to themselves. Together CALP staff and learners identify where they are at in their learning journey and where they want to be. This is all part of the lifelong learning process.
Celebrate the learners that you have witnessed move from beating themselves up to embracing their shortcomings and hold space for those that were not ready yet.
Cheers to the work that each and every one of you does to give your students permission to learn from their mistakes, not punishing them!