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Spring has sprung! I know this because of the bird couple nesting in the eave outside of my bedroom window. Every morning their little chirps awaken me to the arrival of a new day. They remind me that the dirty and drab world of winter ending is about to become alive with the rebirth and renewal of spring. The birds chirping outside my bedroom window in March has been a continuous cycle of love, hope, joy and transformation for the past 10 years.
Just like Spring… one thing that is continuous in CALPs is Change.
Our 2022 Outstanding Contributions to Community Adult Learning Award would usually be celebrated with Symposium this Fall. With Symposium moving to Spring 2023, there have been some changes occurring to our timeline for when we will be celebrating.
This year’s celebration will occur at the CLN AGM at the end of September 2022.
We, the CLN Board, are seeking nominations that recognize the exceptional contributions to the adult learning field over the past year, July 2021 to June 2022.
What kind of nominees should you be thinking about? Well, the Nominees must be CALP organizations, or an employee or board member from a CALP organization, and be a CLN member in good standing.
Do you know of an individual or an organization that has shown leadership in the adult learning field? (July 2021 to June 2022) If you have answered yes to this question, here is the next one for you to ponder…
Has this individual or organization inspired their community or CALP to advance lifelong learning? (July 2021 to June 2022) Still answering yes? Here’s the final question for you to really help you visualize who your nomination will be…
Has this individual or organization increased capacity to better meet the foundational learning needs of adult Albertans in their community? (July 2021 to June 2022)
Now that you have this person or organization in your mind, why not give them a nomination for the 2022 Outstanding Contributions to Community Adult Learning Award?
I have nominated in the past and have found it to be a rather simple process.
- Complete the nomination form,
- Attach a nominating letter, and
- Include 2 letters (minimum) of support from members of the community. (This could be a Board member, the Mayor, or a CALP member. Someone who can give specific details highlighting the nominee’s successes and accomplishments in the past year.)
Once you have completed the nomination process you will submit it all to the CLN Board at
As I mentioned above, I have done this process in the past. It felt a bit daunting at first about how I would recognize all the valuable contributions this individual has displayed in their community and organization.
I have a couple of tips to tell those of you that are doing the nominating…
- Don’t tell them. The genuine surprise will make the wait all worthwhile.
- Work with other members of your team to get those letters of support. We all have different relationships with members in our community. Having someone that has a strong relationship, with say the Mayor, may be able to get that letter of support provided more quickly then someone who has a low relationship level.
- It doesn’t have to be one person doing the nominating. It can be the whole team contributing to showcase those exceptional qualities that the nominated individual owns.
- When submitting, scan into your email as one package. This helps to eliminate misplaced items.
- Enjoy the nominating process!
- Reach out to any of the CLN Board members with any questions that may arise.
“Spring is far more than just a changing of seasons; it’s a rebirth of the spirit.” - Toni Sorenson.
For more information and to fill out the nomination form go to: 2022 Outstanding Contribution to Community Adult Learning Award.
This year’s celebration will occur at the CLN AGM on September 28th, 2022. Deadline for nominations is Thursday, June 30, 2022 and you can send your nomination to
 Stephanie Brown, CLN Board Treasurer Essential Skills Coach/ GED Coordinator, Hinton Adult Learning Society
Registration Now Open for Spring Meetings!
You are invited to come together with your regional and provincial peers and CLN this May! Last month we announced that CLN will be hosting a number of different opportunities for CALPs to gather for provincial networking and regional connecting in May 2022. We will host an online Provincial Spring Meeting on May 2nd, and in-person Regional Gatherings throughout the month of May.
Based on the input we have received from CALPs, we know you value both an in-person and an online component to these professional communities. And we couldn't agree more! We have opted to take a blended approach for these gatherings. Please note that each of these events is unique. Content at the Provincial Meeting will not duplicate what is presented at Regional Gatherings, and activities at the in-person Regional Gatherings will not be included in the online Provincial Meeting.
Please see the details below and be sure to register for the Provincial Spring Meeting (online) and for your region’s in-person Regional Gathering:

CALP Provincial Spring Meeting (online) Monday, May 2nd 1:30 – 3:30 pm
CLN is pleased to be hosting a CALP Provincial Spring Meeting. We are excited to see CALP staff from across the province in one virtual room. This online meeting is your opportunity to hear key messages, celebrate years of service with fellow staff, and network with your peers from across the province and your region. Highlights from the afternoon’s program include:
- Cora Roberts, Director Foundational Learning and Skills Development Unit, Alberta Advanced Education, will join us to introduce new AE staff supporting CALP
- Marsha Shack, from Change It Up, will help us reduce stress and restore hope with an energizer
- Professional Communities (i.e. Breakout Rooms) will allow CALP staff to network ‘provincially’ by topics relevant to their work and community, and ‘regionally’ to celebrate years of service, and share details about their upcoming Spring Regional Gathering
Spring Regional Gatherings (in person)
We are excited to invite you to step outside your ‘Zoom box’! CLN is hosting five Spring Regional Gatherings to address the long overdue request for in-person regional connections and celebrations.
If you are a new CALP staff, been around for a while or just love connecting with others, this is your opportunity to reconnect, make new connections and enjoy in-person conversations with staff from your region.
These informal gatherings will offer space to reconnect, meet new people, and enjoy personal connections with CALPs from your region, as we look forward to a new program year, and to the future of our work. We can’t wait to see you!
North - Friday, May 6th (Grande Prairie)
West - Friday, May 13th (Stony Plain)
Central - Wednesday, May 25th (Big Valley)
East - Thursday, May 26th (Vermilion)
South - Friday, May 27th (Lethbridge)
Please contact your RSS if you have any questions.
CLN's 35th Anniversary Contest Winners!
To celebrate our 35th anniversary on February 9th, 2022, we announced a contest to commemorate. We asked you to tell us What does it mean to you to be part of the Community Learning Network?
Congratulations to our two winners - Manning Community Adult Learning & Literacy Council and Paintearth Adult Learning. See their amazing submissions below.
Manning Community Adult Learning & Literacy Council:
"Belonging on a Learning Team" depicts our entire staff in Lego mini-figures. We are posed to represent one of our gatherings in our computer lab where we have lunch & learn, most recently Treaty Talks.
Pictured from left to right are: Darlene DeBoer (photographer), Georgina Supernault, Monica Bacso, Esther Johnston, Kim Sheehan, and Kyleigh LaCasse-Carpenter (Foodbank)

Paintearth Adult Learning:
Click on the image to watch this animated short.

CLN Staffing Updates
‘Tis the season of change here at CLN. We are sad to announce that two of our staff are saying farewell to CLN and our CALP system.
Donna Christensen, North Regional Support Staff has reconnected with a position she held before in her home community of Hinton, after spending the last eight months with our team. We wish Donna the very best with her new endeavours and are very grateful to her for all her contributions to CLN and CALP in her short time with us. Lori St.Cyr, CLN’s Indigenous & Metis Liaison (, will be temporarily stepping in to support the North Region until we have a new staff person in place. Recruitment for a new Regional Support Staff will be launched later this month.
The second staff moving on is Shaba Qureshi, after 5 ½ years in the role of Program Support. Shaba’s last day with us will be April 14th. Shaba’s role intersected with all of our staff, as well as connected with so many of you across the province. I have worked very closely with Shaba and am having trouble imagining life at the CLN office without her! Shaba is moving to an Event Management Coordination role and I cannot imagine a better fit to showcase her talents. We wish you all the best, Shaba!
Until we can recruit a new Program Support Staff, calls and emails ( will be forwarded to or 1-877-485-4926 ext. 1.
Lisa Dickner, CLN Executive Director
Join Team CLN: Program Support
The Community Learning Network is seeking a highly motivated individual from the Edmonton area to fill the role of Program Support. This is a full-time position.
The Program Support position is supported by funding from Advanced Education in order to provide the best supports, resources and connections to Community Adult Learning Programs to empower them to meet the program’s mandate for the benefit of adult learners in Alberta.
Reporting to the Executive Director, the Program Support position will support the Executive Director and CLN Staff with day-to-day operations and projects. This role is also responsible for communications implementation and technology support. It is based at the provincial office in Edmonton.
Click here for detailed position description.
Some travel within the region and around Edmonton will be required from time to time. A valid Class 5 license and reliable transportation are mandatory for this position. (Expenses for travel will be reimbursed, based on the provisions to be included in a formal offer of employment.)
Applications will be accepted by email at until April 25th, or until a suitable candidate is found.
CLN Board of Directors: Call for Applications
The CLN Board is currently recruiting Community Adult Learning Program Staff and/or CALP Board Members to join our team. 
We’re looking for individuals who will bring their passion and their skills to the CLN Board.
If you are interested in learning more, please see the CLN Board Member Position Description or email
CLN Board Nomination Application Form (PDF)
The CLN Membership will elect our Board for 2022-23 at our virtual Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, September 28th, 2022.
New and Upcoming Training Events and Connections Cafés
New Trainings
Check out and register now for Psychological First Aid coming at the end of April!
Psychological First Aid (Edmonton) – April 27 & 28 – This course will support CALP-funded staff, volunteers and system partners to develop a personal understanding of the effects of stress, loss, trauma and grief on others, with emphasis on self-care and personal protection.
Upcoming Trainings
Adult Literacy and Learning in Family Literacy Programs – Tuesdays, April 26, May 3 & 10 - This training will provide tools to help you with the ‘how to’ plan and deliver fun and engaging family literacy programs that align with the CALP Guidelines
New CALP Staff Webinar – May 4 - If you are new in your role in CALP, and still looking to get the lay of the land, please join us to connect with your colleagues from across the province.
Staff Picks – Building Literacy e-Learning – May 11 - Join Emily Robinson Leclair to explore Building Literacy: A Learner-Centred Guide for Teachers, Tutors and Practitioners of Adult Literacy. Written and narrated by Dr. Allan Quigley to share a lifetime of knowledge and experience. The guide highlights proven methods and research-based approaches to adult literacy and foundational learning and provides practical tools and useable approaches you can use today!
Regional Connections Cafés
Grab a coffee, bring a question, share a success or challenge, stay for five minutes or settle in for all sixty. These monthly Connections Cafés are an opportunity for you to connect with CALP staff in your region.
East Regional Connection Cafés |
April 12 |
South Regional Connection Cafés |
April 12 |
North Regional Connection Cafés |
April 20 |
West Regional Connection Cafés |
April 12 |
Central Regional Connection Cafés |
April 12 |
Literacy in Action
Literacy is about how we use our reading and writing skills to get things done in our daily life.
Here’s a great activity you can use with yourself or other staff, volunteers and facilitators in your organization to see how you use literacy skills in your daily life.
Write down everything you did in the last 24 hours. Be sure to include those mundane tasks and fun activities.
Look over your list and put the letter ‘r’ beside everything that required some form of reading.
Look over your list again and put the letter ‘w’ beside everything that required some form of writing.
Note how many things you did that required reading and writing. Here are a few thought questions:
- What would change for you if you didn’t have the reading and writing skills for the things on your list?
- What kinds of opportunities do your literacy skills provide for you?
- What would be different about your roles in your home, work and community?
Rebecca Still, Literacy Specialist Community Learning Network
National Volunteer Week
This year, National Volunteer Week (NVW) is April 24-30, 2022. This year’s theme is: “Volunteering Is Empathy In Action.”
National Volunteer Week is an opportunity to celebrate the impact of volunteerism in our communities and across our country. Every April, Volunteer Canada leads the National Volunteer Week (NVW) celebration. It is the perfect time to recognize volunteers and celebrate them in our communities.
In the past the Government of Alberta has assisted communities across Alberta to celebrate volunteerism through the National Volunteer Week Grant. NVW Enhancement Funding is designed to supplement other sources of funding and celebrate volunteerism on behalf of your entire community and is now open for application.
Funding available:
- Host site: $500
- Feature site: $1,000
Due to the delay in launching this year’s Enhancement Funding, they are giving communities the option to apply for this grant later in the year to celebrate International Volunteer Day on December 5, 2022. These changes are reflected in the updated grant guidelines. Be sure to review the eligibility requirements and guidelines before applying.
Applications close for NVW Enhancement Funding, April 13, 2022.
Apply now!
For ideas on how to celebrate or access the Campaign Kit visit Volunteer Canada.
Apply for this year's Canada Life Literacy Innovation Award (LIA)
ABC Life Literacy is excited to announce that the submission period for the LIA is now open! This award is presented to Canadian organizations offering a unique and innovative adult or adult-integrated family literacy program. There is one top award of $20,000 and an additional two honourable mentions of $10,000 each. 
- To learn more and apply, click here
- Submission deadline: June 1st, 2022 at 1:00 pm ET
The awards as granted can be invested into the program and/or applied to operating funds.
The award winners agree to participate in ABC Life Literacy Canada-facilitated Innovation Learning Labs online webinars, to talk about their programs. Please note that application content and accompanying letters of recommendation may be used to create community/learner profiles for ABC’s e-newsletter. Winners will be notified by July 29, 2022.
Alberta was represented in the award winners last year. Centre for Family Literacy won Honorable Mention.
This Month's Spotlight

This month’s spotlight is a brand new guide called Serving Adults with Learning Disabilities in a CALP Setting.
This recently launched guide is a legacy project from Karen Plourde, a former CALP coordinator from Slave Lake and long-time educator, with the expertise and support of Nadine Fortier.
Karen has masterfully designed the guide to be both practical and educationally rich for staff. In it you will find comprehensive information about learning disabilities, step-by-step instructional strategies you can start using right away, videos to explain and demonstrate the key strategies in the guide, useful visuals and Deep Dive links to access additional information from credible sources.
This easy-to-read and highly interactive guide includes:
- Key connections to the CALP Guidelines
- All Things Disabilities - Provides explicit descriptions of 6 persistent difficulties for individuals with learning disabilities, along with accommodations to support learner success and practical information about LD assessments
- Universal Program Design and Delivery – LD-informed suggestions for inclusive program development that will enhance success of all learners in your CALP
- Step by step strategies for teaching reading, writing and math to adults with learning disabilities
“CALP practitioners are in perfect positions to meet, support and advocate for adults with learning disabilities. Use this manual to gain a deeper understanding of adults with learning disabilities. Transform your CALP with inclusive program design and delivery.” - Karen Plourde
"We must open the doors and we must see to it they remain open, so that others can pass through."
– Rosemary Brown
Contact Us |
Community Learning Network
c/o University of Alberta - SCSC - South Campus
2-211, 11610 – 65 AVE NW Edmonton, AB T6G 2E1
P: 1-877-485-4926
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