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"Creating Learning Partners" Now Available Online, Winter Wishes from Team CLN, Portal User Snapshot Survey
Warm Winter Wishes from Team CLN
December is often a time of reflection, to think about accomplishments, challenges and lessons learned over the year, and to look forward to all the possibilities that a New Year holds.At CLN, 2015 has been a whirlwind of a year, and we have been so fortunate to share the journey of the last 12 months with you. Many thanks and much credit to all our talented colleagues, generous partners and supportive funders, not to mention the tireless people who are at the heart of all 130 Community Adult Learning Programs that make up our membership.
2016 promises to be another year of change and growth within the Community Adult Learning Program. We can't wait to set off on the next leg of this journey with all of you!
Many CALPs will be taking a break through the winter holiday season, and the CLN team will be too. We wish you all have the opportunity to spend some well-earned time resting, relaxing and rejuvenating, and we look forward to reconnecting with you all in the New Year!
CLN Board and Staff
CLN's New Membership Structure and Membership Renewal
It's hard to believe we are already coming to the end of 2015! Normally, at this time of year, we would be sending out our annual membership renewal. However, based on the changes to our Bylaws, approved by the membership at our Annual General Meeting on October 16, we are implementing some changes.
- Firstly, our membership year will now align with the CALP grant funding year, from July 1st to June 30th.
- All members who currently hold a certificate of good standing, indicating that their membership is valid until December 31st, 2015, will have their membership extended until June 30th, 2016.
- CALP-funded organizations who are new to the CLN family, and have not previously received a membership certificate are automatically considered to be members in good standing under our new Bylaws.
- We will not be collecting membership fees for the upcoming membership year.
- Next April and May, we will complete a full update of our membership directory, and new certificates will be issued at that time.
If you are not sure if your organization is considered a member of the Community Learning Network, or if you would like to update any of your organization's contact information, you can reach out to us any time at the provincial office. Just call 1-877-485-4926 or email Mahsa at
Meet the CLN Board: Lorna Rye, Secretary
Lorna Rye joined the CLN Board in October, and currently holds the position of Secretary on the Executive Committee. Lorna serves as a Board Member with Chinchaga Adult Learning Council in High Level. Lorna is excited at the opportunities ahead for the CLN Board, and the CLN looks forward to her ongoing contributions to the organization. In her own words,
"My experiences working with adults as a tutor and an instructor through the years and as a board member of our local CALP have been very fulfilling for me. I have served on a variety of boards at the community level, and the opportunity to serve on a provincial board such as the Community Learning Network, is very exciting. I feel that as a board we bring our varied skills together and with synchronicity accomplish more than any of us could on our own.
I've always had fun and learned so much by connecting with people at events like the Literacy and Learning Symposium, and I welcome the chance to get to know many of you better in my new role with the CLN."
Culture of Collaboration Initiative Funding and Support Available for Spring 2016
The Culture of Collaboration Initiative is a unique way for Community Adult Learning Programs to access funding, mentoring and resources that are tailor-made to support Community Dialogues focused on adult literacy and learning.
Organizations funded by the Government of Alberta's Community Adult Learning Program are eligible to apply for up to $1,000.00 in financial support, and customized coaching from the Regional Support Staff.
Why a Community Dialogue? Community dialogues can be a valuable first step towards increasing awareness, creating new relationships and building new collaborations, in order to enhance and increase access to lifelong learning and continuing education in our communities. Through a dialogue process, we can identify ways to work together so that solutions to addressing the needs of adult learners are tailored to and supported by each community as a whole.
Why CALPs? Community-based adult learning and literacy organizations are uniquely positioned to take a leadership role to engage a broad cross-section of the community (e.g. adult learners, business and industry, voluntary sector and government/post-secondary system) and to model collaboration among partners to create vibrant learning communities.
Interested in Learning More? The Culture of Collaboration Starter Kit is a quick guide to help you start planning. It includes a Readiness Self-Checklist, an Event Planning Checklist, information on different styles of events and facilitation techniques, as well as an inventory of all the tools and resources CLN has created to support CALPs in this exciting process. CLICK HERE to download the Kit, or search "Starter Kit" in the Resources section of the Portal (member login required).
Your Regional Support Staff can also answer any questions you may have, help you build a strong application with clear outcomes, and support you through the planning process right up until the day of your event!
Featured Resource: Creating Learning Partners
This manual contains a series of lessons to train adult literacy tutors. It focuses on one-to-one tutoring, but many activities are adaptable to small group learning. It follows the participatory approach to learning where tutors and learners together design the learning path.
Each chapter contains a complete tutor training lesson plan, including handouts, PowerPoint slide content (called Overheads in the manual), and optional activities. The chapters are:
- Orientation
- Adults as Learners
- Learning Styles
- Planning for Learning
- About Literacy
- Reading
- Writing
- Spelling
- Numeracy
- Learning Disabilities
- ESL: Learner and Tutor
- ESL: Tutoring Basics
"Creating Learning Partners" was published by Literacy Alberta in 2007, and the Community Learning Network is pleased to ensure this valuable resource will continue to be available to support Alberta's CALP system by sharing it online, free of charge. Simply log in to your Portal account, and access "Creating Learning Partners" from the featured resources on your personalized dashboard throughout the month of December.
CALP Portal Pro Tip: Resource Collections
Many (but not all) of the resources available on the Portal are part of a "collection". Once you have found the resource you are looking for, be sure to look below the "Comments" box to see if there are any additional related resources. For example, when you search for "Learning Partners" to find this month's featured resource, if you scroll down you will see that there are two additional resources to accompany the "Creating Learning Partners" manual.

CALP Portal User Experience Snapshot
The CALP Portal officially launched on October 28th, 2015, and we would like to take an early snapshot of how the CALP system is using this new platform, what is working well for you, and where you would like to see improvements or enhancements.
Please take 5 minutes to complete this brief survey. Your feedback and input will help us continue to improve the new site!
If you don't have an account for the CALP Portal, please contact Odette at the CLN office to request access to the site. Email or call 1-877-485-4926.
Clear Language Workshop
Did you know...
49% of adult Canadians 16 - 65 read below a high school level
- Source: Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies, Statistics Canada, 2012
Make your message easy to understand the first time. Turn the complicated into the simple.
Learn how to:
- Write more effectively and with more impact
- Provide better customer service
Plain language saves you time and money. Use it on:
- Posters, brochures, newspapers, or business letters
- Forms
- Instructions (such as in safety manuals)
- Maps
- Political platforms and decisions
To Register please call: Rocky Community Learning Council - 403.845.3276
Contact Us |
Community Learning Network
c/o University of Alberta - SCSC - South Campus
2-211, 11610 – 65 AVE NW Edmonton, AB T6G 2E1
P: 1-877-485-4926
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