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Reflections from the Board: Embracing Change
I recently heard a business speaker challenge us on our willingness to adapt to change, because our world is moving so quickly in new directions for technology, culture and expectations. As part of a learning based organization, I was reminded that learning is, by definition, change. We are always looking for new ways of doing things, new information and skills, and new connections.
For me this year, one new opportunity has been joining the CLN Board of Directors. I am enjoying being part of an organization committed to growth, to innovation and to change. What a great journey to be on! It is exciting to see lots of new projects coming up, such as the e-learning modules and new professional development projects. I appreciate so much the great amount of time, skill and resources which are being invested to provide us all with intriguing new ways to build our skills.
The ability to adapt and learn is perhaps the most essential skill. So here’s my challenge to us all – let’s be nimble, let’s be quick, let’s jump over the “candle stick” – whatever it may be. Change - and learning – takes effort, but we have proven that there are great things ahead as we invest in ourselves and our communities.
Looking forward to “changing” in 2017,
Lois Polege Director, CLN Board Flagstaff Adult Learning, Killam
Meet Shaba Qureshi, CLN Program Support
Last month, the CLN was pleased to welcome a new member to our team at the provincial office in Edmonton. Shaba Qureshi has joined Team CLN in the position of Program Support. Please join us in giving her a warm welcome to the CALP community.
In her own words:
I am so excited to be in the role of Program Support at CLN, as I am a firm believer that learning is for life, not just for childhood. The importance of literacy has always been in my blood. My background in journalism stemmed from my desire to read and write which unleashed my passion for editing and proof reading. A few years ago I had the amazing opportunity to volunteer as an English tutor with Centre for Family Literacy, which reinforced my belief that you are never too old to learn and achieve your goals!
I moved to Edmonton from Ontario in 2010 with my husband and daughter, and although I grew up in Calgary and had a little bit of the Alberta rivalry embedded in my system, I am happy to say Edmonton is definitely home. I love trying new restaurants, heading to the mountains, reading and spending time with family and friends. I look forward to meeting everyone soon!
Shaba Qureshi Program Support CLN Provincial Office
Literacy and Learning Symposium 2017: Call for Presenters
The Community Learning Network is currently accepting proposals for sessions at the 2017 Literacy and Learning Symposium. In order to continue to make this annual provincial professional development event a valuable opportunity for networking and professional learning, we have made some changes to the process this year. Based on feedback from the field, we recognize that there is a strong appetite for more in-depth, focused learning opportunities at this event. The program for 2017 will include a variety of formalized certificate training, full day, half day and 90 minute break-out sessions, along with plenty of time for facilitated networking, sharing of promising practices and casual connecting.
The Symposium will take place at the DoubleTree by Hilton in Edmonton, from Monday, September 25th through to Friday, September 29th, 2017.
To ensure the Symposium planning committee can secure the highest quality of presentations, sessions and training opportunities for the 2017 event, the annual Call for Proposals is available online at The deadline for proposals is December, 16th, 2017.
Please share this link with those in your networks who may be interested in bringing relevant, practical interactive learning sessions to the event. To be considered, sessions must have clear learning objectives. Session participants should walk away with knowledge of a tool, strategy or tactic that will enhance their ability to support learners. Participants should come away from these sessions with a clear understanding of the relevance of the session topic to their work, as well as information on how and where to access these additional resources and supports.
You will be able to find the latest information and updates about the Symposium online anytime at
CALP Financial Management: New Microlearning from CLN
Last spring, CLN launched our first online e-learning workshop, developed specifically for Alberta's Community Adult Learning Program. We received great feedback on the self-directed online learning to help CALPs better understand and implement Outcomes-based Measurement and Evaluation for the Community Adult Learning Program (member login required).
After the success of our initial adventure into the world of microlearning, we have been working on four new online workshops, and this week we are excited to announce the release of the brand new, customized learning opportunity:
Note: CALP Portal login required to access the microlearning workshops.
About the Workshop: You have a lot on your plate as CALP staff, and managing the finances of your organization might feel like a daunting task, especially if you're not a "numbers person"! The truth is, not all of us are numbers people, but all of us can learn the basics. If you'd like more clarity around how to understand financial reports and communicate them to your board, how to understand your funders' expectations, and how to hire and work with a bookkeeper, then this guide was made for you! We will walk you through setting up your CALP Budget, creating and managing a financial record keeping system, and how to work with your board and bookkeeper, using real CALP examples and handy templates to make your life easier.
The workshop includes videos, sample budgets, a course planning cost calculator and some resources you can download and print, like this "cheat sheet" that outlines the kinds of expenses that are eligible or ineligible within your CALP Grant (click on the image to download the printable file):

To access microlearning workshops through the CALP Portal, you must log in with your member account and navigate to the e-learning tab. If you do not have a login for the CALP Portal, please contact to request an account.
So what is "Microlearning"?
"Microlearning" is a term to describe an innovative way to quickly acquire new skills and knowledge, at your own pace and in your own time.
Any topic can be stripped down to its core essential components, and organized into bite-sized pieces that allow for self-directed learning and rapid real world application. The goal is to deliver the critical 20% of available information on a topic that will give you 80% of the quick-win results. Microlearning is designed to be easy to digest and to deliver new learnings that you can start using right away.
In the new year, CLN will be launching three additional workshops:
- Learner Support Services
- Essential Skills
- Learner Assessment
Be sure to keep an eye on the e-Learning tab on the CALP Portal for the launch of these workshops in 2017!
CALP Portal Refresher: Video Tutorials
Since the CALP Portal was launched in October of 2015, we have seen great engagement from the CALP community. There are currently over 600 active users logging in, sharing their knowledge, drawing on the experience of others and accessing and sharing new resources to support the work of achieving success for adult learners in Alberta.
As many programs are slowing down a bit through December, why not take a few minutes to check out these video tutorials on how to get the most out of your engagement and use of the Portal. If you are new to your position, or if you just haven't had the time to really explore what is available to you on the Portal, there are four short videos available:
This video will give you a brief overview of all the ways the CALP Portal keeps our community connected. Take a few minutes to learn about how you can learn, connect and contribute to our online Community of Practice.
Whether you're looking for resources, events or other content on the CALP Portal, this quick tutorial will help you find what you need, when you need it, by using filters, key words and other search functions.
This short video will show you how you can engage in Member Discussions on the CALP Portal. Log in to participate in the Community Adult Learning Program's online Community of Practice to see what your peers and colleagues are talking about!
This tutorial shows you how you can add your favourite resources or upcoming training events to the CALP Portal. When you share to the Portal, you are helping strengthen the CALP Community of Practice, and adding to our system's collective wisdom.
Family Literacy Day - January 27, 2017
Family Literacy Day® is a national awareness initiative created by ABC Life Literacy Canada in 1999 and held annually on January 27 to raise awareness of the importance of reading and engaging in other literacy-related activities as a family.

ABC Life Literacy has a variety of resources available to help you plan and promote community events. You can find ideas for activities and events, posters, postcards, sample social media messages and more, all available free of charge at
If you are planning an event in your community, ABC Life Literacy can also help you spread the word and raise awareness. Just head over to to add your event to their national calendar.
CLN Holiday Hours
Please note that the CLN will be closed through the Holiday Season from Friday, December 23rd until Monday, January 2nd, 2017.

On behalf of the CLN Board of Directors and Staff,
Wishing you the joy of family, the gift of friends, and the best of everything in 2017!
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Community Learning Network
c/o University of Alberta - SCSC - South Campus
2-211, 11610 – 65 AVE NW Edmonton, AB T6G 2E1
P: 1-877-485-4926
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