Without a doubt, one of the highlights of the Literacy and Learning Symposium every year is the gala Awards Banquet, to recognize the great work being done by adult literacy and learning practitioners across Alberta. We were delighted and honoured this year to be joined by the Minister of Advanced Education, the Honourable Marlin Schmidt. Among the awards presented throughout the evening, the CLN presented our "Outstanding Contribution to Community Adult Leanring Awards".
Since 1999, the Community Learning Network has recognized the valuable contributions made by Community Adult Learning Program employees and volunteer board members with this annual award.This year, the CLN Board of Directors received such strong nominations that the 2016 Outstanding Contribution to Community Adult Learning Award was presented to 3 winners.
For the first time in our award’s history, one of the deserving recipients was a team - the Bow Valley College Adult Literacy and Essential Skills team at the Centre for Excellence is Foundational Learning.

Berniece Gowan and Darmody Mumford accept the Outstanding Contribution award on behalf of Bow Valley College, presented by Terri Peters.
Also recognized by the CLN Board of Directors this year was Bonnie Caron, Literacy Coordinator at P.A.L.S. (Project Adult Literacy Society), for the examplary work she has done and dedication she has shown to supporting learners in Edmonton.

Bonnie Caron, P.A.L.S.
Finally, the CLN Board also recognized Karen Plourde, Coordinator for the Slave Lake Adult Education Commitee, for the work she has done in her community to embrace and promote the renewed CALP Guidelines and to improve access to adult literacy and foundational learning opportunities in her community.

Karen Plourde, with her husband Lawrence and Tanis Harms
All three of this year’s award recipients have really shone over the last year - they have inspired their Programs and their communities, shown exceptional leadership and vision, and have gone above and beyond to address meeting the literacy and foundational learning needs of adult learners in Alberta.
In addition to the CLN's Outstanding Contribution to Community Adult Learning Award, we were delighted to be part of the ceremonies to acknowledge Wendy Peverett from the Centre for Family Literacy, winner of this year's Dr. Ruth Hayden Memorial Family Literacy Practioners Award.

Wendy Peverett, Centre for Family Literacy
And of course, everyone in the room was moved by the presentation of the Council of the Federation Literacy Award to University nuhelot’įne thaiyots’į nistameyimâkanak Blue Quills, accepted by Vincent Stienhauer, University Pesident.

Honourable Marlin Schmidt, Minister of Advanced Education with Council of the Federation Literacy Award Winners from UnBQ. President Vincent Steinhauer (centre), Valerie Cardinal and Gale Nahnepowisk.
Thank you to all who were able to join us for such a wonderful evening!