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CLN Board Welcomes Georgina Supernault as Director
This fall at the 2018 CLN AGM, Georgina Supernault, Coordinator at Manning Community Adult Learning & Literacy Council, was elected to join the CLN Board of Directors.
Meet Georgina Supernault
My husband and I live on a farm in Sunny Valley where our backyard is the beautiful Peace River. I am a proud Metis Kokum (grandmother) of seven adorable grandchildren who keep me grounded and help lay the foundation of my learning.
I have been with the CALP system for over a decade and it has always been a learning experience. First as a board member making sure community needs were identified, then as a family literacy coordinator learning to develop programs that met client needs. Lately, it has been as a PDAC member and a curriculum developer finding practical tools for addressing Indigenous needs in our CALP spaces. It is always challenging, always interesting and always an honour to do the work I do.
I am so humbled to be a part of the CLN family, so excited to learn and grow with this amazing group of dedicated people. I hope to bring to this position what I have learned in programming, board development, community consultation, and curriculum design.
Wishing you all the hope, wonder and joy that the season can bring!
Merry Christmas and May the Creator bless you and your loved ones throughout the New Year.
Family Literacy Required Training Project Update
We are happy to provide you with the Family Literacy Required Training Project update.
Purpose of the Project: The intent of the new training will be to focus on supporting CALPs to implement the principles and best practices of Family Literacy to deliver programs that help adult learners acquire foundational skills, and to:
- Maintain the integrity of CALP Family Literacy programs in the province by identifying Family Literacy theory, principles and best practices
- Help CALPs to plan and deliver Family Literacy programs that focus on the achievement of adult literacy and foundational learning outcomes, in alignment with the CALP Guidelines
Working group: To provide input into the development of required training that focuses on Family Literacy as a mode of delivery in the achievement of adult foundational learning objectives, in alignment with the 2018 CALP Guidelines:
- Working Group Members: Sue Stegmeier, Jane Brenner, Monique Sedlar, Darlene Thompson, Tracey Earl-Wolfe, Kimberly Cairns, Alana Johnson, Barbara Moore Coffey, Wendy Peverett, Ben Hartt, Iona Neumeier, Amanda Giang, Corrie Rhyasen Erdman, Odette Lloyd, Tanis Harms, Lisa Dickner
- Met on Nov 22 in Edmonton
- Spent the day examining key focus areas for the training and generating a set of themes and topics to recommend to the Curriculum Committee
Curriculum Committee: Will design and develop the curriculum for the training and produce materials for training (facilitator manual, participant manual, PPT):
- Curriculum Committee Members: Nada Jerkovic, Wendy Peverett, Corrie Rhyasen Erdman, Tanis Harms, Rebecca Still, Cheryl Lovstrom, Odette Lloyd, Lisa Dickner
- Met on Nov 26-27 to build on the recommendations of the Working Group
- Key themes that emerged from the cumulative & collaborative processes of both groups:
- History of Family Literacy
- Why Focus on Adults in CALP Family Literacy Programs
- Differences Between Family Literacy and Family Literacy Programs
- Learners in CALP Family Literacy programs
- CALP Outcomes and Measures in Family Literacy Programs
- Principles and Best Practices
- Further Learning
Next Steps:
- Curriculum Committee will develop a framework for the training curriculum, which will be reviewed by the Working Group on February 26
- Feedback and recommendations will inform the curriculum
- Curriculum Committee will develop training materials for the 3 pilots which will run in the spring
- Evaluation feedback from the spring pilots will inform changes to curriculum and the training will be piloted a final time at LLS 2019
e-Learning Updates on the CALP Portal
We are very pleased to announce that last month, we launched a brand new e-learning workshop on the CALP Portal.
Volunteer Tutor Program Operations includes modules covering topics such as:
- Tutoring and the CALP Guidelines
- The Role of a Volunteer Coordinator
- Volunteer Recruitment and Screening
- Tutor Training and Support
The workshop also includes downloadable resources such as:
- Sample Job and Volunteer Position descriptions
- Sample interview questions
- Templates and tips to help in screening
- Tools and templates tutors can use with learners
We are also pleased to have relaunched the "Outcomes-based Measurement and Evaluation for the Community Adult Learning Program" e-learning workshop. This workshop provides an overview of the CALP Logic Model and Outcomes-based Measurement and Evaluation Framework, while providing CALPs with strategies, tools, tips and templates to help you understand and collect the data that is required for the CALP Final Report.
Be sure to check out the brand new short animated video, Understanding the CALP Logic Model!

Save the Date - CALP Insurance Webinar
CLN has noticed that there have been a few CALPs who have had questions in regards to their insurance policies as of late. Therefore, we have requested Doug Tweddle from Foster Park Brothers to host a webinar for CALPs who are interested in more information about their Directors and Officers insurance. He would also like you to come prepared with any questions you have in regards to your policies.
We will have further information on how to register soon, but at the moment please save Thursday, February 7, 2019 at 10 am if you are interested in attending.
January 27 is Family Literacy Day!
January 27, 2019 is the 20th anniversary of Family Literacy Day! This year's theme is Take 20.
ABC Life Literacy Canada created Family Literacy Day as an annual national awareness initiative in 1999 to raise awareness of the importance of reading and engaging in other literacy-related activities as a family.
For more resources, information or to register for more activities and stories go to ABC Family Literacy Day.
Take a few minutes to fill out this form explaining what you have planned for Family Literacy Day. All events submitted by January 16, 2019 will be entered into a draw for a chance to win a prize before Family Literacy Day!
ESL Rural Routes Newsletter
Wondering which ESL Rural Routes webinars are coming up? Or how to register? Want to get to know their team? You can get all that information plus tips and hints, a community profile and news from Rural Routes in the ESL Rural Routes Newsletter.
To subscribe or read past issues of the newsletter go to
Let's stand up for Equality, Justice and Human Dignity
Human Rights Day is observed every year on December 10 – the day the United Nations General Assembly adopted, in 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
This year, Human Rights Day marks the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a milestone document that proclaimed the inalienable rights which everyone is inherently entitled to as a human being -- regardless of race, colour, religion, sex, language, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
Did you know that education is included in the Declaration? Article 26 - Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages[...]
Human rights are everyone's rights. Know your rights, and help spread the word:
Read and share the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Find it here in more than 500 languages.
Watch people around the world recite articles of the Declaration in their language, and record yourself.
Listen to an audio recording of the Declaration in your native language and contribute a recording to make the Declaration more accessible.
Read a simplified version or the illustrated booklet of the Declaration.
Watch the Declaration in sign languages.
Reminder to Register for the Money Matters Webinar
Just a reminder you can join ABC Life Literacy Canada for a practical webinar about how numeracy skills are embedded in Money Matters, their suite of free financial literacy programs for adults in January.
Your ABC Senior Programs Coordinator will walk you through the program and workshop materials, highlighting activities that employ foundational learning and can serve as a base to explore other relevant numeracy skills. They will discuss how you can use already created, accessible materials as a jumping-off point for more learning. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A period. The webinar is geared toward CALPs and will be co-hosted by CLN. The Webinar will be on Tuesday, January 29th from 1 pm to 2:30 pm.
Register here.
Winter Wishes from CLN
It is hard to believe that the winter holiday season is just around the corner. As the year winds down, many of us take this time to reflect on months past and look forward to another year of growth and change within the Community Adult Learning Program.

On behalf of the CLN Board and Staff we hope that you all have the opportunity to rejuvenate, relax and spend time with loved ones. We look forward to reconnecting with you in the new year!
Please note the CLN office will be closed from Monday, December 24 to Tuesday, January 1, 2019.
Team CLN
"No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world."
– Robin Williams
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Community Learning Network
c/o University of Alberta - SCSC - South Campus
2-211, 11610 – 65 AVE NW Edmonton, AB T6G 2E1
P: 1-877-485-4926
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