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Meet the 2018 - 19 CLN Board of Directors
Thank you to everyone who joined us for CLN's 31st Annual General Meeting at the DoubleTree by Hilton in Edmonton on September 25th.
We are pleased to share with you the CLN Board of Directors for the 2018 -19 year.

Top row (left to right): Lil Radley, Doray Veno, Jana Thomson, Colleen Thiessen Front row (left to right): Jackie Seely, Lois Polege, Georgina Supernault
Doray Veno, Chair Hanna Learning Centre
Jana Thomson, Vice Chair Rocky Learning Centre
Jackie Seely, Treasurer Newell Further Education
Lois Polege, Secretary Flagstaff Community Adult Learning
Lil Radley, Director Read On Adult Literacy Program (Lethbridge Public Library)
Georgina Supernault, Director Manning Community Adult Learning & Literacy Council
Colleen Thiessen, Director Wetaskiwin Community Learning Program
This year we had two Board members, Karen Plourde and Brenda Adams, retire after completing their three 2-year terms. We thank them for their service to the association.
2018 Literacy and Learning Awards Banquet
CLN was delighted to host the annual Literacy and Learning Awards Banquet on Thursday, September 27th, in conjunction with the 2018 Symposium, to celebrate the outstanding accomplishments in community-based literacy and learning in Alberta.
The Honourable Marlin Schmidt, Minister of Alberta Advanced Education was in attendance to present the prestigious Council of the Federation Literacy Award to the Red Deer Public Library Adult Literacy Program. Alla Mysko-Henke, Manager of the program accepted the award. The program currently provides learning opportunities to approximately 360 learners, with 215 volunteer tutors contributing to their program.

Left to right: Brenda Knapp, Alla Mysko-Henke, Carolyn Simard, Honourable Marlin Schmidt
The CLN Board of Directors also presented two "Outstanding Contribution to Community Adult Learning" Awards this year.
Sharon Mickey, Family Literacy Manager with LEARN Medicine Hat, was recognized for always striving to find the best way to reach her learners and support their learning goals. She coordinates all of LEARN's Family Literacy learning opportunities, facilitates programs and conducts home visits with newcomer families.

Left to right: Kelsey Lievers, A.B.L.E. Medicine Hat presents the award to Sharon Mickey of LEARN
Pincher Creek Community Adult Learning Program was recognized by the CLN Board for the amazing team that has shifted their CALP to creating and providing innovative foundational programming. They hired an Indigenous Liaison recently and are running "Potential Best" courses for barriered learners, as well as supporting GED and ELL learners. They have also recently published the first in a series of three books that will be used to engage literacy learners in the Indigenous communities in the area they serve.

Left to right: Monica Sczyrba-Davis, Lucille Provost and Annie Steward
The Centre for Family Literacy also presented the Ruth Hayden Family Literacy Practitioner Award to Monique Sedlar, Literacy Coordinator at Rocky Learning Centre in Rocky Mountain House for the inspirational work she does in her community.

Left to right: Kim Chung from Centre for Family Literacy and Monique Sedlar
Along with the award presentations, one of the highlights of the evening was hearing the inspiring journey of the featured Adult Learner, Maria Thiessen, who attends CALP programs at the County of Lethbridge Community Learning Council.

Left to right: Maria Thiessen and Melanie Patenaude from County of Lethbridge Community Learning Council
Congratulations to all of the evening's award winners and speakers. We look forward to celebrating with you again next year!
E-Learning Updates!
Through the summer and fall, the CLN team has been working diligently to update and add new e-Learnings to the CALP Portal for you! We appreciate your feedback and engagement with these self-directed learning opportunities for CALPs, and we are happy to be able to give you access to new and updated online workshops.
To view all e-Learnings posted on the Portal, you must log in and then click on the e-Learning tab on the top. If you do not have a Portal account please contact Shaba Qureshi at

We are happy to announce that we have just published a brand new e-Learning for CALP-funded Family Literacy Program Operations. This workshop describes how Family Literacy can be used as a mode of program delivery within the CALP Guidelines, and includes ideas and strategies for engaging adult learners in the family context. It also includes tips for program coordinators on effective administration, recruiting, training and retaining facilitators, and seeking and spending program dollars.
We have also updated the CALP Financial Management e-Learning, to ensure it is aligned to the new CALP grant application and reporting processes, which came into effect on July 1, 2018.
The Outcomes-based Measurement and Evaluation for the Community Adult Learning Program e-Learning is currently being updated, to align with the new CALP logic model and will be live on the site shortly.
Finally, this month, we will be releasing another new e-Learning workshop, which is designed to support those CALP staff who are running volunteer tutor programs.
Stay tuned!
CLN's 2017-18 Annual Report
Following our Annual General Meeting, CLN hosted a Social and Poster Presentation where we launched our 2017-18 Annual Report. We certainly had a busy year, and are pleased to share with you our activities and accomplishments.

Click on the image above to view the CLN Annual Report poster.
In addition to showcasing our Annual Report poster, 11 other posters were shared by CALPs from around the province.
The People's Choice Award for best poster was voted on by Social attendees, and went to LEARN Medicine Hat for their "You can Lean on Learn" poster.

Bulk Book Orders and Discounts for CALPs
Thanks to generous support from the publishing sector, CLN has secured discount prices on book orders for another year. CALPs ordering from select book publishers will receive up to a 40% discount on all orders placed until June 30th, 2019. CALP pricing is available from the following publishers:
- Ampersand (handles multiple publishers)
- Anansi Press
- Chapters/Indigo
- Harper Collins
- Orca Book Publishers
For more information and current order forms, check out the Bulk Book Orders and Discount Pricing for CALPs on the Portal:
Multilingual Video Stack
Need some quick-access tools to engage newcomers in discussions about employment? Shift Management's multilingual video collection of problem-solving Canadian workplace scenarios, job find tips and Canadian workplace cultural scenarios provides effective tools for adult education, employment agencies, and English language programs for immigrants.
Videos are categorized in handy themes including: interviews, workplace expectations, intercultural communication, networking tips, dealing with rejections and finding work. They have context explanations and discussion questions to use the videos as springboards for discussion and action. These short, targeted videos assist with finding answers to common issues faced by immigrant job seekers and their employers.
The full library is available for a low-cost monthly subscription.
Use these videos to:
- Show newcomers about Canadian workplace culture expectations and help them avoid potential employment pitfalls
- Develop your own intercultural competency and capacity to explain Canadian culture to others
- Cut down on your planning time while increasing learner engagement and recall
- Incorporate continuous intercultural learning for staff into your staff meetings and events
Why subscribe to Multilingual Video Stack to get your videos?
- They are Canadian!
- Based on REAL newcomer experiences
- Organized for easy access
- Short and practical with multiple uses
- Multilingual
What you will get with your subscription:
60 short videos with subtitles in French, Spanish, Arabic, Hindi and Ukrainian:
- Categorized in 17 helpful categories with discussion questions, context explanations and support documents
- 10 Webinars on job find topics such as networking and entry level resumes
- 10 Topic specific video responses to typical job search questions for newcomers
- Employer best practice for hiring and retention of immigrant employees from business owners and managers
- Employer tutorials on inclusive workplace, and inclusive hiring and retention tips
- Discussion questions, downloadable resources and video context explanations
- A 14 day video daily dose onboarding sequence to get users into the habit of using videos with clients and for their sessions
Click here to see some of the videos and to get more information! $15 monthly subscription per user 10% discount on 10 subscriptions or more
Contact 780-993-1062 Questions? Book a web share meeting to get them answered:
Symposium 2018 Overall Evaluation
Thank you to everyone who attended, presented, facilitated and helped plan the Literacy and Learning Sympoisum 2018. We hope everyone took away from it as much as you hoped to and more.
We thank everyone who took the time to complete the blue event evaluation form before you headed home from the Symposium, but we'd like to invite any other feedback you may have to inform our planning.
If you did not have the time or opportunity to complete the "overall" evaluation form, please CLICK HERE to download a copy. You can complete the form and return it to the CLN by fax at 1-877-326-8126, or scan and email to
Please return completed evaluation forms to the CLN by Monday, October 15th.
Of course, you are always welcome to contact any CLN staff directly if you would like to provide more detailed thoughts on the event, or suggestions for future events.
We look forward to seeing you all again in Edmonton next September!
"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude."
– Maya Angelou
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Community Learning Network
c/o University of Alberta - SCSC - South Campus
2-211, 11610 – 65 AVE NW Edmonton, AB T6G 2E1
P: 1-877-485-4926
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