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A look into how the CLN Board is Working for You!
Six times a year, the CLN Board of Directors meet, either online or face-to-face, to conduct our “business”. Recently, the board met in Edmonton on April 19 and 20.
CLN’s Board members come from across the province; Karen Plourde from the North, Jackie Peterson and Lil Radley from the South, Brenda Adams and Colleen Thiessen from West-Central, Lois Polege from East-Central and Doray Veno and Jana Thomson from Central. Lisa Dickner, Executive Director, joined us for the meeting. Lindsay Manz and Ben Hartt, from Advanced Education also joined us for an afternoon.
As always, these meetings are productive and busy. Karen Plourde, the Chair, keeps the meeting on track as agenda items are covered, questions asked, issues discussed, and decisions made. For example, at this meeting agenda items included:
- CLN’s Human Resource policies were reviewed and updated. With the introduction of new legislation for HR and Employment Standards, it was timely to ensure all our policies were up to date. CLN will post our draft policies as samples that CALPs can reference for their own policy. If you missed it earlier in the year, and have questions about how the new legislation could impact your organization, you can view the recording of a webinar CLN hosted with a representative from Alberta Labour this past January. The recording and the answers to some follow-up questions are available to CALP staff with a Portal login at[]=1&pkGroups[]=6&comaction=discussion&pkDiscussion=607&q=bill+17&sort=-dtCreated
- We reviewed and approved the CLN’s PD Support Services grant application and budget for Advanced Education for the 2018-19 funding cycle. CLN submitted our application to Advanced Education on May 1st.
- Lindsay Manz and Ben Hartt shared information from Advanced Education, including the recent review of Family Literacy, and the CALP grant focus on foundational learning.
- Lisa Dickner, Executive Director, brought us up to date on many items including regional training needs and trends, Symposium registration and planning, and other CLN activities and initiatives.
- The Alberta Food Bank Conference – This year, CLN will be a community sponsor for this event, and we are proud that our board will be represented at this event. We are looking forward to making connections with service agencies like Alberta’s food banks, that could grow to strengthen local partnerships for CALP programs across the province.
- The Digital Literacy Exchange Program grant application – If successful, CLN and NorQuest College will work together to develop an electronic application or platform that will build digital literacy among adult learners across the province, and potentially across the country. Our proposal is to develop the app, which would be made available to CALP staff and other adult learning practitioners at no cost, as well as to develop and deliver “train-the-trainer” materials and face-to-face training for practitioners so you can get the most out of the app when you work with learners.
These meetings are vibrant, packed with meaningful discussion by passionate talented board members. Each bring their unique community perspectives, united by the common goal of promoting and advancing foundational learning for all adult learners in every region of the province.
I am confident that those in the field will be happy to see the results of our board meetings; this could be additional training opportunities, information on the portal, regional training, and soon, the Symposium.
Lil Radley, Secretary CLN Board of Directors
Executive Director's Message
One week to go until our last Regional Meeting coming up on May 10th. So far I’ve traveled 2200kms since March 15th to reconnect and/or meet new CALP staff in five sites (Stony Plain, Lethbridge, Drayton Valley, Grande Prairie and Big Valley). It has been a pleasure to network with over 160 CALP staff (including nine board members) representing 78 CALPs! I look forward to adding to these totals next week as I make my way to St. Paul to enjoy the last in this series of meetings. It has been heartwarming to witness the connections and sharing that supports the growth of our professional communities in this amazing network all focused on supporting adult learners in communities throughout Alberta. My thanks to each of you for making time to join these gatherings and share your wisdom with your regional colleagues.
In the coming weeks, CLN will be sending out our Annual Membership Services Survey. We look forward to hearing from you about your experience with professional development and networking opportunities offered this year and how we can support your training, mentoring and PD needs in the year to come.
Lisa Dickner CLN Executive Director
CLN Membership Renewal
It's that time of year already! Community Learning Network is conducting our annual membership renewal. 
CLN Membership Renewal
- If your organization receives a CALP grant from Advanced Education, you are automatically a member of the Community Learning Network.
- There are NO membership fees or dues to pay.
- Our membership year is aligned to the CALP grant cycle, from July 1st to June 30th.
To keep your membership in good standing, all we ask is that you confirm a few details about your CALP and provide information about the key contact people and your CALP's staff. This helps us ensure our records are current, so we can continue to keep you up to date about training and networking opportunities, new resources and supports, and other CALP news from across the province.
We will also use this information to ensure your CALP's listing in our online directory at is accurate, so learners anywhere in the province can easily find a CALP close to home.
The membership renewal form will be sent out by direct email to the Senior Staff person for each CALP early next week.
The deadline to complete your membership renewal will be June 15th, 2018. Once we have received your renewal, we will mail out your certificate of Membership in Good Standing for 2018-2019.
Please take note the CLN Member Services Survey will be sent out later in May.
CALP Database Updates and Upgrades
This spring, the CALP Database has been getting a makeover, and we can't wait to roll out the changes!
We've been listening to your feedback about ways the system could be more user-friendly, and about what kinds of features and functions would support you in your reporting, as well as your operations in general.
The Databse reports have also been updated to reflect changes in the CALP Logic Model, Evaluation Framework and final report. Starting next week, you will be able to enter data for the 2018-19 CALP cycle, while still being able to capture and report on the required information for the 2017-18 reporting cycle.
The CALP Database will be offline this weekend, between Saturday morning and Sunday night, May 5th and 6th, as the developers upgrade the system.
Some new features we think you'll like include:
Online Guidebook - search by keyword or navigate with the menu, print only the section or sections you need

Learner Summary - see an online "summary card" for each learner, that includes the option to add notes and comments, and shows a complete registration and referral history

Data Summary Visuals - see how the data in each of your tables breaks down, with this quick "at-a-glance" overview

If you are not already using the CALP Database, but would like to access this system to help manage your organization's data, please contact Odette at to get an account set up.
Information Update for Poster Presentation at Symposium
Did you know that the Literacy and Learning Symposium Social is one of the premiere networking opportunities at the Symposium?
This year, we are offering a new way for you to make connections and showcase the great things happening at your CALP as part of the Symposium Social on Tuesday, September 25th, from 4:30 to 6:30 pm.
Poster Presentation Opportunity
The Symposium planning committee would like to invite CALPs to create poster presentations to be displayed during the social.
Strategically placed where people come to connect and socialize, posters can provide a different kind of learning and networking space that is enjoyed by Symposium delegates.
We think the Literacy and Learning Symposium is a great place to show your skills in aligning excellent programs and projects with vibrant visual presentation! This is a skill worthy of acknowledgement, so the Social will also include the chance for Symposium delegates to view and vote on a "People's Choice Award" for best poster presentation!
Poster Presentation Size & Format
- The hard copy posters will be displayed on easels, provided by the Symposium planning committee
- Based on the display space, the maximum size for posters will be 48” w x 36” h (such as a standard trifold poster board) and the minimum size is 20” w x 30” h (standard poster board)
- Posters must be mounted on sturdy material (such as a poster board or foam core)
- Photocopying and materials to make the poster will be the presenter's responsibility
- CALPs may also choose to bring their organization's stand-up banner to display
If you are interested in showcasing your CALP at this year's Symposium, CLICK HERE to download the Poster Presentation Guidelines package.
Ready to submit your Poster Presentation concept? CLICK HERE!
Reminder for CLN Board Nominations
The CLN Board is currently recruiting Community Adult Learning Program Staff and/or Board Members to join our team.
We’re looking for individuals who will bring their passion and their skills to the CLN Board, and help advance our vision, where
“Community Adult Learning Programs are the hub for adult learning in every community.”
If you are interested in learning more, please see the CLN Board Recruitment package on the CALP Portal (member login required) or email
The CLN Membership will elect our Board for 2018-19 at our Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, September 25th at the Literacy and Learning Symposium 2018.
Reminder for Call for Nominations: Outstanding Contribution to Community Adult Learning Award
Each year, the CLN Board of Directors recognizes the achievements and dedication to community-based adult learning by presenting the Outstanding Contribution to Community Adult Learning Award at the Literacy and Learning Symposium.
The award is open to CALP organizations, employees and board members. If you know of a CALP who has been exceptional throughout the 2017-18 year, please submit a nomination.
You can find the Award guidelines and the nomination package by logging into your CALP Portal account and going to the Documents section in the All Member and Partners Group.
Nominations will be accepted until August 27th, 2018.
Pictured: Mary Davis (R) receiving the Outstanding Contribution to Community Adult Learning Award with Brenda Barritt (L) at the Literacy and Learning Symposium 2017.
Closing Soon: 2018 Council of the Federation Literacy Award Nominations
Just a reminder the 2018 call for nominations closes May 18th, 2018!
The Council of the Federation Literacy Award was created in 2004 by Canada's Premiers to recognize literacy achievements in every province and territory. The award recognizes outstanding achievement, innovative practice, and excellence in literacy.
Alberta has celebrated the achievements of learners and educators in the areas of community, family, Indigenous, and workplace literacy. This year Alberta will continue to honour the hard work and commitment of a community organization that is helping adults to acquire and build on the foundational learning skills they need to improve their lives.
Help us celebrate and recognize the work and leadership of a community literacy organization by completing and submitting a nomination package. For more information, see the Frequently Asked Questions or visit the Council of the Federation.
Quote of the Day
"Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value."
—Albert Einstein
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Community Learning Network
c/o University of Alberta - SCSC - South Campus
2-211, 11610 – 65 AVE NW Edmonton, AB T6G 2E1
P: 1-877-485-4926
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