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Summer is here! As another CALP year comes to a close, take time to reflect on all you have accomplished this year. Pat yourself on the back and force yourself to brag a little about your accomplishments. 2017/18 has been a year of innovation by CALP staff around the province. It has been a year of increased connections among CALPs and the CLN. Collectively, we have served adult learners in our province in innumerable ways, positively impacting our Alberta home. Bravo!
Most of you are looking forward to some summer time off and the chance to recharge. Enjoy your summer, and we will see you in the fall at Symposium.
I want to give a shout out to the CLN staff who have kept us all connected; you have helped us with mentoring, training, PD, and so much more. Your hard work is appreciated by all! Together, we make a mighty contribution.
This will be my last year on the CLN Board: what a grand experience it has been. I have enjoyed the experience as well as the opportunity to acquire perspective and insight from the extraordinary members who serve on this board. People like you…CALP people.
Knowledge gained by serving on the board has helped me communicate better with my own board about the broader provincial scope. It has enabled me to better insure that my local board is meeting Advanced Education expectations and directions. Even board development of our local CALP has been enhanced by experiences learned on the CLN board. Everything I learn as a board member has helped me serve my community better. Serving on this board is a win-win.
Think about joining the CLN board for yourself, your local board, your community, your province and for all CALPs. Expand your horizons. Try something new. Many of you have already served, but even seasoned board members might want to consider serving again, as the CLN board has undergone so many changes, even in my short experience.
You can download the CLN Board Member Position Description and Application Package from the CALP Portal in the "All Members and Partners" Documents folder.
If I don’t see you before then, I look forward to connecting with you at CLN’s Annual General Meeting at the Symposium in September!
Karen Plourde CLN Board Chair
CLN Member Services Survey
It's that time of year again! Last month we sent out our year-end member services survey.
All CALP staff, board members, other volunteers or contracted instructors/facilitators who have accessed any of CLN’s support services or training over the last year are invited to complete this survey.
If there are people within your organization who did not receive the email, please feel free to share the link to the survey and invite them to participate.
The survey takes 5 to 15 minutes to let us know what you think of the Professional Development and support services CLN has provided to the CALP system over the past year. We’d also like to invite you to give your suggestions and input to help shape our planning for the year ahead.
You can access the survey online at
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.
Updated Video: Introduction to the Community Adult Learning Program
CLN has updated the video we produced to promote the Community Adult Learning Program. With recent changes to the CALP Guidelines, we have ensured that the video remains consistent with the Guidelines.

This video is free for CALPs to use to promote the important work we do in supporting adult foundational learners throughout Alberta.
We will also be providing an updated version of the Literacy and Foundational Learning puzzle piece graphic for your use in the days to come!
CLN Board Building Relationships and Promoting CALPs
Last month, Brenda Adams attended the Food Banks Alberta 2018 Conference on behalf of the Community Learning Network. Brenda is the Executive Director at Tri-CALA, and has served on the CLN Board of Directors since 2012, including as the Chair of the Board in 2015 - 2017.
The Food Banks Alberta conference was a great opportunity to promote the work of CALPs in serving vulnerable Albertans, and to build relationships with other organizations who seek to serve these people. Sessions at the conference included workshops on different models of Collective Kitchens, emergency preparedness, and how to collect and analyze the right data to support our communities and meet needs.
CLN was proud to be a community sponsor for this event, and we look forward to continuing to build meaningful relationships across the nonprofit sector in Alberta.
How to Report on Tutoring Outcomes: New FAQ
Did you know that there is a tab on the CALP Portal where you can find answers to some Frequently Asked Questions about the CALP Grant and Guidelines?
Once you log in with your CALP Portal account, you will see a tab on the menu bar called "CALP FAQs".

The page features Frequently Asked Questions, and the answers - straight from the CALP team at Advanced Education. You can search through the questions posted there to find answers that have been developed by the CALP Grant management team. If you can't find what you are looking for, you can also submit your question directly to Advanced Education.
Recently, the CALP team added to the FAQs. Have you been wondering about how to report on Outcomes for volunteer tutor programs, or how to count learners who work with a tutor?
Outcomes measures must be collected for the learners who participate in a learning opportunity in Tutoring in Literacy and Foundational Learning (LFL) and Tutoring in English Language Learning (ELL).
If you want to learn more about how to report on tutoring, click over to the CALP FAQs tab at or click here (CALP Portal login required to access this link.
You can also read through the answers to other FAQs, or send your own question directly to the CALP team at Advanced Education:

Submit your Poster Presentation Idea for the Symposium Social
The Symposium planning committee would like to invite CALPs to create poster presentations to be displayed during the social on Tuesday, September 25th, from 4:30 to 6:30 pm.
Strategically placed where people come to connect and socialize, posters can provide a different kind of learning and networking space that is enjoyed by Symposium delegates.
We think the Literacy and Learning Symposium is a great place to show your skills in aligning excellent programs and projects with vibrant visual presentation! This is a skill worthy of acknowledgement, so the Social will also include the chance for Symposium delegates to view and vote on a "People's Choice Award" for best poster presentation!
Poster Presentation Size & Format
- The hard copy posters will be displayed on easels, provided by the Symposium planning committee
- Based on the display space, the maximum size for posters will be 48” w x 36” h (such as a standard trifold poster board) and the minimum size is 20” w x 30” h (standard poster board)
- Posters must be mounted on sturdy material (such as a poster board or foam core)
- Photocopying and materials to make the poster will be the presenter's responsibility
- CALPs may also choose to bring their organization's stand-up banner to display
If you are interested in showcasing your CALP at this year's Symposium, CLICK HERE to download the Poster Presentation Guidelines package.
Ready to submit your Poster Presentation concept? CLICK HERE!
Don't Forget: Call for Nominations for Outstanding Contribution to Community Adult Learning Award
As many programs prepare to wind down or take some time away through the summer months, it's nice to reflect back on the year and celebrate our achievements. And what better way than to celebrate the great work you have seen in the CALP system this year?
Each year, the CLN Board of Directors recognizes the achievements and dedication to community-based adult learning by presenting the Outstanding Contribution to Community Adult Learning Award at the Literacy and Learning Symposium.
(Pictured: Holly Cependa and Christine Hominiuk accept the 2017 Award, for the innovative partnership between VegMin Learning Society and Smoky Lake County Community Learning Council.)
Over the past year, is there an individual or a CALP you've seen who has:
- Shown leadership in the adult learning field?
- Inspired their CALP or community to advance lifelong learning?
- Increased capacity in their organization and/or community to better meet the foundational learning needs of adult Albertans?
The award is open to CALP organizations, employees and board members.
You can find the Award guidelines and the nomination package by logging into your CALP Portal account and going to the Documents section in the All Member and Partners Group.
Nominations will be accepted until August 27, 2018.
Friend of Diversity Award Presented to Darlene MacDonald
Diversity Magazine started in December 2012 as Afro-Canadian Magazine and evolved into Diversity Magazine in December 2014. The magazine has a focus on building a better Alberta through diversity and inclusion.
As part of their effort to present ways to share cultural harmony in the workplace and at home, each year they present the Diversity Awards in a number of categories. In 2018, CALP's own Darlene MacDonald was honoured with the "Friend of Diversity" award. This award is presented to individuals who have distinguished themselves in their diversity and inclusion efforts in their community.
Darlene is the Executive Director at the Lloydminster Learning Council Association. The Learning Council offers a variety of programs from English Language Learning, to Digital and Computer training, to Family Literacy learning opportunities, depending on where the learner’s goals lie.
You can read more about the awards, which were presented in Red Deer this month, and see the photo gallery of all the winners online at
Volunteer Screening Development Grant Available for Alberta Nonprofits
Volunteer Alberta recently announced the "Volunteer Screening Development Grant", which is available to nonprofits through the Volunteer Screening Program.
Eligible organizations can apply for up to $3,000.00 to support them with organizational development in the area of volunteer screening. These funds are provided with support from the Government of Alberta.
Eligible organizations must:
- Have fewer than 10 permanent staff (full or part time)
- Have more than 10 volunteers a year who require screening to work in roles that require a Vulnerable Sector Check
- Work with vulnerable populations and engage volunteers in approved positions of trust or authority
Visit the Volunteer Alberta's website to learn more about the supports available through the Voluntary Screening Program at
Warm Summer Wishes from Team CLN

This is the final edition of CALP Connections for the 2017-2018 year. Watch your inbox for the next edition in September 2018.
On behalf of the CLN Board and Staff, thank you all for the work you do, and for another year of supporting literacy and foundational learning in Alberta.
The CLN continues our regular business through the summer months, so please don't hesitate to reach out to your Regional Support Staff or to the provincial office in the coming months.
Quote of the Day
"Just living is not enough ... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower."
Hans Christian Andersen
"Just living is not enough ... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower."
– Hans Christian Andersen
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Community Learning Network
c/o University of Alberta - SCSC - South Campus
2-211, 11610 – 65 AVE NW Edmonton, AB T6G 2E1
P: 1-877-485-4926
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