Last week, CLN sent out an email to everyone who registered in our training and PD events between March and June of 2020.
As many of you know, CLN is funded by the Government of Alberta to provide free and subsidized professional development opportunities to the CALP system. As part of our funding agreement with Alberta Advanced Education, we are required to report on the impact and outcomes of the PD opportunities we provide to the system, in alignment with the CALP PD System Logic Model.
As part of this evaluation process, we ask participants who attend our training events to complete evaluation forms at the end of a training event, which provide us with immediate outcomes information.
Three times a year, we send out a follow-up survey, where we collect intermediate outcomes evaluation data, where we ask you to give feedback on whether you have integrated PD learnings into your CALP practice, and whether the PD has helped increase your confidence in your role.
These surveys take less than two minutes to complete.
This spring, as we “pivoted” to more online PD opportunities in the face of the emerging COVID-19 pandemic, we saw a large decrease in the number of evaluations we usually collect at face-to-face training events.
And we get it! Filling out surveys was not at the top of anyone’s priority list in the early months of the pandemic response.
However, as we move forward in the “new normal”, CLN must still be accountable for our grant activities, and that means we need to hear from you! This is why, when you register for a CLN training event, we ask you to commit to participating in the evaluation process.
We ask that you complete our brief survey for each CLN PD opportunity you participated in this spring between March and June of 2020. The trainings have been broken into groups, to keep the surveys manageable, so you may have received up to 3 survey links from Odette at
If you are not sure which trainings you attended, you can go to the "My Learning Plan and Training History" menu under the Training and Events tab on the Portal to see your registrations:
![Evalulation follow up](_uploads/5fc527119e198.png)
The deadline to fill out the survey(s) and be entered to win $500.00 from Staples has been extended to 4:30 pm on Wednesday, December 2nd.
If you did not see the email(s) in your inbox, with the links to the surveys, please check your junk/spam folder. If you still can’t find the links, and would like to complete the survey(s), please email Odette directly at and let her know which training(s) you attended so she can send you the correct survey link(s).