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Thank you to those that attended CLN’s 35th Annual General Meeting virtually on September 28th.
Please share with us in welcoming our Board for the 2022-2023 year:
![[untitled]](_uploads/633b279d4b69b.jpg) Colleen Thiessen, Chair Kimberly Cairns, Vice-Chair & Governance Committee
![[untitled]](_uploads/633b275551859.jpg) Stephanie Brown, Treasurer Cindy Heidecker, Secretary
![[untitled]](_uploads/633b2702ede30.jpg) Chelsey Friedt, Director Rochelle Galeski, Director
![[untitled]](_uploads/633b283baa7e9.png) Melanie Patenaude, Director Tanya Mercredi, Director & Governance Committee & Governance Committee
We would also like to recognize Lois Polege for her contributions to the CLN Board over the past six years. We wish you all the best, Lois and will miss your energy and sound advice.
Congratulations to those who have continued their service with Community Adult Learning Programs in Alberta for over 20 years!
Dee Palichuk, Community Association for Lasting Success – 25 Years
Kathy Richards, Cardston & District Community Adult Learning – 35 Years
“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and love of what you are doing or learning to do.” - Pelé
2022 Literacy and Learning Awards
Thank you to everyone who attended the Literacy and Learning Awards on October 28th, 2022!
Nancy Carlson at CBC News delivered a message of recognition for Truth and Recognition Day, and introduced Elder Dave Matilpi. Elder Dave Matilpi provided important messaging about Truth and Reconciliation and the devastating history of residential schools with its lasting affects today, as well as the importance of continued allyship amidst racism and prejudice.
Lori St.Cyr presented a moving video for awareness about Indigenous history and Truth and Reconciliation, which included a montage of Indigenous CALP staff sharing what reconciliation means to them. Please click the image below to view the video.
The Minister of Advanced Education, Demetrios Nicolaides, joined on behalf of the Premier and Government and emphasized the importance of the work and partnerships that strengthen adult literacy and provide freedom.
Minister Nicolaides announced that the 2022 Council of the Federation Award recipient is Prospect Human Services Society of Calgary, who have made a significant impact on the lives of Albertans through their programming. Kevin McNichol accepted the award on behalf of Prospect Human Services, noting how important literacy is to lift individuals out of poverty and strengthen life skills. McNichol also emphasized how digital literacy in particular is incredibly important in being socially engaged and finding employment for many adult learners.
We spun the wheel and gave out prizes to some lucky winners! Congratulations to:
Kelsey Seth from Paintearth Adult Learning, winning a tablet;
Coalition for Far Northwest Alberta Brighter Futures Society, winning a $100 gift card;
and Big Country Community Adult Learning Council. also winning a $100 gift card!

Congratulations to Cold Lake Community Learning Centre for receiving the Outstanding Contribution to Community Adult Learning Award! Nominator Ana Dodman presented the award to Executive Director Samantha Douglas. Both were joined by their board of directors, volunteers and community partners. Cold Lake Community Learning Centre is celebrated for their work this past year delivering digital literacy classes and providing programming to Ukrainian newcomers.
Another congratulations to Nancy Purdy, who also received the Outstanding Contribution to Community Adult Learning Award! Nominator Berniece Gowan presented the award to recipient Nancy Purdy. Nancy inspired and guided The Digital Divide Project, which captured the best practices for digital learning and created the digital audit tool to assist with online modes of delivery. Read more about The Digital Divide Project in This Month's Spotlight!
We extend a big thank you to Colleen Theissen for her amazing work and leadership over the past year.
2021-2022 Annual Report
The CLN Board and Staff are delighted to present the 2021 - 2022 Annual Report, detailing our accomplishments and reflections over the past year.
Please click the image below to view the digital Annual Report.

Save the Date and Call For Presenters
Community Learning Network (CLN) is very pleased to announce that we will be hosting the Literacy & Learning Symposium 2023 on:
Tuesday, May 9th to Wednesday, May 10th – Virtual event
Thursday, May 11th to Friday, May 12th – In-person event in Edmonton
Please mark your calendars!
The Symposium 2023 Call for Presenters is now open! ![[untitled]](_uploads/633b4ede347af.jpg)
Are you or do you know an expert in our field who would like to contribute to the future of the CALP system?
The Literacy & Learning Symposium Planning Committee is now accepting proposals for sessions at the Literacy & Learning Symposium 2023 - May 9-10th (Virtual) & May 11-12th (In-person) and we encourage presenters to submit presentation proposals.
Participation as a presenter will help attendees increase their knowledge and skills, provide for an exchange of ideas and solutions, and help attendees address the needs facing adult literacy and foundational learners in Alberta. In doing so, CLN, along with those selected presenters, will create a community of learning.
Symposium threads will include:
Literacy and Foundational Learning
- Adult Literacy
- Basic Digital Skills
- English Language Learning
- Essential Skills
- Foundational Learners and Learning
- Numeracy
- Skills for Learning
CALP Programs and Activities
- CALP-funded Family Literacy Programs
- Community Capacity Building
- Financial Literacy
- Learner Support Services
- Learning Activities
- Newcomer Supports for English Language Learners
- Workplace Literacy
CALP Staff and Volunteer Development
- Board Development
- Coaching & Modeling Strategies
- Digital Technology, Tools and Resources
- Facilitation Skills
- Inclusion, Diversity and Safer Spaces
- Indigenous, Metis and/or Inuit Learning and Learners
- Instructional Strategies
- Learner-centred Assessment
- Learning Disabilities
- Trauma-Informed Practices, Mental Health & Learning
- Tutor Training
- Budgeting & Finances
- Community Partnerships and Engagement
- Human Resources
- Marketing and Social Media
- Needs Assessment and/or Evaluation
- Regional Stewardship and Post-Secondary Connections
- Strategic Planning
- Succession Planning
- Volunteer Recruitment and Retention
To be considered, sessions must be engaging learning formats and must have clear learning objectives. Session participants should walk away with knowledge of a tool, strategy or tactic that will enhance their ability to support learners. Participants should also come away from these sessions with a clear understanding of the relevance of the session topic to their work, as well as information on how and where to access additional resources and supports.
Presenters will be asked to answer three questions to identify the session's learning objectives:
- What is the purpose of this session?
- What will the participants learn in this session?
- What will the participants take away from this session?
The answers provided will be included in the published program information to help our Symposium attendees choose the sessions that will meet their individual professional learning needs.
Presenters will also be offered the option to present at the virtual event, the in-person event or both.
To submit a proposal, please complete the online form here:
Deadline for submissions is Friday, October 21, 2022 at 4:30 pm
Please contact Pat Halewich, PD & Events Specialist, Community Learning Network
Please help circulate the Symposium Call for Presenters within your networks!
Marketing and Promotion Resources
There are many ways to market and promote your CALP. Nametags are a great way to showcase the organization you are a part of, your name, and your role if desired. Nametags can be purchased on the Portal and shipped directly to your CALP.
Click here to learn more and purchase your nametag.
The Portal also offers multiple logos for marketing and promotion. For example, you can access different types of Government of Alberta, CALP and CLN* logos.
*Please contact the CLN Office before adding the CLN logo to any projects.
Click here to access this page of logos ready for download.
Upcoming Professional Development Opportunities
Check out the events and start dates for November’s PD opportunities for CALP staff, volunteers, board members, instructors and facilitators. Follow the links for more details. Register now to ensure your spot!
Oct 25 (3 Tuesdays) – Adult Literacy and Learning (A.L.L) in Family Literacy Programs - CALP-funded family literacy programs are a safe, welcoming entry point to learning for adult foundational learners. This training will provide tools to address the ‘how to’ deliver fun and engaging programs that align with the CALP Guidelines. It builds on concepts from the CALP Essentials for Family Literacy Programs training.
November 9 (5 Wednesdays) – Introduction to Adult Foundational Learning - This CALP required training aligns with the Government of Alberta Community Adult Learning Program (CALP) Guidelines and is intended to give CALP-funded practitioners fundamental knowledge for supporting adult foundational learners in communities across Alberta.
Nov 9-10 Engaging with Indigenous Learners (Yellowhead Tribal College, Edmonton) - Learn about local, regional, and national issues of relevance to adult Indigenous learners to help you create a supportive and welcoming learning experience for Indigenous learners in your community. Connect with and build relationships with community members from your local First Nations College/University.
Nov 15 Holding Safer Spaces Open Circle - Taming Your Advice Monster - Do you ever struggle to have all the answers, be responsible for everything, or stay in control? Welcome to your Advice Monster, as identified by Michael Bungay Stanier in his book "The Advice Trap." Join in the discussion and identify ways to step back, listen more, and serve instead of fix those around us.
Nov 17 New CALP Staff Webinar - If you are new in your role in CALP, and still looking to get the lay of the land, please join us to connect with your colleagues from across the province.
Don’t miss these opportunities!
Strengthening Literacy Practices – Only 2 days left to submit an Expression of Interest
Would you like to feel more confident in your role supporting adult literacy learners? Learn more about this 8-month cohort-based training to build your knowledge and skills in delivering adult literacy programming that will allow you to better serve adult literacy learners. Submit your expression of interest by Thursday, October 6.
Explore Funding Opportunities for your CALP – Back By Popular Demand!!
For the second year in a row, CLN is pleased to provide mentoring to CALP staff. If you are looking to build your CALP programming in directions that meet the learning needs of your community and you are looking for new ideas, advice or to get input on initiatives you’ve started, then you can book up to an hour with a mentor. Jane Brenner has an extensive background in community needs assessment, accessing funding, and managing projects to meet the foundational learning needs through CALP.
Future Professional Development Opportunities
Watch for these popular trainings over the coming year! Registration opens the first week of the month prior to the start date (e.g., registration opens in December for all January training dates).
Introduction to Adult Foundational Learning (required training)
- January 26, 2023 (5 Thursdays)
CALP Essentials for Family Literacy Programs (required training for organizations offering family literacy programming)
- January 25, 2023 (3 Wednesdays)
Tech Talk
- December 8, 2022 (2 Thursdays, 1 Tuesday)
- April 5, 2023 (3 Wednesdays)
Holding Safer Spaces
- January 17, 2023 (11 Tuesdays)
Adult Literacy and Learning (A.L.L.) in Family Literacy Programs
- March 2, 2023 (3 Thursdays)
Communities of Practice
Join your peers in informal online discussions facilitated by CLN staff. Grab a coffee, bring a question, share a success or challenge, and settle in for five minutes or all sixty.
The Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee Medal
The Community Learning Network is honoured to be selected as a trusted partner in the Queen Elizabeth ll’s Platinum Jubilee Medal Program. CLN has prepared a nomination process, according to the official guidelines. We are excited about this unique opportunity to recognize deserving individuals from Alberta’s literacy and learning communities.
Please refer to the guidelines and criteria before submitting your nomination.
Nominations close October 5th at 4:00 pm and can be submitted here:
This Month's Spotlight

This month's spotlight is The Digital Divide Project.
After adapting to Covid-19 restrictions and transitioning into a new sense of 'normal,' both learners and staff have had to adapt alongside one another in the digital sphere. The Digital Divide Project by Calgary Learns researched how this shift has affected adult learning and the CALP system. The Digital Divide Project worked directly with practitioners to document these changes and populate their feedback into a resource.
The goals of The Digital Divide Project were to understand the setbacks and problems that Albertan adult learners have experienced from online modes of delivery in order to adequately address them. They also aimed to create a resource that includes tips, tricks, and practices gathered from CALP practitioners to improve online learning programs and decrease gaps that learners have faced during and after the pandemic.
To read more about The Digital Divide Project, click here.
To access the Practitioner Tool, click here.
"The wind is rising, and the air is wild with leaves. We have had our summer evenings, now for October eves!"
– Humbert Wolfe
Contact Us |
Community Learning Network
c/o University of Alberta - SCSC - South Campus
2-211, 11610 – 65 AVE NW Edmonton, AB T6G 2E1
P: 1-877-485-4926
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