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CALP Connections: May 2022
CLN Regional Support Services Realignment, Staffing Changes and RSS Employment Opportunity, CALP Professional Development Annual Survey Now Open and more...
It is hard to believe that six years have flown by since I first joined the CLN Board. I am so glad that I decided to invest my time in this role. Let me tell you why.
- My local CALP is stronger because of what I have learned about governance, policy and board organization. We have been able to build on the example that CLN sets as a board directed organization.
- I am a better leader because of the leadership I have sat under. I have learned so much from each chair and committee head - about communication, organization, conflict management, inspiration and dreaming big dreams.
- I have deeper connections with a great group of colleagues, who have stepped out of their busy lives, and often their comfort zone, to invest in strengthening our joint work in adult learning and literacy.
- I have a broader insight into the opportunities and challenges that face our field, and understand more clearly the work that goes on behind the scenes.
- I have the satisfaction of knowing I have made a contribution to an organization that is a vital resource for our CALP programs.
- We have had a lot of fun! We have shared stories, laughs, frustrations, resources (and some great meals!) and I always come away encouraged.
Ok, now I am feeling sad about all I will miss! As I complete my term on the board this September, I want to thank you for the opportunity to be your representative, and I hope you will consider if perhaps the time is right for you to start your own journey on this adventure.
Lois Polege, CLN Board Vice Chair Adult Education Coordinator, Flagstaff Community Adult Learning
CLN Regional Support Services Realignment, Staffing Changes and RSS Employment Opportunity
For the past two years, the CLN has concentrated on delivering professional development, training, services and supports through a virtual/online format. As we move forward, CALPs will notice CLN Staff “out and about”, offering support in-person. We will continue to offer services online through a variety of blended formats. We look forward to “seeing” more of you, more often, while maintaining ease of access to professional development and supports in a timely way.
In order to best meet the needs identified by CALPs across the province, CLN is making a few regional boundary adjustments, effective July 1st, 2022. The realignment will assist CLN staff with maintaining targeted professional development, training, supports and connections.
This chart provides a listing of all 83 CALPs by Region, along with the name and contact information of CLN’s Regional Support Staff. Organizations directly affected by the realignment are highlighted.
To support these changes, we are also making some changes to our staffing.
We are very pleased to share that Lori St.Cyr will now support two roles at CLN. Lori will continue in her Metis & Indigenous Liaison role, and she will formally join the Regional Support Staff in the newly realigned North Region (see the listing of CALPs by Region for details).
Tanis Harms will be moving from her Regional Support Staff – West-Central role into a new Provincial Support Staff role, focusing on online professional development, training and custom supports across all regions, effective July 1st, 2022.
In consideration of the adjustments to regional boundaries and CLN staff moving to new roles, CLN is now recruiting to fill the Regional Support Staff – West position. Please see the Job Advertisement below for details.
Employment Opportunity: Regional Support Staff - West Region
The Community Learning Network is seeking a highly motivated individual from the West Region to act as a Regional Support Staff for the Community Adult Learning Program. This is a full-time permanent position.
The Regional Support Network is supported by funding from Alberta Advanced Education to provide professional development, supports, resources and connections to Community Adult Learning Programs, so they are empowered to meet the CALP program’s mandate and vision for the benefit of adult learners in Alberta.
Reporting to the Executive Director, Community Learning Network, Regional Support Staff members work closely and collaboratively to build capacity among CALP-funded programs, their staff and boards in rural and urban communities within a designated geographic area of Alberta.
A detailed position description is attached.
Regular travel within the region and to Edmonton will be required. A valid Class 5 license and reliable transportation are mandatory for this position. (Expenses for travel, communication and supplies will be reimbursed, based on the provisions to be included in a formal offer of employment.) This position will be managed remotely through the Community Learning Network office in Edmonton, so candidates must also have the ability to work from home or have access to a suitable work environment with high-speed internet in their home community to host and participate in online training and meetings.
The Community Learning Network is committed to Reconciliation, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. All qualified applicants are welcome, regardless of race, color, sex, age, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression, or basis of disability.
Applications will be accepted by email at until 4:00 pm, Friday, May 13th, 2022, or until a suitable candidate is found.
CALP Professional Development Annual Survey Now Open
In 2019, Advanced Education, training partners, and PD staff collaborated to develop one joint survey on the CALP PD system. The number of responses we received in the past few years has exceeded our individual efforts in previous years, so we are excited to run the joint survey again.
Whether you have accessed CALP-funded professional development services or supports from the Community Learning Network, Calgary Learns, ECALA and/or Rural Routes, this survey will allow you to provide anonymous feedback and input into the CALP PD system. Your input helps us measure the impact of the work we do to support you in your role, and is one of the ways you can contribute to actively shaping the CALP system.
Because several organizations are distributing the survey, you might receive the same link several times. Please take the survey only once. We encourage everyone on your team to complete the survey, regardless of their role within your organization. We want to hear from all staff, instructors, leaders, and volunteers who are accessing CALP Professional Development opportunities. To help us collect a wide range of responses and reach potential participants, please distribute this survey widely within your organization.

This survey will be open until June 10th.
The survey is administered through NorQuest College. All data collected through this survey is anonymous and is not linked to your e-mail or your organization.
After completing this survey, you will have a chance to enter a draw to win one of seven Chapters gift cards valued at $75 for your organization. One gift card will be awarded in each of the regions (North, East, Central, West, South, Calgary, and Edmonton).
This survey takes 10-15 minutes to complete.
Link to the survey:
If you have any questions about the survey, please reach out to
Professional Development Advisory Committee (PDAC) Membership: Expression of Interest
On behalf of Alberta Advanced Education, Community Learning Network is seeking staff and/or board members of CALP-funded organizations to complete and submit the attached Expression of Interest to be considered for membership on the CALP Professional Development Advisory Committee (PDAC). Membership is for a two-year term, with one meeting held in person (October) and two meetings held online (February and May). PDAC has greatly appreciated and benefited from the unique regional perspectives of CALP staff who have participated in the committee, and looks forward to continuing conversations to strengthen CALP professional development in the province.
Committee Purpose: PDAC provides a formal, ongoing platform for stakeholders involved in the development and/or delivery of literacy and foundational learning to come together to share perspectives and information on the professional development (PD) needs of the CALP system, the effectiveness of current system investments to meet those needs, and to provide advice to Alberta Advanced Education on priorities that could advance the CALP system vision.
Alberta Advanced Education will determine membership to ensure broad-based representation from across the system with the following perspectives:
- Experience in the delivery of Literacy and Foundational Learning, including a range of modes of delivery
- Understanding of CALP PD needs
- Ability to provide strategic provincial and regional perspectives
- Ability to provide strategic urban and/or rural perspectives
- Ability to provide strategic Indigenous perspectives
Please see the PDAC Terms of Reference, where you will find information about the committee objectives and administration, as well as the roles and responsibilities of its members. Please note, PDAC members are reimbursed for all travel, accommodation, and meals incurred as a result of PDAC meetings.
PDAC is currently seeking non-permanent members representing the following perspectives:
- CALP-funded organization – East region
- CALP-funded organization – Central region
- CALP-funded organization – North region
- Granting Council-funded organization – Urban Edmonton
To submit your expression of interest, please complete the online form at
Thank you for considering this opportunity to share your perspectives, and help to shape the CALP professional development system in Alberta.
Upcoming Training and Events
CLN Training and Events
Staff Picks – Building Literacy e-Learning – May 11 Join Emily Robinson Leclair to explore Building Literacy: A Learner-Centred Guide for Teachers, Tutors and Practitioners of Adult Literacy. Written and narrated by Dr. Allan Quigley to share a lifetime of knowledge and experience. The guide highlights proven methods and research-based approaches to adult literacy and foundational learning and provides practical tools and useable approaches you can use today!
Unity of Belonging Coffee Hour – May 20 Join this informal gathering with Grace Coffey to bring awareness of oppression to create opportunities for meaningful change, Grace will help make connections between the key concepts learned in the training with the social tensions and changes that we see daily in the world around us. For attendees of the Unity of Belonging Training.
Holding Safer Space Alumni Gathering – May 31 Holding Safer Spaces’ practitioners are invited to gather together to continue their learning journey with special guest, Heather Plett. This is a space for personal and professional growth and for continuing to build and strengthen our Holding Space muscles. For staff you have completed the Holding Safer Spaces training.
Ask Us Anything About Metis and Indigenous Worldview (June 2022) – June 14 Join Georgina Supernault Manning Community Adult Learning & Literacy Council and Lori St.Cyr Community Learning Network, online to connect, share and network. Intended to draw on the wisdom and experience in the 'virtual' room this Ask Us Anything session will focus on an Indigenous and Metis World View.
Spring Regional Gatherings
Don’t miss the chance to connect in person with CALP staff from your region!
Engaging with Indigenous Learners
Learn about local, regional, and national issues of relevance to adult Indigenous learners to help you create a supportive and welcoming learning experience for Indigenous learners in your community. Connect with and build relationships with community members from your local First Nations Colleges/University.
Look Who's Strengthening Literacy Practices!
Last month, members of the current "Strengthening Literacy Practices" cohort came together in Edmonton. They attended a training on writeforward. It was also an opportunity for them to meet in person for the first time, after studying together online since October 2021.
The 8-month "Strengthening Literacy Practices" program focuses on topics and themes related to adult literacy. The program is based on research in practice and reflective learning of CALP practitioners, where CALPs participate both as learners and as co-collaborators, to help us learn what knowledge, perspectives, skills, and strategies have the greatest impact on how we work with adult literacy learners.
CLN is excited to let you know that Strengthening Literacy Practices will start a new program in the fall of 2022.
If you are interested in participating in the fall cohort or want to know more about the program, contact Rebecca Still

Pictured (left to right): Kammi Rosentreter, Jackalee Ramsay, Sabrina Kelly, Ana Dodman, Donna Twin, Rebecca Robinson. Missing are Chelsea Legg- St Pierre, Jalene Mauws, Sharon Schwab
Literacy in Action
ABC Life Literacy Canada
Every year, ABC Life Literacy Canada has a call out for the Canada Life Literacy Innovation Award. This award is for organizations that offer adult literacy or adult-integrated family literacy programs. I encourage you to think about submitting an application if you have an interesting adult literacy program.
if you would like to know more about past winners' programs or want more details about the application check out the ABC Life Literacy Canada website.
On the right side of the website page there is a list of last year’s awards, with a description of the top award. Eligibility is listed with a link to the application form. Submissions are due June 1st. ABC Life Literacy Canada is now hosting Innovation Learning Labs. You can find a listing of the upcoming labs and register to attend when you scroll down the above website page. The Learning Labs feature panel speakers and provide time for attendees to ask questions. These labs are a great opportunity to hear what other organizations across Canada are doing.
Rebecca Still, Literacy Specialist Community Learning Network
2022-23 CLN Membership Renewal Coming Soon!
It's that time of year again!
In the weeks ahead, CLN will be conducting our 2022-23 Community Learning Network Membership renewal process.
We will be sending out an electronic CLN membership renewal form by direct email to the Senior Staff person at each CALP. To keep your membership in good standing, all we ask is that you confirm a few details about your CALP, provide up-to-date contact information for key staff, and let us know a bit about your CALP's other staff. This helps us ensure our records are current, so we can continue to keep you up to date about training and networking opportunities, new resources and supports, and other CALP news from across the province.
A few things to keep in mind before you receive and fill out the renewal:
- If your organization receives a CALP grant directly from Alberta Advanced Education, you are automatically a member of the Community Learning Network
- There are NO membership fees or dues to pay
- Our membership year is aligned to the CALP grant cycle, from July 1st to June 30th
The renewal form will be sent out later this month.
This Month's Spotlight: Decoda's "Back to Basics"

Decoda Literacy Solutions' "Back to Basics" series in their weekly blog is a great resource for new and experienced literacy practitioners alike!
"In this series we explore some of the foundational methods, practices and terminology for teaching reading and writing. This series is for those new to the field of literacy, beginning tutors or those who would just like a refresher."
Featured blogs include tips, tricks, and links to other resouces covering topics including:
- Reading Skills vs. Strategies
- Pre-Reading
- Making Predictions
- Making Inferences
- And more!
You can check out the "Back to Basics" blogs at, or browse through other blogs and resources from Decoda at
Decoda Literacy Solutions supports community-based literacy programs and initiatives in over 400 communities across BC by providing resources, training and funds. Their work supports children and families, youth, adults, Indigenous and immigrant communities to help build strong individuals, strong families and strong communities.
"An intentional leader teaches, cares deeply, and draws out the best in those who might otherwise be overlooked."
– James D. White
Contact Us |
Community Learning Network
c/o University of Alberta - SCSC - South Campus
2-211, 11610 – 65 AVE NW Edmonton, AB T6G 2E1
P: 1-877-485-4926
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