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Welcome to February!
How wonderful is it that Family Day and Valentine's Day will fall on the same weekend this year? I hope all of our CALP community is able to spend the long weekend with their loved ones and take advantage of the beautiful weather.
I joined the CLN Board of Directors in October 2015. I have experience on several non-profit boards and every single one is different. My first months with the CLN Board have been very educational. I am currently chairing the Governance Committee, and I am enjoying the learning opportunities associated with being on the committee, and on the Board overall.
Jana Thomson, Director CLN Board
Jana Thomson is the Program Coordinator at the Rocky Learning Centre in Rocky Mountain House.
CALP Spring Regional Meetings
The CLN is looking forward to hosting Regional Meetings across the province this spring. The CLN Regional Support Staff will be posting details about your meeting in the coming weeks. In the meantime, CALP staff should be sure to SAVE THE DATE to attend in your area!
North: April 21st - RSS Tanis Harms
West-Central (Rural): TBA - RSS Corrie Rhyasen-Erdman
West-Central (Edmonton area): April 11th - RSS Corrie Rhyasen Erdman
East-Central: May 12th - RSS Val Rathjen
Central: April 12th - RSS Cheryl Hollidge
South (Calgary area): April 4th - RSS Terri Peters
South (Lethbridge area): April 18th - RSS Terri Peters
New Workshops from Rural Routes!
Are you an ESL instructor, teachers' coordinator, learning facilitator, volunteer, or tutor who works with adult newcomers? Rural Routes is an Alberta provincial initiative that offers a broad range of FREE professional development services to rural and small urban ESL programs and providers. Our services are delivered via face-to-face sessions, telephone, email, or online, and are designed to meet the needs of the ESL community. Services include:
February's Rural Routes Online workshops are filling up quickly. If you missed our e-announcement that highlighted the topics, you can view it here:
Finally, Rural Routes is launching two "new" workshops this March! They are:
Starting or Inheriting an ESL Program: Steps to Success (4-7 hours)
This workshop will guide participants through the essential steps to successfully setting up an ESL program. In addition to gaining a foundation in ESL programming principles and best practices, participants will explore needs assessments, program and curriculum development, resource identification, staff and volunteer selection and professional development. Participants will also take away a booklet of related resources.
Teaching Pre-Benchmark Learners (4 Hours)
By the end of this workshop, participants will:
- Understand challenges and frustrations felt by immigrants with no or little English skills.
- Identify important vocabulary, grammar, and concepts required by newcomers with no or little English language skills.
- Develop some skills in adapting material for learners with no or little English skills.

- Identify skills required to reach CLB 1.
Our team of experienced ESL professionals are available to support your ESL needs. To book your services, contact your regional consultant:
For general inquiries, contact Barb Hudkins, Project Manager at or visit our website at
Literacy & Learning Symposium: Call for Presenters
The Centre for Family Literacy and the Community Learning Network are pleased to bring you the Literacy & Learning Symposium 2016. This annual province-wide professional development symposium focuses on literacy and foundational learning for adults. This year's event will be held at the Fantasyland Hotel in Edmonton, from September 26th - 30th.
We are seeking presenters and organizations with creative and innovative methods to engage, strengthen and support literacy and learning practitioners, volunteers and partners in lifelong learning.
All breakout sessions selected will take place on Thursday, September 29th, between 9:00 am and 4:30 pm.
The deadline for all session proposals is Friday, February 19th, 2016.
We are looking for high quality, interactive learning sessions and panels / facilitated discussions that align with the goals of the Literacy & Learning Symposium:
- To increase capacity, skills and knowledge in the field of adult literacy, family literacy and foundational learning through high quality professional development
- To host an event that creates a positive and lasting experience for delegates and presenters alike
- To celebrate and recognize our successes and accomplishment and raise the profile of the adult learning, literacy and family literacy sector
For complete details, and to submit your session proposal, check out the LLS 2016 Call for Presenters.
Questions? Contact Pat Halewich, Event Coordinator Phone: 780-628-7127
Upcoming Webinars with Alberta Culture and Tourism
Thank you to everyone who participated in our online poll in December and January!
Congratulations to the winners of the $25.00 gift cards for Chapters:
- Valerie Cardinal, Blue Quills First Nations College
- Barb Kulyk, Neutral Hills Learning and Community Connection Centre
Based on your feedback, Community Learning Network is proud once again to partner with the Community Development Unit of Alberta Culture and Tourism to offer free online learning opportunities to support your organization.
March 1st: Nonprofit Volunteer Recruitment and Retention
March 23rd: First Strategic Thinking... THEN Strategic Planning
Be sure to check the CALP Portal Events page for details on these and other upcoming learning opportunities.
Volunteer Alberta Launches the Learning Connector
Discover your strengths and areas of growth with
It can be hard to determine what specific skills you need to work on to be the best at your career. Learning Connector utilizes a powerful competency assessment tool that provides clarity and helps you grow both personally and professionally. It is a platform where you can assess your skills and get connected to learning opportunities specifically connected to your needs and interests. All learning opportunities within Learning Connector are matched to the results of your self-assessment, giving you deliberate next steps to grow in your career. The more you interact with Learning Connector, the more competencies you will practice, and the more specific your learning opportunities will become; by improving your skills, you improve your work. Register here, take the assessment, and see for yourself what learning opportunities await you!
Want to learn more? Check out this brief video tutorial!
Learning Connector 101 from Volunteer Alberta on Vimeo.
Learning Connector was developed from the Learning Leaders Initiative (LLI) project, whose purpose was to explore what knowledge, attitudes and skills were required of those who are primarily involved in promoting access to learning in their communities through nonprofit organizations.
Creating a Learning Connector account is a great way to supplement the learning opportunities and resources available to you through the Community Adult Learning Program, and to boost your personal and professional development by accessing a broad range of resources from other organizations and credible non-profit sources.
Featured Resource: 2016 Census Adult Education Kit
The 2016 Census Adult Education Kit has been developed for use in adult literacy and English- or French-as-a-second-language (ESL or FSL) classes across the country. All activities are classroom-ready.
The kit contains five activities that provide opportunities for listening, speaking, reading and writing. The activities help students to become familiar with the Census of Population, and to gain an understanding of how the census works and how information obtained through the census is used.
Students will learn where to find information when they are completing the census questionnaire, and will gain experience with important vocabulary.
The best time to incorporate the Adult Education Kit into your curriculum is in May 2016, when the Census of Population and the Census of Agriculture are being conducted across the country. However, activities can be added to classroom studies throughout the year.
- retrieved from, February 1st, 2016
You can access the complete kit as a PDF from your CALP Portal dashboard as a featured resource this month.
To download the individual activity guides, just go to
CALP Portal Pro Tip: Using Quotes to Find an Exact Match
When searching for something specific, try using quotes to minimize the guesswork for the Portal search.
When you put your search terms in quotes, it tells the search engine to search for the whole phrase.
For instance, if you search for Alberta Reading Benchmarks, the engine will search for content that contains any of those three words, in any order. There are 156 items on the Portal that will match this search criteria
However, if you search "Alberta Reading Benchmarks", it will search for that phrase exactly as you typed it. This returns only 4 items.
If you know what you are looking for, using quotes is a great way to find what you need in a simple, timely way.
Contact Us |
Community Learning Network
c/o University of Alberta - SCSC - South Campus
2-211, 11610 – 65 AVE NW Edmonton, AB T6G 2E1
P: 1-877-485-4926
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