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Every year around this time, the CLN Board of Directors start the recruitment process to find new board members. You may wonder why this is important and why we do this on a regular basis. You may have even considered putting your application in to become a CLN board member, but are still unsure. Here’s how I came to be a CLN Board member and why it’s been a valuable experience for me.
I have always had an interest in leadership, driven, in part, by my strong organizational and relational skills. I like to be on “the inside” and learn about the “moving parts” that drive an organization. I also like to have a good understanding from the outside looking in before I move forward, and this is exactly what happened for me. I was the Executive Director of a CALP in Wetaskiwin for 7 years before joining the CLN board, so I had built a solid understanding of the system in my CALP role, which gave me a strong foundation and prepared me to move to the next level.
I had already been thinking for a while about submitting my application to become a board member, and even had the application filled out and ready to go. I had just led my organization through a successful merger so the timing seemed favorable to consider the CLN board. When I was approached about joining the CLN board by the CLN chairperson at the Literacy and Learning Symposium in 2017, I knew the time was right. I am currently serving as the Chairperson on the CLN Board of Directors, and have the privilege of advocating for the entire CALP system.
One of the things that was important to me when I was considering joining the board was feeling confident that I had skills and assets to bring to the Board, and it wasn’t just about me being able to check a task off of my career “to do” list. Being a board member involves your time, hard work and innovation to tackle important issues. Each board member has a responsibility to bring ideas and skills that will benefit the board, and ultimately, the entire CALP system. I have valued my time on the CLN board because it has been mutually beneficial. I have learned a lot about the CLN and have been challenged by my fellow board members to think outside the box. In exchange, I have brought value to the board through my unique experience and perspective. It’s a win-win!
2021 CLN Board Member position description 2021 CLN Board of Directors Application Form (Word Document)
 Colleen Thiessen, CLN Board Chair Executive Director, Wetaskiwin Learning Program
Spring Provincial Connections
Community Adult Learning Programs have long been committed to continuous learning and yet this past year stretched us in ways we might not have imagined. We pivoted to remote learning and moved our own learning online, we left offices and worked from home, we paid better attention to self-care for others and ourselves, we explored the digital divide and equity in learning, we engaged in difficult conversations at our kitchen tables and in Zoom rooms. Through it all we maintained a commitment to learning and we want to celebrate that with our Spring Provincial Connections Week.
Regional Connections Week Schedule
Tuesday, April 20 |
Wednesday, April 21 |
Thursday, April 22 |
9:30 - 11:00 am |
North Regional Meeting |
East-Central Regional Meeting |
South Regional Meeting |
11:30 am - 12:30 pm |
George Couros – Innovator’s Mindset |
Heather Plett – Holding Space |
Jesse Lipscombe – Make it Awkward |
12:30 – 2:00 pm |
2:00 - 3:30 pm |
West-Central Regional Meeting |
Central Regional Meeting |
Learning Circles |
Regional Meetings: Join team CLN for three days committed to connecting and ‘Learning Forward’. Let’s collect and share the knowledge and experience of our system in Regional Meetings.
North Spring Regional Meeting Tuesday, April 20 - 9:30 am – 11:00 am
West-Central Spring Regional Meeting Tuesday, April 20 - 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
East-Central Spring Regional Meeting Wednesday, April 21 - 9:30 am – 11:00 am
Central Spring Regional Meeting Wednesday, April 21 - 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
South Spring Regional Meeting Thursday, April 22 - 9:30 am – 11:00 am
Learning Circles: There is so much incredible knowledge and experience within each of you as CALP Staff. Our ‘virtual’ Learning Circles highlight this knowledge, share the learning and invite contributions from all participants.
At a typical Regional Meeting we would invite staff to host these conversations in small table groups with participants from their region. In 2021, we can open these conversations up to include hosts and participants from across the province. Learning knows no boundaries!
If you are interested in hosting a Learning Circle the afternoon of Thursday, April 22, please complete the submission form by March 31st.
Featured Speakers: We remain committed to learning and are excited to feature three speakers who will address the very concept of Learning Forward:
Tuesday, April 20 11:30 am – 12:30 pm: The Innovator’s Mindset with George Couros: George will discuss the idea and characteristics of “The Innovator’s Mindset” and share persuasive examples on why this is so crucial for all educators.
Wednesday, April 21 11:30 am – 12:30 pm: Holding Space with Heather Plett: Heather will explore the art of Holding Space. Being willing to walk alongside another person in whatever journey they are on without judging them, making them feel inadequate, trying to fix them, or trying to impact the outcome.
Thursday, April 22 11:30 am – 12:30 pm: Make it Awkward with Jesse Lipscombe: Jesse will connect and relate how to incorporate the #MakeItAwkward mantra into your life. Small micro-aggressions have created a dangerous and unsafe landscape for many marginalized individuals. Together we can affect change.
Please look for more information on the featured speakers in the April edition of CALP Connections. Feel free to connect with your RSS if you would like to learn more. See you in April!
Announcing our Symposium 2021 Opening Keynote Presenter
Only two months into the new year and the Symposium Planning Committee has been working hard to plan for the Literacy and Learning Symposium 2021 (Virtual)! With registration set to open in mid-May, we are building a schedule that will engage and motivate you all.
We are excited to announce we have confirmed our Opening Keynote presenter. Back by popular demand our opening keynote is Alexandra Samuel.

Topic: Learning to love remote learning
From libraries and longhouses to colleges and community centers, literacy educators know how to ignite learning in many different places. But what happens when that place is online, and you're engaging with learners remotely? We've all wrestled with that challenge over the past 18 months—and now we're ready to stop treating remote learning as an emergency option, and instead embrace remote learning and collaboration as an ongoing part of our work. Find out how to structure your own remote work so that you make effective use of online collaboration tools, form strong relationships with remote learners and colleagues, and learn to love working remotely, with strategies from Alexandra Samuel, author of Remote, Inc.: How to Thrive at Work...Wherever You Are.
Watch for more information on how to register and all the fun and exciting events planned for the Literacy & Learning Symposium (Virtual) in mid-May!
And remember - SAVE THE DATES!
Literacy & Learning Symposium 2021 (Virtual) September 28th - October 1st
CALP Database Updates to the Final Report
This month, CLN will be working with our online development team to update the CALP Database to ensure the Final Report is aligned to the new Annual Report form released by Advanced Education last month.
We plan to have the changes completed and uploaded to the site by the end of March.
The work to update the Annual Report will not impact any data you have already entered for this year.
We anticipate that there may be a brief interruption of service to the platform later this month, but your data will remain safe and secure. We will try to schedule any outage so as to cause the shortest possible "downtime" to the system. We will post to the Discussion Forum about any interruption of service.
| is LIVE
Have you seen yet?
We have launched a new website to:
- to extend the reach of CALPs and to increase access to relevant CALP learning opportunities for adult learners.
- to create further collaboration and connectivity within the CALP community.
The development of this site was driven by a group of seven CALPs from different parts of the province, and supported by CLN with funding from Advanced Education. The CALPs who have been at the helm of this project include:
- Hanna Learning Centre
- Hinton Adult Learning
- Pincher Creek Community Adult Learning
- READ On (Lethbridge Public Library)
- Rocky Learning Centre
- SAIL (Strathmore Public Library)
- Taber and District Adult Learning Association
By collaborating to share online learning opportunities, CALPs are connecting learners to programs they might not otherwise have access to.
Check out this great true story of how CALPs can work together to help learners reach their goals! Click on the image to see the video, or go to

A big thank you to Tammy Nischuk from SAIL (Stramore Municipal Library) for creating this video to tell this early success story!
Want to know more?
In case you missed it, be sure to read the blog by Monica Sczyrba-Davis from Pincher Creek Community Adult Learning at
Join us for a Q and A session with the project committee!
The project committee would like to invite you to join an online Q and A session about the new site.
When: Tuesday, March 2nd 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Register on the CALP Portal at
Watch the CALP Portal summary for your invitation to sign up for an account the week of March 8th!
CLN Office has Moved!
Please note that as of March 1st the CLN office has officially moved!
Although the provincial office staff is still working from home under the AHS Guidelines, when we go back to work it will be to our new offices at:
c/o University of Alberta - SCSC - South Campus, 2-211, 11610 – 65 AVE NW Edmonton, AB T6G 2E1.
Please note that our toll free and local telephone numbers 877-485-4926 and 780-485-4926 will remain the same.
Please update our address in your files.
REMINDER: Symposium 2021 (Virtual) CALL FOR PRESENTERS Now Open!
The Literacy & Learning Symposium Planning Committee is now accepting proposals for sessions at the Literacy & Learning Symposium 2021 (Virtual).
Symposium threads will include:
Literacy and Foundational Learning
- Adult Literacy
- Basic Digital Skills
- English Language Learning
- Essential Skills
- Foundational Learners and Learning
- Numeracy
- Skills for Learning
CALP Programs and Activities
- CALP-funded Family Literacy Programs
- Community Capacity Building
- Financial Literacy
- Learner Support Services
- Learning Activities
- Newcomer Supports for English Language Learners
- Tutoring for English Language Learners (ELL)
- Tutoring in Literacy and Foundational Learning (LFL)
- Workplace Literacy
CALP Staff and Volunteer Development
- Board Development
- Coaching & Modeling Strategies
- Digital Technology, Tools and Resources
- Facilitation Skills
- Inclusion, Diversity and Safer Spaces
- Indigenous, Metis and/or Inuit Learning and Learners
- Instructional Strategies
- Learner-centred Assessment
- Learning Disabilities
- Trauma-Informed Practices, Mental Health & Learning
- Tutor Training
- Budgeting & Finances
- Community Partnerships and Engagement
- Human Resources
- Marketing and Social Media
- Needs Assessment and/or Evaluation
- Regional Stewardship and Post-Secondary Connections
- Succession Planning
- Volunteer Recruitment and Retention
To be considered, sessions must be engaging learning formats and must have clear learning objectives. Session participants should walk away with knowledge of a tool, strategy or tactic that will enhance their ability to support learners. Participants should also come away from these sessions with a clear understanding of the relevance of the session topic to their work, as well as information on how and where to access additional resources and supports.
Presenters will be asked to answer three questions to identify the session's learning objectives:
- What is the purpose of this session?
- What will the participants learn in this session?
- What will the participants take away from this session?
The answers provided will be included in the published program information to help our Symposium attendees choose the sessions that will meet their individual professional learning needs.
To submit your proposal, please complete the online form at:
Deadline for submissions is Wednesday, March 10th, 2021 at 4:30 pm
Please contact Pat Halewich, PD & Events Specialist, Community Learning Network Email: Phone: 306.821.6030
Please help circulate the Call for Presenters within your networks!
And remember - SAVE THE DATES!
Literacy & Learning Symposium 2021 (Virtual) September 28th - October 1st
Upcoming CLN Trainings and Connections Cafés
Register for the following upcoming CLN Trainings and Connections Cafés!! Click on the name of the training to get to the registration page directly. If the training is full please add yourself to the wait list or look for required trainings and PFAs offered on another date. Please note if a training is not posted below, then the deadline has already passed.
Regional Connection Cafés
Grab a coffee, bring a question, share a success or challenge, stay for five minutes or settle in for all ninety. These monthly Connections Cafés are an opportunity for you to connect with CALP staff in your region.
March 17 at 10:00 am - Metis and Indigenous Worldview
March 24 at 1:00 pm - East Connections Café
March 24 at 10:00 am - West Connections Café
March 24 at 10:00 am - North Connections Café
March 24 at 1:00 pm - Central Connections Café
March 24 at 1:00 pm - South Connections Café
March 12, 19 and 26, April 9, 16, 23, 30, May 7, 14, 21, 28 (11 Fridays – no session on Good Friday) at 1:00 pm - Holding Safer Spaces (online)
March 16 at 12:00 pm - Finance 101
April 7 at 12:00 pm - Keeping Your Nonprofit Healthy
Chance to win a $500 gift card for your organization – CLN Training Evaluation Surveys
CLN will be sending out an email to everyone who registered in our training and PD events between July and October of 2020.
Three times a year, we send out a follow-up survey, where we collect intermediate outcomes evaluation data.
The trainings have been broken into groups, to keep the surveys manageable, so you may receive up to 3 survey links from Odette Lloyd at
Each survey you complete will enter you in a draw to win $500 from Staples. These surveys take less than two minutes to complete.
Be sure to watch your email for the surveys, and for your chance to win!
National Volunteer Week Enhancement Funding
National Volunteer Week (NVW) is April 18-24, 2021. This year’s theme is, “The Value of One. The Power of Many.”
Every April, Volunteer Canada leads the National Volunteer Week (NVW) celebration. It is the perfect time to recognize volunteers and celebrate the power of volunteerism in our communities.
Applications are now open for National Volunteer Week Enhancement Funding. With support from the Government of Alberta, Volunteer Alberta assists communities across Alberta to celebrate volunteerism through the National Volunteer Week Grant.
Funding available:
- Host site: $500
- Feature site: up to $1,500
There are changes to the grant guidelines to help communities celebrate volunteerism during the pandemic.
NVW Enhancement Funding is designed to supplement other sources of funding and celebrate volunteerism on behalf of your entire community. Connect with your local Volunteer Centre or municipality to get involved.
For more information, how to apply and to know more about the requirements go to the Volunteer Alberta page.
Applications close March 8, 2021!

ABC Life Literacy Field Survey
Please take a moment to complete the ABC Life Literacy Field Survey. This survey will help inform the type of work they do at ABC and the ways in which they focus their support for the community. 
It's an easy way for survey respondents to share what's working in their community, as well as where they'd like more support. Survey respondents will be entered into a draw to win a $100 gift certificate to their local bookstore
Follow this link to complete the survey by March 7.
Gender-inclusive Language and Writing
Given the key role of language in shaping cultural and social attitudes, using gender-inclusive language is a powerful way to promote gender equality and eradicate gender bias. Using gender-inclusive language means speaking and writing in a way that does not discriminate against a particular sex, social gender or gender identity, and does not perpetuate gender stereotypes.
The Government of Canada has developed a web page to help you with using gender-inclusive language. It shows examples for use in correspondence specifically.
Another great site to visit is the UNITED NATIONS Gender-inclusive language web page with training materials, activities and resources for individuals or groups looking for ways to raise awareness of the subject, better understand how to apply the Guidelines and/or promote further discussions within your teams.
This Month's Spotlight

This month's spotlight is the In-Home Family Literacy Program Activities for Adult Learners.
The In-Home Family Literacy Program Activities for Adult Learners is a collection designed to provide CALP staff with activities that align with the five Literacy and Learning categories of the CALP Guidelines. Developed in response to the system’s transition to a Family Literacy Program mode of delivery these activities reinforce the focus on the adult learner. The activities provide explicit instructions and language to demonstrate how facilitators can work with families to intentionally build adult foundational skills.
These 20+ in-home family literacy program activities are searchable by Literacy and Foundational Learning category or primary intended learning objective.
While the activities were developed for use within an In-Home Family Literacy Mode of Delivery; the majority of the activities and strategies can be used in a variety of learning environments separate from the home.
This resource was developed for Alberta's Community Adult Learning Program by Literacy for Life, with funding from the Government of Alberta.
"What we know matters but who we are matters more."
– Brene Brown
Contact Us |
Community Learning Network
c/o University of Alberta - SCSC - South Campus
2-211, 11610 – 65 AVE NW Edmonton, AB T6G 2E1
P: 1-877-485-4926
Click here to unsubscribe.
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