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CALP Connections: September 2021
Notice of Community Learning Network's Virtual Annual General Meeting, National Day for Truth and Reconciliation – September 30th and more...
Ah….September. The air is a bit crisper; the days are a bit shorter and we begin to see a beautiful transformation as fall begins to color our world in spectacular fashion. For many of us, the arrival of September is welcome as it means a return to our regular programs and routines. Schools, Colleges and Universities will be open and filled with enthusiastic learners of all ages. CALPs around the province will see a surge in new learners, eager to start their learning journey, and we’ll welcome back our long time learners who will continue learning. It’s impossible to ignore the energy that fall brings!
I have been watching all the wonderful professional development courses and classes fill the calendar on the CALP Portal, and once again, I feel rich with opportunity! The CLN team has been busy scheduling and planning many excellent courses for CALP staff, and I want to give a “shout out” to the team for their hard work ensuring we have such a variety of diverse learning opportunities. The Literacy and Learning Symposium (virtual), the last week of September, is something I look forward to every year, and the 2021 Symposium will not disappoint! I encourage you to register, if you haven’t already done so. You don’t want to miss out on the opportunity to learn and connect with your peers either virtually, or as part of a Symposium Spoke.
As we welcome September and settle into our routines, take a deep breath of the crisp autumn air and let it rejuvenate and inspire you to make this a “September to Remember.”
Colleen Thiessen, CLN Board Chair Executive Director, Wetaskiwin Learning Program
Notice of Community Learning Network's Virtual Annual General Meeting
The Community Learning Network Board of Directors invites you to attend our 34th Annual General Meeting virtually, which will be hosted in conjunction with the annual Literacy & Learning Symposium, which will take place from September 28th to October 1st, 2021.
Tuesday, September 28th, 2021
11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Online via Zoom
Important Information About our AGM
- All organizations funded directly through the Government of Alberta's Community Adult Learning Program Grant are eligible to be member organizations of the Community Learning Network. There are no dues or fees associated with CLN membership.
- For your CALP to be considered a Member in Good Standing, your organization must be funded directly through the Government of Alberta's Community Adult Learning Program Grant as of July 1st, 2021, and must have had a representative complete CLN's membership renewal survey.
- If you are not sure if the membership renewal has been completed, or you have any additional questions, please contact the CLN at 1-877-485-4926 or email
- Each member organization in good standing is entitled to one vote on matters that are put before the membership. Under CLN's bylaws, voting privileges are granted to member organizations, not to individuals.
- If more than one person from your CALP will be in attendance, please delegate one person to act on behalf of the organization for the purposes of voting.
Important Notes About the “Virtual” Format of our AGM:
- When you join the online AGM, voting delegates will be asked to identify themselves through the use of the chat box. Further details will be provided when you log in.
- Please ensure only one person from each member organization votes.
- Votes will take place using the “polling” feature in Zoom.
- An online moderator will monitor the chat box throughout the meeting, to ensure that members still have the opportunity to ask questions “from the floor”.
AGM Package
Each CALP should receive the AGM package by direct email sent to the primary contact person we have listed in our membership records. If you do not receive this email by end of day on September 2nd, please contact the CLN at
The following documents are also available on the CALP Portal for members to review prior to the Annual General Meeting:
- Meeting Agenda
- AGM Minutes (September 2020)
- Audited Financial Statements (2020-2021)
- Operational Budget (2021-2022)
- Nominees for the CLN 2021-2022 Board of Directors
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation – September 30th
Earlier this year, the federal government passed legislation to create a National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. The bill to recognize this day was supported unanimously in both the House of Commons and the Senate. The new statutory holiday applies to federally regulated workers, and will be observed on September 30th. It also honours one of the 94 Calls to Action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission:
Call to Action 80:
We call upon the federal government, in collaboration with Aboriginal peoples, to establish, as a statutory holiday, a National Day for Truth and Reconciliation to honour Survivors, their families, and communities, and ensure that public commemoration of the history and legacy of residential schools remains a vital component of the reconciliation process.
September 30th is also Orange Shirt Day, which began in 2013. This day is set aside to remember and honour all those impacted by the Residential School system.
The date was chosen for Orange Shirt Day because it is the time of year in which children were taken from their homes to residential schools, and because it is an opportunity to set the stage for anti-racism and anti-bullying policies for the coming school year.
The symbolism of the orange shirt comes from a story shared by former residential school student Phyllis (Jack) Webstad, a member of the Stswecem'c Xgat'tem First Nation. She shared how on her first day at residential school, her shiny new orange shirt, bought by her grandmother, was taken from her as a six-year old girl. You can read Phyllis’ story at
How CLN will Honour the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
This year’s Literacy and Learning Symposium takes place from September 28th to October 1st. Planning for this event has been underway for many months. However, our planning committee came together in August to discuss how we could honour this day, as we come together with our peers from across the province. As we entered the conversation, we established these guiding principles to inform our planning:
- Respect
- Honesty
- Humility
- Hope
- Accountability
- Growth and Learning
As we finalize details for the day, please note that we do not anticipate changes to the schedule. However, we will endeavour to provide opportunities for attendees to reflect, and share what this day means to each of us.
What Does Reconciliation Mean to You?
We recognize that reconciliation is a deeply personal issue, which impacts us all in different ways. CLN would like to invite you to share what reconciliation means to you, how it looks in your life, or how it looks in your practice.
We are inviting any CALP or system partner to submit a short video, up to a maximum of 30 seconds in length, sharing what reconciliation means to you. We would be honoured to share your thoughts and your experiences via video throughout the day on September 30th. If you would like to send us a video, please submit it no later than Friday, September 17th.
To submit your video, go to (no account required) and email the file to Odette at
Support is available for residential school survivors and intergenerational survivors, toll free:
National Residential School Crisis Line: 1-866-925-4419 Alberta Mental Health Help Line: 1-877-303-2642
New CLN Staff
We are excited to introduce you to the new addition to the Team CLN family! This summer, we welcomed Donna Christensen as the new Regional Support Staff for the North Region.
Donna Christensen, North Regional Support Staff
The CALP model is robust and vital for literacy and foundational learners in our communities. The support CALP staff provide to individuals on their learning journey towards their best life is such transformational and inspiring work, but it can be challenging. As a new Regional Support Staff (RSS) in the North, my goal is to engage with and support CALPs, their staff and volunteers to connect them with all the resources available through the CLN. I look forward to learning and growing in my role as North Regional Support Staff (RSS) and having many conversations with CALP staff and volunteers.
I began working in adult education over 20 years ago, with roles that included experience as a CALP literacy tutor and board member. I have lived and worked in rural northern Alberta; as a result, I understand many of the unique challenges experienced by rural and remote learners and organizations. I have a diverse work history, having started my career in occupational health and safety, but have supplemented my knowledge of adult learning. I completed the Certificate in Adult Continuing Education (CACE) in 2015. This fall, I will be wrapping up my master's degree in Higher Education Administration and Leadership from Royal Roads University in Victoria. On a personal note, besides my husband and three adult children, we have two golden retrievers and will happily swap animal stories and photos.
You can reach Donna at or call 780-817-5758.
New CLN Literacy Specialist Role
Rebecca Still, former Regional Support Staff for the West-Central Region, has taken on a new role at CLN as the Literacy Specialist.
Rebecca is very excited to be in this role and looks forward to working with you. But you must be wondering, what is a Literacy Specialist? The main purpose is to help you provide effective and relevant literacy programming for adult literacy learners.
There are a number of ways Rebecca can support you in your role:
- Deliver workshops on understanding literacy and adult literacy learners for CALP organizations in your area.
- Set up a number of focus groups throughout the province to learn what supports you need to better serve the adult literacy learners in your community.
- Connect one on one if you have questions about working with literacy learners, want to share ideas or get feedback.
If you are interested in any of the above please contact Rebecca at 780-554-6376 or email
Strengthening Literacy Practices Cohort
Would you like to be part of a training that will help you develop your own knowledge and skills for delivering adult literacy programming? Would you like to feel more confident as a literacy practitioner? Maybe you do literacy work but feel you need to know more before you’d call yourself a literacy practitioner.
Well you are in luck! CLN is looking for a small cohort of CALP practitioners (staff, literacy instructors, and facilitators) with some literacy experience and who work directly with literacy learners to participate in this 8-month blended learning.
As a participant in this project, you will:
- explore existing adult literacy research and resources
- reflect on and share what you learn with the cohort
- apply your learning to the ways you work with adult literacy learners
As a participant in this learning program, you can expect:
- to expand your professional knowledge and practice to work with literacy learners
- a collaborative and supportive learning environment
- compensation for your commitment to the learning and to informing the project
- your expenses will be covered to attend face-to-face training
Check the CALP Portal here for further details on the training.
For information on the 2021-22 Strengthening Literacy Practices training contact Rebecca Still at 780-554-6376 or
Literacy and Learning Symposium 2021 (Virtual) Reminders
REMINDER: Literacy and Learning Symposium 2021 (Virtual) Registration deadline is Friday, September 10th!
CLN invites you to join us Tuesday, September 28th to Friday, October 1st online. It will be another year of extensive and relevant PD mixed with connecting and networking time, as requested by you on your evaluations from last year's Symposium.
This year will be a 4-day Symposium, and once again you will have the option of attending all 4 days, from Tuesday to Friday, or just the day or days that suit your needs for one flat fee. The registration fee for this year's Symposium is $40.
To find full details about the virtual Symposium, just click on the "Symposium" tab from the CALP Portal's main navigation menu, or go to
Registration closes Friday, September 10th at 4:30 pm.
If you’re already registered to attend:
- Check out our Attendee Survival Guide HERE or go to the Symposium Planning Tools under the Symposium Tab.
- Please make sure that your mailing address on your registration form is current because we will be mailing the attendee packages following the registration deadline.
REMINDER: *NEW Join a Book Club and then Meet-the-Author in October – deadline extended to September 3rd at 2:00 pm!
- Choose one of our pre-selected books and join a Book Club
- Attend a Book Club with your peers on September 8th (International Literacy Day) about the book
- Attend the Symposium Meet-the-Author Session on October 1st to meet the author of the book you chose
Authors and Book titles include:
Richard Van Camp Book: Gather
George Couros Book: The Innovator’s Mindset; Empower Learning, Unleash Talent, and Lead a Culture of Creativity
Timothy Caulfield Book: Relax, Dammit! A User's Guide to the Age of Anxiety
Join a Book Club CLICK HERE (deadline September 3rd at 2:00 pm) and Register for the Meet-the-Author Session at the Symposium CLICK HERE (deadline September 10th at 4:30 pm)!
REMINDER: *NEW Symposium “Spoke” Application is now open!
At this year’s virtual Symposium we will be exploring a new model for virtual and in-person engagement called the “Hub & Spoke” model and we are looking for CALPs that are interested in hosting and/or joining a “Spoke”.
Spokes are a fun way to engage. We know that you can’t join us centrally at the Hub in Edmonton so here’s an opportunity to get together as a small group of attendees to debrief after sessions, view keynotes and ceremonies, celebrate the awards presentations and network.
For more information about applying to Host a “Spoke” CLICK HERE!
Spoke application deadline is Friday, September 10th at 4:30 pm.
Upcoming CLN Trainings and Connections Cafés
Register for the following CLN Trainings that have upcoming registration deadlines and spaces still available!! Click on the name of the training to get to the registration page directly. If the training is full please add yourself to the wait list. Please note if a training is not posted below, then the deadline has already passed. 
9 – CALP Guidelines 101
15 – Introduction to Adult Foundational Learning Coffee Hour (online). Registration to open September 9th.
20-21 – Psychological First Aid (Killam)
8 – Holding Safer Spaces (11 weeks online - Fridays). Registration to open September 9th.
13 – New Staff Webinar (online). Registration to open September 9th.
14 – CALP Essentials Coffee Hour (online).
14-15 – Engaging with Indigenous Learners University nuxełhot’įne thaaɁehots’į nistameyimâkanak Blue Quills
19 – CALP Database Bits & Bytes: Learning Opportunities (online). Registration to open September 9th.
20 – Ask Us Anything about Metis and Indigenous Worldview
20 & 27 – Writing Out Loud (online). Registration to open September 9th.
21 – CALP Essentials for Family Literacy Programs (3 Thursdays). Registration to open September 9th.
21-22 – Psychological First Aid (Jasper)
26 – CALP Database Bits & Bytes: Registering Learners (online). Registration to open September 9th.
3 – Introduction to Adult Foundational Learning (5 Wednesdays online). Registration to open September 9th.
23-24 – Psychological First Aid (Smoky Lake)
30 – Adult Literacy and Learning In Family Literacy Programs (3 Tuesdays online). Registration to open September 9th.
Regional Connection Cafés
Grab a coffee, bring a question, share a success or challenge, stay for five minutes or settle in for all ninety. These monthly Connections Cafés are an opportunity for you to connect with CALP staff in your region.
In addition to the fall trainings, here's a mentorship opportunity to check out:
Explore Funding Opportunities for your CALP
Have you started looking for the possibilities for your CALP to expand on the work that you do by accessing additional funding? If you want to think outside the box to meet the learning needs of your community, then take this unique opportunity to meet one-on-one and learn from Jane Brenner.
Jane was the executive director for Taber and District Community Adult Learning Association for over 35 years. By accessing funding from private, business, foundations and government sources, Jane intentionally and successfully grew her CALP’s programming and services to be a robust learning hub in Taber and surrounding communities. Explore these topics and more with Jane:
- Community needs assessment to identify learning needs
- Prioritizing needs and targeting funding sources
- Proposal writing
- Managing multiple projects
- How to shift the mindset in your CALP to think outside the box
- What’s next, if the needs of the community go outside the mandate of the CALP grant?
To book a time with Jane, go to:
Upcoming Fees for Online Training
CLN is pleased to bring you a great program of training and PD opportunities for the 2021-22 program year. Based on your feedback, we will be offering a variety of online, in-person and blended delivery models, so you can access the PD that is right for you, in the way that works best for you!
Training and PD for the CALP system will continue to be subsidized through our funding from Advanced Education. Please note, however, that we will have a new schedule of fees for online training coming into effect this October. Our goal is to ensure that training remains accessible and affordable for CALPs across the province.
Online training fees will range from $20 to $40 with some trainings such as Connections Cafés, New CALP Staff Webinars, CALP Database Bits & Bytes and a few others still being offered free of charge.
New CALP Staff Portal Accounts
As a new CALP year begins, and hopefully we have all had a chance to rest and recoup over the summer, we look forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones!
If you have new staff and need them set up with a Portal account please have them submit a request for an account at, accounts are typically activated within 24 hours.
Also, don't forget to order new staff nametags. You can order them here This page can also be found under the About Us tab on the Portal.

If you have any questions about new Portal accounts or nametags please contact Shaba Qureshi at or 877-485-4926 ext 2.
PDAC Membership: Expression of Interest
On behalf of Alberta Advanced Education, Community Learning Network is seeking staff and/or board members of CALP-funded organizations to complete and submit the attached Expression of Interest to be considered for membership on the CALP Professional Development Advisory Committee (PDAC). Membership is for a two-year term, with two meetings held in person (October and May) and one meeting held online (February). PDAC has greatly appreciated and benefited from the unique regional perspectives of CALP staff who have participated in the committee, and looks forward to continuing conversations to strengthen CALP professional development in the province.
Committee Purpose: PDAC provides a formal, ongoing platform for stakeholders involved in the development and/or delivery of literacy and foundational learning to come together to share perspectives and information on the professional development (PD) needs of the CALP system, the effectiveness of current system investments to meet those needs, and to provide advice to Alberta Advanced Education on priorities that could advance the CALP system vision.
Alberta Advanced Education will determine membership to ensure broad-based representation from across the system with the following perspectives:
- Experience in the delivery of Literacy and Foundational Learning, including a range of modes of delivery
- Understanding of CALP PD needs
- Ability to provide strategic provincial and regional perspectives
- Ability to provide strategic urban and/or rural perspectives
- Ability to provide strategic Indigenous perspectives
Please see the PDAC Terms of Reference, where you will find information about the committee objectives and administration, as well as the roles and responsibilities of its members. Please note, PDAC members are reimbursed for all travel, accommodation, and meals incurred as a result of PDAC meetings.
PDAC is currently seeking non-permanent members representing the following perspectives:
- CALP-funded organization – West-Central region
- CALP-funded organization – South region
- Granting Council-funded organization – Urban Calgary
- CALP-funded with specialization working with Indigenous (foundational) learners
To submit your expression of interest, please complete the online form at
Thank you for considering this opportunity to share your perspectives, and help to shape the CALP professional development system in Alberta.
This Month's Spotlight

This month's spotlight is International Literacy Day - September 8, 2021.
Since 1967, International Literacy Day (ILD) celebrations have taken place annually around the world to remind the public of the importance of literacy as a matter of dignity and human rights, and to advance the literacy agenda towards a more literate and sustainable society. Despite the progress that has been made, according to UNESCO, literacy challenges persist with at least 773 million young people and adults lacking basic literacy skills today.
The theme for this year is “Literacy for a human-centred recovery: Narrowing the digital divide”.
The COVID-19 crisis has disrupted the learning of so many children and adults at an unprecedented scale due to numerous literacy programs having to stop provide or lessen their modes of operation.
The pandemic was a critical reminder of how important literacy is. ILD 2021 will explore how literacy can contribute to building a solid foundation for a human-centred recovery, with a special focus on the interplay of literacy and digital skills required by non-literate youth and adults. It will also explore what makes technology-enabled literacy learning inclusive and meaningful to leave no one behind. By doing so, ILD2021 will be an opportunity to reimagine future literacy teaching and learning, within and beyond the context of the pandemic.
To find out more visit
"In the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed."
– Kahlil Gibran
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Community Learning Network
c/o University of Alberta - SCSC - South Campus
2-211, 11610 – 65 AVE NW Edmonton, AB T6G 2E1
P: 1-877-485-4926
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