Outstanding Contribution to Community Adult Learning Award
Each year, the CLN Board of Directors recognizes the achievements and dedication to community-based adult learning by presenting the Outstanding Contribution to Community Adult Learning Award at the Literacy and Learning Symposium.
The award is open to CALP-funded organizations, employees and board members. If you know of a CALP who has been exceptional throughout the 2018-19 year, please submit a nomination.
You can find the Award guidelines and the nomination package by clicking here.
You can send your nomination to board@calp.ca.
The deadline to submit a nomination package is June 30, 2019.
2018 Winners of The Outstanding Contribution to Community Adult Learning Award:

Left to right: Monica Sczyrba-Davis, Lucille Provost and Annie Steward from Pincher Creek Community Adult Learning Program.

Left to right: Kelsey Lievers, A.B.L.E. Medicine Hat presents the award to Sharon Mickey of LEARN Medicine Hat.
Ruth Hayden Family Literacy Practitioner Award
The Centre for Family Literacy established the Ruth Hayden Family Literacy Practitioner Award to recognize accomplished individual practitioners and the family literacy field as a whole. This award is presented annually to an individual who has excelled in the field of family literacy, maintained a high quality of service to participants and the community, and shown a commitment to their own learning.
You can download the information package and nomination criteria here.
To submit a nomination, email: info@famlit.ca with the subject line “Attention Ruth Hayden Award Committee” or mail to: Centre for Family Literacy, 11642 142 Street, Edmonton AB T5M 1V4
Please submit nominations by 4:30 on September 6, 2019.
2018 Winner of the Ruth Hayden Family Literacy Practitioner Award

Left to right: Kim Chung from the Centre for Family Literacy with award winner Monique Sedlar, Rocky Community Learning Centre.
Council of the Federation Literacy Award
The Council of the Federation Literacy Award was established by Canada's Premiers in 2004, to recognize outstanding achievement, innovative practice and excellence in literacy. The awards are presented annually, in each province and territory, to celebrate the excellence of educators, volunteers, learners, community organizations and businesses in many areas, including family, Aboriginal, health, workplace and community literacy.
Nominations for the Council of the Federation Literacy Award in Alberta will be open soon. Watch the CALP Portal for the information and nomination package in the coming weeks!