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CALP Connections: March 2019
Literacy and Learning Symposium 2019 Registration is Live!, Save the date - Spring Regional Meetings and more...
Welcome to March everyone!
Let’s hope that L.M. Montgomery’s beautiful description of the coming of March rings true for us.
“March came in that winter like the meekest and mildest of lambs, bringing days that were crisp and golden and tingling, each followed by a frosty pink twilight which gradually lost itself in an elfland of moonshine.” - Anne of the Island, by Lucy Maud Montgomery.
March is a busy and exciting time for all programs across the province. Serving on the CLN Board provides members with opportunities to look beyond their immediate program and gain a picture of CALPs across the province. Being part of the Community Learning Network team, we contribute in different ways to shaping the various supports that CALPs receive. This extensive, responsive support includes the provincial Regional Support Network, which includes PD, training and support for CALPs from our partners at Rural Routes, NorQuest College, Calgary Learns and ECALA, the annual Literacy and Learning Symposium, and soon, Spring Regional Meetings. It is so rewarding to see how all of these resources increase the capacity of the CALPs, for the benefit of the learners.
Following is an example from the Read On Adult Literacy and Learning Program, of how learner needs become requests for training for CALP practitioners, and how this specific training (Tech Talk) is now benefitting learners. Being able to use different devices, be it a tablet, iPad, smartphone, etc., has been increasingly identified as a learner need in many programs. Now thanks to Tech Talk training, Read On has used strategies to develop specific classes. In partnership with Lethbridge Family Services – Immigrant Services. Read On has developed the Women’s ESL Technology Class for a group of newcomer ladies. This supplements their Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) classes. With the assistance of translators, these keen, enthusiastic ladies from Eritrea, Sudan, Nepal, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo are acquiring the digital literacy skills and experiences that they will need for everyday life activities and future employment.
Serving in my second term on the CLN Board is so rewarding, and I encourage others to join us. Our diversity is our strength, and we thrive on all the ideas board members bring. We are passionate about the work we do! At our upcoming Regional Meetings you will have the opportunity to meet CLN board members and staff. Be sure to ask any questions you may have, including questions about serving as a CLN board member.
Lil Radley CLN Board of Directors
Literacy and Learning Symposium 2019 Registration is Live!
We are excited to announce that the Literacy and Learning Symposium 2019 registration is now live!
CLN invites you to join us Tuesday, September 24th to Friday, September 27th at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel West Edmonton. It will be another year of extensive and stimulating PD and training, with a lot of much needed networking time, as requested by you on your evaluations from last year's Symposium.
Our theme this year is LEARN, CONNECT, CONTRIBUTE. These 3 words represent the 3 ultimate outcomes in the CALP PD Logic Model and we believe they are tied to and intertwined with all of the work that each of us do in the CALP system.
This year will be a 3.5 day Symposium, and once again you will have the option of attending all 3.5 days, from Tuesday to Friday, or just the day or days that suit your needs for one flat fee. The registration fee for this year's Symposium is $175.00.
Bursary available for CALP-funded Board Members
New this year! CLN is pleased to offer a limited number of bursaries for Board Members of CALP-funded programs or organizations to attend the Literacy & Learning Symposium 2019. The Board Bursary includes:
- Full Symposium Registration Fee (Value: $175.00)
- Registration includes one ticket to attend the Literacy & Learning Symposium Awards Banquet on Thursday evening
Note: The bursary does not include travel and/or accommodation expenses.
For more information on how to apply, please click here.
Adult Learner Speaker Recommendations
The Symposium planning committee is in search of an Adult Learner Speaker for the Awards Banquet on Thursday, September 26th. If you know an adult learner who would be interested in speaking about their learning journey within CALP, please click here to find out how you can submit your recommendation.
Symposium Planning Tools
To make things easier for Symposium attendees, and to help you have the best learning experience possible from the Symposium, we have provided a planning, registration and accommodation tipsheet. It answers questions you may have about to how to register, when and how to book accommodation, costs and much more. You can find the tipsheet, along with some other useful tools at
To find full details about the Symposium, just click on the "Symposium" tab from the Portal's main navigation menu, or go to
Registration will be open until Friday, September 13.
Save the date - Spring Regional Meetings
Registration is now open for the 2 West-Central regional meetings (March 20 in Stony Plain and April 16 in Edson). Please see below for links to RSVP.
For all other regional meetings, please be sure to save the date. Keep an eye on the CALP Portal for registration, which will open for all other regions soon.
Regional meetings are an excellent way to network with others in your region, learn more about PD and training available in your region, and to hear the latest news from CLN.
- West-Central: March 20, Stony Plain. Register here. Deadline to RSVP is March 13.

- East-Central: April 4, St. Paul
- South: April 9, Lethbridge
- West-Central: April 16, Edson. Register here. Deadline to RSVP is April 2.
- North: April 25, Grande Prairie
- Central: April 30, Big Valley
Your Regional Support Staff will send out detailed information in the weeks to come.
New Family Literacy Training Pilots Update
Please note that there have been some changes to the dates and locations that were posted in the February CALP Connections.
Save the date! A new training workshop developed specifically for practitioners delivering Family Literacy programs within the CALP system will be available this spring. This training is based on Family Literacy theory, principles and best practices, and is intended to help CALPs plan and deliver Family Literacy programs that focus on adult literacy and foundational learning outcomes. Dates for the pilots are:
- May 2 – Calgary
- May 9 – Grande Prairie
- May 16 – Medicine Hat
- May 23 - Stettler
- May 28 – Edmonton
Watch the CALP Portal for registration to participate in one of the pilots, and for updates on this exciting project.
Indigenous Learning - Creating Safer Spaces Coming Soon!
We are delighted to announce the Indigenous Learning: Creating Safer Spaces workshop is being held on May 15 in Lac La Biche and on May 30 in Lethbridge.
This workshop explores the issue of culture and its implications on Indigenous Learners in the CALP model. Concepts such as cultural bias and history are touched on from the experience and perspectives of CALP staff and Elders working together in the context of their communities in Northern Alberta. Participants will reflect on questions to ask themselves about their work in the context of their own community, and take away some practical strategies to help create learning spaces and opportunities that more effectively meet the needs of Indigenous learners.
Please make a note in your calendar, and watch the CALP Portal for the launch of registration.
ABC Life Literacy Canada: Change of Regional Contact
Those of you who have met and/or connected with Allison Nichol Longtin as Programs Coordinator from ABC Life Literacy Canada, will be happy to join us in congratulating her on her new role at ABC Life Literacy as Programs Specialist, working on a more national scale.
The new Programs Coordinator for Alberta is Paul Bishop, and he can be contacted at or 416-218-0010 ext 127.
We will still be seeing Allison around Alberta, though. She will be joining us as a presenter at the Literacy and Learning Symposium 2019.
We wish her the best of luck in her new role!
"Let the beauty of what you love be what you do."
– Rumi
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Community Learning Network
c/o University of Alberta - SCSC - South Campus
2-211, 11610 – 65 AVE NW Edmonton, AB T6G 2E1
P: 1-877-485-4926
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