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CALP Connections: April 2023
CLN Board of Directors: Call for Applications, Nominations for the Outstanding Contribution to Community Adult Learning Award and more...
A Message from Melanie Patenaude, Director & Governance Committee
Who can believe it’s April already? April is such a fun month. We can play practical jokes, see our gardens and yards blooming and eat chocolate eggs! Here are a few silly spring jokes to get us in the April frame of mind:
Q: Can February March? A: No, but April May.
Q: Why is everyone so tired on April 1st? A: Because they’ve just finished a long, 31 day March.
For CLN, April means it’s time to start thinking about the Outstanding Contribution Award.
This is an honour that is given to an exceptional organization or individual annually at the Literacy and Learning Awards ceremony. Every year, the Community Learning Network accepts nominations from our learning community so we can acknowledge and recognize the amazing work that is done in the CALP world.
If you would like to nominate a deserving person or organization, please consider the following:
- Do you know someone/an organization that has shown leadership in the adult learning field?
- Do you know someone/an organization that has inspired their CALP or community to advance lifelong learning?
- Do you know someone/an organization that has increased their capacity to better meet the foundational learning needs of adult Albertans?
Please consider taking the time to complete a nomination form with a letter and references. Submissions for the 2023 Outstanding Contribution to Community Adult Learning Award will be accepted until June 30th. Click here for the nomination form.
One more item for April: have you ever considered joining the CLN Board? The Board is currently looking to recruit new members as some are nearing the end of their terms. I can say that my time on the Board has been a learning journey. I was very hesitant at first, thinking that I didn’t have the required skill set. However, I quickly realized that I was being welcomed, trained and made to fit right in.
During my time we had training sessions, professional development opportunities and a chance to sit on other committees and learn even more. If you think this sounds like something you’d like to try, please take a moment to fill out the application. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact myself or any other CLN Board member.
CLN Board of Directors: Call for Applications
The CLN Board is currently recruiting Community Adult Learning Program Staff and/or CALP Board Members to join our team.
We’re looking for individuals who will bring their passion and their skills to the CLN Board.
If you are interested in learning more, please see the CLN Board Member Position Description or email
CLN Board Nomination Application Form
The CLN Membership will elect our Board for 2023-24 at our virtual Annual General Meeting on September 28th, 2023.
Nominations for the Outstanding Contribution to Community Adult Learning Award
Just a reminder the Call for Nominations for the Outstanding Contribution to Community Adult Learning Award's deadline to submit a nomination package is June 30th.
Each year, the CLN Board of Directors recognizes the achievements and dedication to community-based adult learning by presenting the Outstanding Contribution to Community Adult Learning Award at the Literacy and Learning Awards ceremony in September.
The award is open to CALP-funded organizations, employees and board members. If you know of a CALP or an individual who has been exceptional throughout the 2022-23 year, please submit a nomination.
Read the guidelines and nomination package for more information or to fill out a form.
You can send your nomination to
2023 - 2024 CLN Membership Renewal
CLN membership renewal will be sent out by direct email to your organization's primary contact at each CALP during the week of April 10th.
Watch your email for the link to complete your CALP's renewal. In the meantime, you can get a head start by reviewing and updating your CALP's information in the Portal's online directory at
To keep your membership in good standing, confirm a few details about your CALP and provide up-to-date contact information for key staff.
A few things to keep in mind before you receive and fill out the renewal:
- If your organization receives a CALP grant directly from Skilled Trades and Professions, you are automatically a member of the Community Learning Network
- There are NO membership fees or dues to pay
- Our membership year is aligned to the CALP grant cycle, from July 1st to June 30th
Renewing your CALP's membership helps us ensure our records are current, so we can continue to keep you up to date about training and networking opportunities, new resources and supports, and other CALP news from across the province.
The deadline to complete your membership renewal is Wednesday, May 31st.
If you have any questions, or if your CALP has not received the Membership Renewal form by April 24th, please contact Ellen Rodgers at or call the provincial office at (1-877-485-4926) ext. 2
Literacy and Learning Symposium 2023
REMINDER: Symposium 2023 Registration Deadline is April 21st!
CLN invites you to join us at Symposium 2023. It will be another year of extensive and relevant PD mixed with connecting and networking time, as requested by you on your evaluations from our last Symposium.
Our theme for 2023 is:
SPARK: Learning. Connections. Inspiration. Curiosity. Innovation.
The dates are:
Tuesday, May 9th to Wednesday, May 10th – Virtual event
& Thursday, May 11th to Friday, May 12th – In-person event in Edmonton.
If you haven’t checked it out yet, here’s a glimpse of what to expect.
Registration Reminder:
This year, there are 2 types of Symposium registration options to select from:
- Virtual + On-demand Access - $50 per person (*includes all virtual event sessions, plus select recorded sessions)
- In-person All-access - $150 per person (*includes all virtual event sessions, plus select recorded sessions, plus all in-person sessions)
To find full details about the Symposium, just click on the "Symposium" tab from the CALP Portal's main navigation menu, or go to
And don’t forget to check out our Symposium Planning Tools and Hotel Booking information (for the in-person event) and more on the tabs on the left sidebar.
Attendee Survival Guides
If you’re already registered to attend:
- Check out our Virtual Attendee Survival Guide HERE.
- Check out our In-Person Attendee Survival Guide HERE.
Chime Live Virtual Event Platform for both the Virtual and In-person Symposium
Each registered attendee will be given access to our custom Chime Live virtual event platform, which will provide all the information, activities and entertainment that attendees will need for a great Symposium experience.
Our customized virtual event platform will have schedules of daily events, a Main Stage for the virtual livestream sessions and more. This is also where you will find the links to Zoom virtual breakout session links for your sessions based on your personal agendas. And Chime Live will also be used as our virtual event App during the in-person Symposium with similar features.
A week before the Symposium starts, registered attendees will be given access to Chime Live via the attendee’s email and a pre-set password, which will be sent directly to each attendee via email.
Note: Passwords to access the event will be automatically generated, and will NOT be the same as your CALP Portal password.
Please be on the lookout for the email from Chime Live in your inbox on Tuesday, May 2nd. If you do not see it in your inbox or spam folder, please email Pat Halewich, Symposium Event Lead, at
We hope to see you at Symposium 2023!
Upcoming Professional Development Opportunities
Check registration deadlines and register soon for April events. Registration is also now open for all May events.
April Events
Apr 13 (3 Thursdays) Numeracy and Foundational Math Instruction In this numeracy and math instruction series we’ll explore the difference between numeracy and math, assessing a learner’s strengths and needs (including our own, as instructor-learners), and features of good numeracy and math instruction.
Apr 25 Plain Language for Your CALP Do you have experience writing plain language documents? Do you manage or maintain your organization’s website or social media pages? Would you like to improve your plain language skills? In this workshop, you’ll apply plain language principles and techniques to review your own marketing materials including brochures, posters, websites, and social media platforms.
Communities of Practice
Apr 13 Holding Safer Spaces Open Circle - Prioritizing You! Are you your last priority? Do you find yourself taking care of others before yourself? What are the emotions and experiences that emerge the most often, and that you struggle to label? Join the circle, explore the places we go…, and move towards better work/life balance.
Apr 17 CALP Community Talks About..Volunteers Let's talk. CLN is creating a monthly space for a conversation highlighting one topic that is timely, responsive and relevant to your work. Each topic will be important, impactful and/or actionable because it will be drawn directly from the experiences and wisdom from the field. Regardless of whether you are new or experienced CALP staff your perspective is welcome, and we hope you can join us next month to discuss “Volunteers.”
Connection Cafes
Join your peers in informal online discussions facilitated by CLN staff. Grab a coffee, bring a question, share a success or challenge, and settle in for five minutes or all sixty.
Literacy In Action 2023-2024
CLN would you like to invite you to be part of a training that will help you develop your own knowledge and skills for delivering adult literacy programming.
CLN is looking for CALP practitioners (staff, literacy instructors, and facilitators) with some literacy experience and who work directly with literacy learners to participate in this 8-month blended learning.
As a participant in this learning program, you will:
- expand your professional knowledge and practice to work with literacy learners
- gain confidence as a literacy practitioner
- apply your learning to the ways you work with adult literacy learners
- be part of a collaborative and supportive learning environment
- be compensated for your commitment to the learning
- have your expenses covered to attend any face-to-face training
"I was able to build skills to increase my confidence, help my volunteer tutors, make me more willing to try new things and open up new avenues of learning that I didn’t know existed!" - Past participant
Check the CALP Portal here for further details on the training.
For information on the 2023-24 Strengthening Literacy Practices training contact Rebecca Still at (780) 554-6376 or
This Month's Spotlight
Who wants to learn more about teaching math?
In CALP we know that as adults we are motivated to learn when the learning helps us fix a problem or challenge. When it comes to math, some of the situations that may motivate an adult learner to improve their math skills include an entrance requirement for further learning, calculations in the workplace, prepping for the GED test, or helping kids with math homework. Math skills can also be beneficial in everyday tasks like shopping for the best price, understanding phone bills, sewing, building, home decorating, sports statistics, or managing money.
When learners come to you looking for help to get better with math, do you know where to access resources or training for your tutors and instructors to teach to the learners’ goals?
"A flower blossoms for its own joy."
– Oscar Wilde
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Community Learning Network
c/o University of Alberta - SCSC - South Campus
2-211, 11610 – 65 AVE NW Edmonton, AB T6G 2E1
P: 1-877-485-4926
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