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CALP Connections: May 2019
Feedback on CALP PD Needed - Joint Provincial PD Survey NOW OPEN!, Building Capacity to Support Better Mental Health in the Community Adult Learning Program and more...
It is that time of the year again. We are coming to the season of wrapping up one year and looking ahead to new opportunities. I am looking forward to several days of training in May and incorporating what I learn into our plans for the fall. It is also the time to plan for involvement in the wonderful network we call CLN.
As you schedule in some awesome training opportunities for the coming year, have you considered what you could learn as a member of the CLN Board?! I have found serving on the Board to be a great way to understand the creativity and breadth of the adult learning world, to meet leaders in our field, and to explore best practices for governance, risk management, program and staff evaluation, and much more.
Each of us has so much to learn from each other, and you have a valuable contribution to make. Please check out the application form on the Portal – deadline is June 30!
Lois Polege Adult Learning Coordinator, Flagstaff Community Adult Learning Secretary, Community Learning Network
Feedback on CALP PD Needed - Joint Provincial PD Survey NOW OPEN!
This year, CALP-funded PD providers have collaborated to develop a single year-end survey to get your feedback on the CALP PD system.
We know that “survey fatigue” is a real thing!
So this year, whether you have accessed CALP-funded PD, services or supports from the Community Learning Network, Calgary Learns, ECALA and/or Rural Routes, this survey will allow you to provide anonymous feedback and input into the CALP PD system.
Your input helps us measure the impact of the work we do to support you in your role. Completing the survey is one of the ways YOU can contribute to actively shaping the CALP PD system.
Because several organizations are distributing the survey link, you might receive the same link several times. Please take the survey only once. We encourage everyone on your team to complete the survey, regardless of their role within your organization. We want to hear from all staff, instructors, facilitators, and volunteers who are accessing CALP Professional Development opportunities. To help us collect a broad range of responses and reach potential participants, please distribute this survey widely within your organization.
This survey will stay open until June 7, 2019. It is administered through NorQuest College. All data collected through this survey is anonymous and is not linked to your e-mail or your organization.
After completing this survey, you will have a chance to enter a draw to win an Apple iPad.
This survey takes 10-15 minutes to complete.
Link to the survey:
This survey is administered through NorQuest College. If you have any questions about the survey, you can contact
Building Capacity to Support Better Mental Health in the Community Adult Learning Program
CLN is excited to announce a new project we are undertaking with funding and support from the Advanced Learning and Community Partnerships Division of Alberta Advanced Education.
In recent years, there has been a lot of conversation about the need for increased access to resources and training for CALPs to help them support learners who may be facing mental health challenges.
In December 2018, representatives from the Advanced Learning and Community Partnerships Division of Advanced Education attended the PDAC meeting in Edmonton, where they shared information about how some of our partners in Post-Secondary are addressing similar needs.
They also facilitated a round table discussion on what members of PDAC saw as needs related to mental health within the community-based learning system. PDAC members talked about the number of learners who come to CALPs who may be struggling with a variety of issues, and how this impacts the work “front-line” CALP staff are doing every day. The committee also identified the need for CALP staff to have strategies and tools to look after their own mental health.
Based on these needs, CLN applied for a grant to support training for CALPs. Over the next 2 years, CLN will be coordinating mental health training for CALPs across the province. As we initiate this project, we are researching recognized trainings that are available across Canada to find a program that is well-suited to the CALP context.
And we would love to hear from you! What are the biggest training needs you have in this area? Is there a training or a certificate that you have taken or heard of that you think would be beneficial to others doing similar work in the CALP system? Please log in to the CALP Portal and join the discussion HERE.
New e-Learning! Creating Safer Spaces: Indigenous Learning in the CALP Model
We are delighted to launch a brand new e-Learning workshop this spring, based on the curriculum developed by Manning Community Adult Learning and Literacy:
Creating Safer Spaces: Indigenous Learning in the CALP Model
In 2017, Kelly Schram and Georgina Supernault started a journey to develop this training for CALP practitioners to encourage and support them in creating safer spaces for Metis and Indigenous learners. Some of you have attended their training, delivered with Elder Dave Matilpi at the Literacy and Learning Symposium in the last few years, and some of you will have the opportunity to attend the training this month. We are also pleased that they will be presenting their training again this September at the Symposium.
The materials created to accompany this face-to-face training have now been adapted for this brand new e-Learning.
Check it out under the e-Learning tab on the CALP Portal at (member login required).
The online workshop includes background and context information, suggested strategies for how you can incorporate some of their learnings into your CALP's practice, and a series of "Reflections Worksheets" to help you ask questions about your own community, to help you in your own local context at home.
Last spring, Kelly and Georgina sat down to share the story of their journey. Watch the video to learn about their journey, their project, their work, and the important role relationship plays in all of these.

Many thanks to Kelly and Georgina for working with us to adapt this into an e-Learning for CALPs.
We'd also like to offer our sincerest thanks to the Elders and Advisors who supported Kelly and Georgina in the development of these materials, and who shared their wisdom so generously:
Dennis Whitford Dave Matilpi
Members of the Aboriginal Advisory Committee:
Tally Robinson Mike McGillvray Deanna Somerville
New Training and Resources in Development to Support the CALP System
Last fall, CLN posted a call for applications for funding through Advanced Education’s CALP PD Development Stream grant.
We are pleased to announce that three projects have been approved, and are now in development.
The application process included two stages – submission of an initial concept paper, followed by submission of a full proposal. Members of PDAC, representatives from Advanced Education and CLN staff were part of the committee that reviewed all the submissions.
The three projects that were approved include:
Gathering to Learn: A Field Guide to Attracting and Retaining Adult Foundational Learners (Carya, Calgary)
Carya will develop a field guide that shares evidence-based practices on how to engage adult foundational learners through relevant, adaptable learning experiences, with a focus on learners with multiple barriers. The guide will be developed through engagement with the CALP community, and through research of tested and proven strategies. When the Field Guide is completed, there will also be face-to-face training opportunities, and train-the-trainer opportunities to ensure the guide remains accessible, useful and relevant to CALP practitioners.
Holding Safe Spaces for Adult Learners (Stettler & District Community Adult Learning Council)
Holding Space, as defined by Heather Plett, is "the willingness to walk alongside another person in whatever journey they're on without judging them, making them feel inadequate, trying to fix them, or trying to impact the outcome." The learning opportunity will consist of a 1-day in-person workshop and then have an 8-week online peer-group, learning module.
Essential Skill Units for In-Home Family Literacy Programs (Literacy for Life Foundation)
This project will focus on developing a resource curriculum of units that outline explicit activities to build adult’s essential skills (reading, writing, numeracy, document use, oral communication, technology use, critical thinking, working together and life long learning) through a family literacy approach, within the home environment. While this project is geared specifically to the home environment, we anticipate that many of the strategies and activities will be easily adapted to use with adult foundational learners in other contexts.
We are happy to be working with the development teams for each of these projects, and we look forward to sharing updates with you as the projects progress.
Board Bursary Applications and Adult Learner Speaker Recommendations
Bursary available for CALP-funded Board Members
We still have a limited number of bursaries available for Board Members of CALP-funded programs or organizations to attend the Literacy & Learning Symposium 2019.
The Board Bursary includes full Symposium Registration Fee (Value: $175.00). Registration includes one ticket to attend the Literacy & Learning Symposium Awards Banquet on Thursday evening Note: The bursary does not include travel and/or accommodation expenses.
For more information on how to apply, please click here.
Adult Learner Speaker Recommendations
The Symposium planning committee is still taking recommendations for an Adult Learner Speaker for the Awards Banquet on Thursday, September 26th. If you know an adult learner who would be interested in speaking about their learning journey within CALP, please click here to find out how you can submit your recommendation.
The selected speaker will receive:
- $200 Honorarium
- Travel Expenses (mileage and one night accommodation at Symposium hotel), if required
- 2 tickets to the Literacy & Learning Symposium Awards Banquet (for speaker and a guest)
The 2019 Literacy and Learning Symposium is Tuesday, September 24th to Friday, September 27th at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel West Edmonton. It will be another year of extensive and stimulating PD and training, with a lot of much needed networking time, as requested by you on your evaluations from last year's Symposium. For more information please click here.
Poster Presentation & Banner Display at Symposium
Symposium is all about making connections, building relationships and learning together!
Our Symposium Goals include:
- Enhance engagement
- Provide networking opportunities
- Provide learning opportunities
- Encourage communities of practice
- Celebrate milestones
- Recognize outstanding achievement in the field
Again this year, we are offering a special way for you to make connections and showcase the great things happening at your CALP!
Poster Presentation & Banner Display Opportunity
The Symposium planning committee would like to invite CALPs to create poster presentations or bring banners to be displayed.
Strategically placed where people come to connect and socialize, posters and banners can provide a different kind of learning and networking space that is enjoyed by Symposium delegates.
We think the Literacy and Learning Symposium is a great place to show your skills in aligning excellent programs and projects with vibrant visual presentation! This is a skill worthy of acknowledgement, so we will also include the chance for Symposium delegates to view and vote on a "People's Choice Award" for best Poster Presentation or Banner Display!
If you are interested in showcasing your CALP, please complete the online form.
Poster Presentation & Banner Display Options Available
You will have the option to choose which area you would like to display your poster or banner and display areas will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.
Three options are available for the Poster Presentations or Banner Display:
- LLS 2019 Social - Tuesday, September 24, 2019 from 4:30 – 6:00 pm
- Registration Foyer - Wednesday, September 25, 2019 from 8:00 am – 4:30 pm
- Registration Foyer - Thursday, September 26, 2019 from 8:00 am – 4:30 pm
Note: See Poster Presentation and Banner Display Information and Guidelines for full details.
Space is limited! Poster Presentations and Banner Displays will be accepted on a first come, first-served basis so be sure to submit your online form no later than Friday, June 28, 2019.
The 2019 Literacy and Learning Symposium is Tuesday, September 24th to Friday, September 27th at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel West Edmonton. It will be another year of extensive and stimulating PD and training, with a lot of much needed networking time, as requested by you on your evaluations from last year's Symposium. For more information please click here.
Reminder for Call for Nominations: 2019 Alberta Literacy and Learning Awards
Just a reminder the call for nominations is open for the 2019 Alberta Literacy and Learning Awards.
Outstanding Contribution to Community Adult Learning Award
Each year, the CLN Board of Directors recognizes the achievements and dedication to community-based adult learning by presenting the Outstanding Contribution to Community Adult Learning Award at the Literacy and Learning Symposium.
The award is open to CALP-funded organizations, employees and board members. If you know of a CALP who has been exceptional throughout the 2018-19 year, please submit a nomination.
You can find the Award guidelines and the nomination package by clicking here.
You can send your nomination to
The deadline to submit a nomination package is June 30, 2019.
Ruth Hayden Family Literacy Practitioner Award
The Centre for Family Literacy established the Ruth Hayden Family Literacy Practitioner Award to recognize accomplished individual practitioners and the family literacy field as a whole. This award is presented annually to an individual who has excelled in the field of family literacy, maintained a high quality of service to participants and the community, and shown a commitment to their own learning.
You can download the information package and nomination criteria here.
To submit a nomination, email: with the subject line “Attention Ruth Hayden Award Committee” or mail to: Centre for Family Literacy, 11642 142 Street, Edmonton AB T5M 1V4
Please submit nominations by 4:30 on September 6, 2019.
Council of the Federation Literacy Award
The Council of the Federation Literacy Award was established by Canada's Premiers in 2004, to recognize outstanding achievement, innovative practice and excellence in literacy. The awards are presented annually, in each province and territory, to celebrate the excellence of educators, volunteers, learners, community organizations and businesses in many areas, including family, Aboriginal, health, workplace and community literacy.
Nominations for the Council of the Federation Literacy Award in Alberta will be open soon. Watch the CALP Portal for the information and nomination package in the coming weeks!
2019/20 CLN Membership Renewal Coming Soon!
CLN is getting ready to send out the 2019/20 Membership Renewal later this month. 
A few things to keep in mind before you receive and fill out the renewal:
- If your organization receives a CALP grant directly from Alberta Advanced Education, you are automatically a member of the Community Learning Network
- There are NO membership fees or dues to pay
- Our membership year is aligned to the CALP grant cycle, from July 1st to June 30th
The membership renewal form will be sent out by direct email to the Senior Staff person at each CALP. To keep your membership in good standing, all we ask is that you confirm a few details about your CALP, provide up-to-date contact information for key staff, and let us know a bit about your CALP's other staff.
This helps us ensure our records are current, so we can continue to keep you up to date about training and networking opportunities, new resources and supports, and other CALP news from across the province.
The Canada Life Literacy Innovation Award is Now Open
ABC Life Literacy is now accepting submissions for the 2019 Canada Life Literacy Innovation Award (LIA). The award honours innovation in the creation and delivery of adult literacy or adult-integrated family literacy programs by a community organization in Canada.
There is one top award of $20,000 and up to four honourable mention awards in the amount of $5,000 each. The money won can be invested into the program and/or applied to operating funds.
Submissions will be accepted until 5pm EDT on Monday, June 10.
To get more information and to apply please go to the ABC Life Literacy LIA page.
"Literacy is not measured by education alone, but by a commitment to lifelong learning, both formal and informal."
– Harwood, C.
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Community Learning Network
c/o University of Alberta - SCSC - South Campus
2-211, 11610 – 65 AVE NW Edmonton, AB T6G 2E1
P: 1-877-485-4926
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